2 둘

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 Death \'deth\ n: The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of of the life of a person or organism.          

                 Before she packed, she summoned Akira to make the arrangements for her.

"I got it, Akira! Now, I want you to get me a luxurious penthouse in Seoul, South Korea. And enroll me to a school there ASAP!" She yelled as she rushed around to pack her stuff. Akira didn't know what was going through the young princess' head but did her requests nevertheless. 

Why Seoul?

             As if a little voice in the back of her head asked, she stopped her actions. Yeah, why Seoul? Why not somewhere big like United States? To her, it was the first thing that popped up in her mind. But in reality, she felt a weird tugging sensation. Like something was about to happen. And she was going to make it happen. 

           Luna rushed around her room to make sure she was done packing everything. Yes, she was except for one. The picture. The only family picture she has. She held it on her hands and decided to bring it with her anyways. She called for Akira again to make sure her wishes were granted.

"Yes, they are. You are to go to Wings High and they expect you to be start tomorrow morning." He said and she nodded at him. Seoul.

             In truth, she has been up there in the world. She was just around 8 years old and she found herself to be in a different place after an experiment of her new powers. There, people wore curious clothing and there were huge temple-like buildings. Luna, as her young little self, was wandering around and crying for her father and Akira, stumbled to a little boy who looked around her age. He introduced himself as Hansung. The boy took care of her and believed that she was indeed not from his world. There she developed a friendship with him and was very fond of him. Although she was merely 8 years old, she loved him. She spent time with him as much as she could but his half-brother Dansae didn't really seem to be fond with her. There, she had the time of her life since she had the chance to be with actual children. Not demon servants or Damien as her playmates.  But alas, a time has come for her to go back. Hansung asked for her to return and she agreed. Of course, she went back several years later. Unfortunately, she wasn't expecting any of it. As she looked for Handing and his home, she found only his family. When she asked for Hansung, his mother broke down in tears. Luna wondered what has happened and then his mother uttered out one word that made her walls crumble down.

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