
She will make you live her crazy life

WARNING: This chapter contains a few swear words. If you are uncomfortable with it, don't read this chapter. Otherwise read on. :D


Rose's p.o.v

She grinned from ear to ear as I approached her. Her dark red hair perfectly framed her face which made her grin even more cockier.

-'Hey there beautiful. Looking for me?' she smirked, taking a sip of my drink. I wouldn't have thought she remembered me, since there were so many people in the bar.

-'Pff. In your dreams.' I rolled my eyes. I secretely liked her flirtiness. '-since when are you allowed to drink my cocktail?'

-'I didn't know it was yours' she smirked. Of course she knew.... why wouldn't she?

-'So you admit you were looking for me.'

-'No, I wasn't looking for you. I was just out for fresh air you know.'

-'Ohhhh~ you are a smooth one, aren't you? I like you... I...I mean your personality. '

Was that a blush on her face? I couldn't see it clearly in the faint lights, but I think I saw it right.

-'Wow stuttering aren't we? You are cute, performance girl.' I had to or my face would turn as red as a tomato for the hundredth time this night.

-'Thanks. Ummm....would you like to have a drink with me?'

-'Hmmm... Let me think about it...'
I pretended to think with my hand on my chin. I shouldn't answer her question right away. She mustn't think I'm head over heels for her. What?! I said that again? I'm not in love with her... It's just a teeny tiny little crush? she looked impatient by now so I should answer her. 
-'Okay, I didn't have any plans for tonight anyway....'

-'kay then. could you find us a more private place?'

I scanned around the room before she could go away, and I found one.


There was a sofa in the corner of the room.
It was quiet enough I think. It was far from the stage, there weren't lights in that corner, so we wouldn't be that noticable. Perfect. Noone could interrupt me and my ewww.... so cheesy.... I have to control myself.

-'What about that one?' I pointed behind her.

She turned around to take a better look at it.

-'Wow, how did you found one so quickly? It was always so crowdy... anyway I'll go order, you could wait for me there.'

Wait. She said it has always been so crowdy. Was she a player and I'm just her new toy for this night? I hope she isn't like that.

I nodded and went to the corner. I wanted to sit down, but in the last second someone beat me to do it.
A boy sat down with a smirk on his face.
He had a black snapback on, and he had white hair. He was in a completely black outfit which made a big contrast with his white skin. He looks like a typical player.

-'What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?' He wiggled his eyebrows. Do i look like I'd fall for a lame pick up line? Well, a rejecting line wouldn't hurt, would it?

-'Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing!' (A/N: If you couldn't catch the joke here, read again the lines they said ;-) )

-'How about I ask your number and you give it to me?'

-'How about I don't give it to you and you leave me alone?' I folded my arms in front of me.

-'You didn't answer my question.'

-'I did. Just now. Isn't it too obvious? Shut. The . Up.,  and go away you .'

-'I see... you're playing hard to...'
he didn't get to finish his sentence when two other boys plopped down beside him.

-'Hey bro looks like you already found our toy for tonight. A pretty hot one actually'

They grinned evilly which pissed me off even more. Before I could say something the chic came back with our drinks and stepped in.

-'Leave her alone.' she sad coldly.

-'ooooh wow a second toy' cooed the boys-'it's even better like this'

-'I. Said. Move.' said the performance girl. Wow. She's scary. Speaking of. I haven't asked her name yet. I'll have to ask her after we're done with this.

-'Well then.'

She grabbed my hand leading me away from the boys.

-'Where are we going?' I whispered into her ear.

-'To the restroom. They can't follow us there.'

-'Good idea'

-'I know'

I looked behind my back. The boys were following us like they were a bunch of hyenas.

Thankfully we made it to the women's restroom before they could do anything. I was shocked a little bit. Things like this didn't often happen with me.

-'I think we should stay here until they go away. Here's your drink.'

-'Oh thanks.'

We sat there in an awkward silence for the next 5 minutes. Neither of us knew what to say, so we just sipped our drinks without talking. Mine was a bit weird had a bitter taste, but sweet and salty at the same time. I just shrugged it off. Must be a new exotic cocktail.

-'Do you think they gave up? I asked as I leaned to the wall, resting the back of my head against it. It was cold there, my back was freezing.

-'I don't know. Wait here. I'll go and peek at the door.'

She came back with a smile on her face. 

-'They aren't here anymore. Wanna go out and dance?'

I felt slightly dizzy, and tired but I didn't want to waste this opportunity.

-'I'd love to' I said as I took her hand and smiled at her. 

We wanted to go out of the restroom, but we saw the boys in front of the door.

-'Oh crap' I said as I dragged her back to the restroom. I heard the boys coming too, so I pushed her into one of the stalls, then I quickly went in too, but I slipped. She fell onto the toilet and I fell too. On top of her... straddling her lap.

I didn't even had time to react properly. The boys came in. I heard the nearing of the footsteps, but I didn't dare to turn around in my awkward position.

-'There's no one here guys.'

-'That's weird. I swear I saw someone coming here. Anyway let's go. We shouldn't even be here.'

I heard the door clicking.
I let out my breath that I didn't know I was holding. Suddenly, I became aware of the situation I was in.

I gazed into her brown orbs that were so close. If I wanted to, I could've count her eyelashes.I didn't even realise that she was staring at my lips. I didn't know what to do.




A/N: Ahhh. I'm so tired now. I think I'll take a nap. Also. I'd love to know watcha' think will happen next :D

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next. :)
Awkward84 #2
Chapter 3: Waa i authornim update soon hahaha pleaseeeeee^^
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next update!! Fighting author-nim!!
Daruark #4
Chapter 2: Interessing :3
Chapter 2: So intense >///<
Chapter 1: Ahhh what a cliphanger author :3
But this is really good!
StuckInFandoms #7
Chapter 1: I alrealy love this, can't wait for an update