7. Friendly Guy

Not Anymore
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Jimin’s grandfather had been awake when Jimin returned from the river bank. He wanted to enjoy his time in the river bank but some boy had to disturb his peace. He was bothered by how the boy had those knowing looks over his face, almost like the boy had figured something out about Jimin which he had tried to hide. Jimin didn’t know what but it surely bothered him very much, so he couldn’t possibly wait and talk to him, instead he left without a word. It was not like they would meet again anyway and even if they did, the boy would surely not remember him.

Jimin was brought out of his chain of thoughts when his grandfather suddenly woke up. “So Jimin guess what? We’ve found a house and we’re moving there after we have our breakfast okay?”

His grandfather had a huge house in his previous hometown, and he also owned a small factory so it was no surprise for Jimin when he heard that his grandfather had already bought a house for them to live in. But he did feel guilty for causing troubles for his grandfather. His grandfather looked at him with knowing eyes and ruffled his hair while smiling warmly towards him.

“You don’t have to feel guilty my dear. You are my dear grandson so I will do anything for you. Instead I am very happy to spend money on you. I can finally shower my love on you and turn you as healthy as I am. God you are so thin! Come here.”

With that he patted at his lap indicating Jimin to come. Jimin smiled a little at their little thing. It had always been a way of his grandfather to soothe him. When Jimin was smaller he would go and stay on his lap as his grandfather would gently caress his hair but now all he did was lay his head on his grandfather’s lap and kneel down his leg on the floor. But it felt good nonetheless, as wrinkled warm hands softly caressed his hair, soothing him to forget all of his problems.

Later that evening, they finally moved in to their new house. The furniture was already there so they didn’t have to do much. The house was a two-storey house with enough room for the two of them or maybe even more. Their house was the last house of the colony and only one house remained at the side of them. The two houses didn’t have much difference in the appearance. Jimin looked inside, the house was painted light faded colors and it gave a light and warm feeling inside. Honestly, Jimin loved how soft the colors were. It felt right. He looked around to choose his room and place the little bag he had of him.

Soon everything was finished, so he and his grandfather went out to do some grocery shopping. “Minnie dear, you have to go and some clothe shopping too since you brought so little okay?” His grandfather had said but honestly it was too late to be shopping so Jimin promised to it later in the future. Once finished, they returned home and his grandfather immediately dragged him to meet with their only neighbor.

Jimin carried the small gift his grandfather had bought for their neighbor while his grandfather rang the bell. After a moment of waiting, the door finally opened to reveal a woman in her late thirties and a huge dog, which ran away as soon as the door was open. Jimin couldn’t even tell if it was a dog for a while as both of them were startled by the sudden moving animal. But gathering themselves, his grandfather finally spoke out. “Hello Miss, I am Park Hae Som and he is my grandson Park Jimin. We just moved beside your house and your new neighbor.” Jimin’s grandfather then gave a low bow to the woman before them. A small smile appeared in her face after they had been introduced. She also bowed down in return and gladly accepted the gift they had prepared. They turned around to leave but were interrupted by the woman. “Wait! If I am not wrong with my moving intuition then you have not joined the electricity, water supply and gas supply right? Why don’t you and you grandson have dinner in our house tonight? It would be our pleasure to have guest once in a while.”

The invitation didn’t look appealing to Jimin who just wanted to return and get cozy with his bed. He didn’t want to do any kinds of socializing but yet she was correct, they had not yet joined those kinds of sources as it had already been late when they had reached their houses. So his grandfather gladly accepted the offer thanking in return. Being the friendly and open minded guy, Jimin’s grandfather was making friends with their new neighbor in no time whereas Jimin stood beside his grandfather awkwardly.

As if noticing the awkwardness their new neighbor spoke, “Ah! We are making you bored by the adult talks aren’t we? How careless of me. Come here, I have a son of 16 years old, maybe you two can get along and talk. Go upstairs with him; I will call you down when the dinner is ready okay?”

Without waiting for reply she began calling for her son. Jimin stood there helplessly. He wanted to stop her. He didn’t want to be together with anyone. He didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be somewhere alone. He wanted to curl up on the bed and sleep the night. Without even noticing, Jimin was being pulled by a boy until they came in front of a door and brought inside a messed up room. Jimin looked at the boy as he desperately ran around the room supposedly cleaning his room which instead turned out more into hiding the stuffs from view. He sat quietly on the floor looking at the boy all the while. Somehow the boy looked familiar but who was it? He was sure that he had never seen the guy but yet it felt like they had met before.

After a while the boy finally settled down and turned to face Jimin. He held out a hand towards Jimin and said, “Hi my name is Jungkook. You’re Jimin right?”

Jimin looked towards the hand offered to him and back at the boy. The boy surely was frie

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jiminiepabo_O #1
Chapter 17:
jiminiepabo_O #2
Chapter 16: nooooo kookie!!
jiminiepabo_O #3
Chapter 16:
jiminiepabo_O #4
jiminiepabo_O #5
Chapter 12: Better not mess with home hoseok
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Chapter 11: Hoseok and Jimin missing? uh oh!
Chapter 7: finally jungkookie u came thank god u came. i'm sooo happy to see u
jiminiepabo_O #8
jiminiepabo_O #9
Chapter 6: yay koookieeee
jiminiepabo_O #10
Chapter 4: I CAN WAIT! But i can ant wait till kookie arrives ! until then hwaiting authornim!~