Locked up

She will make you live her crazy life

A/N: Sorry I didn't update for almost four weeks...TT I was on spring break, and I thought I'll have loads of time to finish this chapter, but I was barely home. School is taking up my time too. Sorry guys....TT 



Rose's p.o.v.

The next day

I woke up to the sunlight hitting my lids. I slowly sat up from my lying position. My head hurt like hell, and I stink too. .

I looked around the room I was in. The walls were light pink, and the furniture was white. There was a little table near the balcony door.
It looked rather cheap, but it was beautiful. The room's athmosphere was somehow warm and comfortable too. The sheets were messy beside me. I must've slept with someone. No, not that way. I was fully clothed so that just wasn't possible.

I got up from the bed and stumbled a few steps because of my sleepiness. There was something on the table. It was an orange sticky note. I walked closer to take a better look at it. 


'Sorry I borrowed your money 😜 '

My heart started to beat rapidly upon remembering the beauty from last night.


We wanted to go out of the restroom, but we saw the boys in front of the door.

-'Oh crap' I said as I dragged her back to the restroom. I heard the boys coming too, so I pushed her into one of the stalls, then I quickly went in too, but I slipped. She fell onto the toilet and I fell too. On top of her... straddling her lap.

I didn't even had time to react properly. The boys came in. I heard the nearing of the footsteps, but I didn't dare to turn around in my awkward position.

-'There's noone here guys.'

-'That's weird. I swear I saw them coming here. Anyway let's go. We shouldn't even be here.'

I heard the door clicking.
I let out my breath that I didn't know I was holding. Suddenly, I became aware of the situation I was in.

I gazed into her brown orbs that were so close. If I wanted to, I could've count her eyelashes.I didn't even realise that she was staring at my lips.

End of flashback

Now I remember. Oh god, how my heart raced in her presence, and how I flushed at every sentence of her's. Yeah. She stole my heart. But I somehow can't remember what happened after the boys went out. Everything is just black after that.

Wait, what?

She took my money?

What the hell?!

I suddenly heard the door slamming shut. No way. She was still here? That little...ugh. I have to get my money back and I also want to know her name, and what happened last night. Maybe getting her phone number wasn't a bad idea too.

-'Wait!' I shouted as I ran out to the corridor. I caught a glimpse of red turning on the corner but she was too fast.

I ran back into the room. If she went out to the street, I could still see her from the window. Sadly, I didn't see her on the street. I sat down on the bed, and felt something under my . Perfect. She left her phone and car keys here. She have to come back for it sooner or later.  All I have to do is to wait.


Several hours later, 2PM

I heard footsteps on the corridor. 'So she wanted to avoid me, didn't she? Well, that's not going to work.' I smiled mischievously as I stood next to door.

The door opened, and I saw a dark silhouette walking into the room. I pounced on her from the back, pinning her to the wall with my hands on .

-'You have to tell me what happened last night.'



-'Humphungffch' She started to make weird gestures with her hands.

- 'Oh sorry' I said as I retreated my hands from . 'Now talk'
I said, but she was fast, and pushed me hard. We started to have a little fight. She was way  stronger than me, and pushed me backwards. I didn't sense the bed behind, and my breathe stuck in my throat when I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed, straddled by the redhead.

-'It feels like dèja vu, doesn't it, sweetie? Just the roles are switched now.' She said with an evil smirk.

-'Now if you don't mind, I have to go.' She got up. 'Oh wait, I forgot something.' She turned around, scanning the room with her eyes.

'You mean this?' I asked as I held up her phone between my thumb and index finger.

'Yeah, that. Thanks.' She grabbed her phone out of my hand, making her way to the door.

'Where do you think you are going?'

'I got what I came for. I'm out of here.' She said as her hand held the doorknob.

'Don't you need your car?'

'I do need it, why?'

'And where are your car keys?'

Her hands went to her pockets.

'I have them in my... pockets...' Her last word was a hushed whisper.

'Can't find them?' I smirked. Now I got you. 'Probably because I have them.' I casually flipped the keys on my index finger.

'Give them back to me' She growled lowly.

-'Why would I?' I tried to , and that's when the problem happened. I didn't concentrate enough on the keys, and I throw them accidentaly and they flew out of the window. I didn't dare to turn around, I felt an icy cold stare on my back.

'Oops' I laughed awkwardly. 'Sorry'

We stood shoulder to shoulder facing the balcony door, looking out of its' windows.

'Great. Now what should we do?'

'If we go to the balcony, we could probably see where it fell.'

'Okay, let's go'

At first we didn't see anything, because it was really dark, but we found a light switch next to the balcony's door. After ten minutes, we still didn't find the keys.

'Listen, I think we should go back inside, and try to find another way to get out of the room.

I just gave it up, I don't think we would find keys like that.

'No, wait! I found it!'

Did she really find it? If it's just a prank, I will push her off of the balcony.

'Look! The keys are on the neighbour's balcony. I can't reach it from here. One of us have to jump.

There was a one or two metre gap between the two balcony.

'And who is going to jump?' My voice cracked. I'm afraid of heights.


'Why me? I don't want to.'

'You don't have a choice. You threw the key out of the window, now you go after it.'

'Urghh. Fine.'

I grabbed the railing with one hand, and my other hand was held by the little devil beside me, so I wouldn't fall off.

'I swear I'll kill you if I fall off of here.' 

I stood on the edge of the railing 
with trembling limbs. I was lucky we were just on the third floor tho... 
I heard nothing except my pounding heart and the mantra that kept going inside my head, like a broken record: 'Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down. It's going to be fine. Don't in' look down.' I jumped with all my power, and shut my eyes thightly. I opened my eyes only when I felt safe ground underneath my feet.

Suddenly another weight crashed into me from the back.

'Why did you jump too?'

'I don't know, I just felt like it.'

'Okay...' She's weird...

The key was on the edge of the balcony. I quickly picked it up. I was ready to go back.
I wanted to jump, when I heard a loud thud from behind, and I lost my balance. For a second I thought I was going to fall off of the balcony, but I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist, keeping me still. Just as she was going to let me go, the door behind us opened, and a middle-aged woman came out to the balcony.
Her face lit up as she saw us:

'Oh, wow, what a cute a couple!' She squealed. 'Wait...what are you two doing on my balcony?!'
Her happy expression changed to angry in a flash.

'Now we should run' The chic grabbed my hand, running past the woman, into the room. Is she out of her mind? We quickly found the way out of the apartment, and ran down the stairs from the 3rd floor as fast as we could. The weather was pretty good outside. I would say, I even felt hot, because the chic still held my hand while running.

-'Get your asses back here you two!!!' The woman was really angry by now, but we were out of her sight, so she stopped calling us.

-'Huhh. That was close.'

-'Yeah' she agreed.

-'Oh,  I forgot to ask your name when we met.'

She stared at me for a second.

-'It's Jisoo. Kim Jisoo.'

-'Your name is cute. '

-'Ahh, thanks.' 

She shyly looked down at her feet while blushing. First she was cocky, flirty like a tiger, and now she turned into a cute little kitten. How am I supposed to deal with that? She turned her head, looking at me with those big brown eyes.

-'You know my name, but I don't know yours' yet.'

-'My name is Park Chaeyoung. Rose for short. '

-'Rose... you're beautiful just like the flower you are named after.'

My heart started to beat rapidly against my ribcage. Gosh, I'll seriously have to see a doctor when I get home. There must be something wrong with m heart...

-'Umm, sorry to ask, but where are we? This place isn't familiar.'

-'Uhh, about that...'

She looked uneasy. I started to have a bad gut feeling. The woman just now wasn't even korean, and she didn't freak out when she thought we were a couple.










-'We are in New york.'


A/N: I know it's so crappy, but ahh... I'll leave it like that.

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next. :)
Awkward84 #2
Chapter 3: Waa i luv.it authornim update soon hahaha pleaseeeeee^^
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next update!! Fighting author-nim!!
Daruark #4
Chapter 2: Interessing :3
Chapter 2: So intense >///<
Chapter 1: Ahhh what a cliphanger author :3
But this is really good!
StuckInFandoms #7
Chapter 1: I alrealy love this, can't wait for an update