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When I got to school the next morning, I peered over at her as she put her things in her locker. Her friend was nowhere to be found. As she slammed her locker shut and walked into home room, I noticed that she looked a bit exhausted and stressed. Her eyes were bloodshot and there were bags underneath them. I wondered if something had happened.

I gathered my things for my first hour class and walked into home room behind her. As she sat at the back of the room with her friend, I slowly took a seat two desks away from her. Would now be a bad time to ask for her name? She didn't look too well. Still, I needed to know.

So, I turned to her and smiled. "Uh, annyeong…" I said.

God, why did I have to be so awkward.

She slowly turned to me and forced a smile. "Oh, Taehyung-ah, annyeong."

"So I never got your name yesterday." I went on.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I'm Gaeul, and that's my best friend Jimin," she said, motioning to the short guy. I nodded at him, and he slowly nodded back. He looked suspicious of me or something. Before I could say anything else, the bell rang and the announcements started. I leaned back in my desk and tried to listen, but I overheard Gaeul whispering something to Jimin.

"Jimin-ah, I wouldn't lie to you. There was a dead body in my yard."

"I know you wouldn't lie. I'm just saying, maybe you were short on sleep and just imagined it." She sighed and slouched in her seat as the announcements finished.

. I didn't know that was her yard. I'd sort of lost control of myself last night and left the bodies I drained scattered around. But once I'd gained my sanity back, I went back for it and dragged it into the woods. So Gaeul had seen it, told Jimin about it, and by the time he'd gotten there, I had already dragged it away.

Well, I guess now I knew where not to dump dead bodies. If she ever found out I was the "murderer", she would probably call the police on me or something.

As soon as the bell rang, Gaeul and Jimin stood up and gathered their things. I picked up mine and headed to my first class, which was history.

When I walked in, the teacher walked up to me and smiled. "Good morning, Taehyung-sshi," he said. "You can sit anywhere you'd like. I don't have a seating chart for my class." I nodded.


"Kamsahamnida." I said, heading to the back corner of the room. I set my books down on a desk, sat down, and watched everyone else flood in. And one of those people happened to be Gaeul.

When she noticed me sitting at the back of the room, I smiled at her and gave a little wave. She nodded at me and slowly made her way to the desk beside mine.

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked.

"Not at all," I said. She sat down and placed her books on the desk as the bell rang. We all got out our notes and started writing things down as Mr. Song began lecturing us.

"I didn't know you had this class," Gaeul suddenly whispered to me. I slowly turned to her. She didn't take her eyes off her notes.


"I didn't know you had this class either," I whispered back. She pulled b

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