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Well. She was an interesting one. I wish I would've gotten her name. And why had I snapped at her? I needed to learn to control my temper.

But I wasn't sure if I would be able to even go near her again. I could smell her blood... and it was tempting to drink it right then and there. But my desk was right beside hers, so I guess I'd have to learn to control myself in that department as well.

It was now 2:45 in the afternoon; school had just let out, and I was putting my things into my backpack. I know you're probably wondering why I decided to go to school in the first place, being '20' and all, but I thought it would be a good way to meet a girl. I didn't know the first one I met would be the one I fell for, though.

As I closed my locker, I peered down the hallway at her and her friend. She was smiling and laughing as he talked to her. I wondered if they were a couple. I'd seen them together almost all day. When they started walking on my way, I quickly spun around and walked downstairs; making my way out of the school.

So tomorrow, I needed to do two things; find out her name and is she was dating the short guy. (A/N: It’s Jimin btw xD)

As I walked down the street, my stomach rumbled loudly. I hadn't eaten all day, and I was starving. I set my backpack on the ground as I spotted a woman sitting on a bus stop bench. I slowly walked up beside her, making her look up at me nervously.

"Uh, can I h-help you?" she stammered. I felt my fangs come out as I grabbed her arm, ran her into the woods nearby, and pinned her against a tree. She was now shaking very badly and breathing heavily.

"Y-your eyes... t-they're r-red..." she whispered as I tightened my grip.

"I know." I said quietly. "Now try not to move too much... this will only take a second."

And before she could say anything else, I sunk my teeth into her neck, draining her body of every last drop of blood. She screamed and squirmed around for a few seconds, but soon her body was a lifeless corpse. I dropped it on the ground as I backed away, the excess blood off my lips. I waited a minute until my fangs and red eyes went away and then made my way back out to the sidewalk. I grabbed my backpack, looked around, and made my way to the abandoned house I'd taken residence in.

I felt a bit exhausted, but vampires can't and don't sleep. It at times, but I've gotten used to it.

So I decided I'd spend the rest of the night feeding so I wouldn't be starving again at school tomorrow. I put on my leather jacket, zipped it up, and ran out into the woods to look for my next victim.


It was only 9 pm a

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