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195 years. For 195 years, I've been this bloodsucking monster.

I used to have a normal life. On my 20th birthday, my best friend, Haera turned me. I haven't seen her since.

We were in the woods at the time, taking a walk, just having a nice chat. I didn't have many friends at the time, so I had no one to celebrate my birthday with but Haera. Our conversation got pretty in-depth, to the point where we were telling each other our deepest, darkest secrets... and that's when she told me she was a vampire.

Of course, I didn't believe her at first. I laughed and asked numerous times if she was joking. It began to really piss her off, so she took her anger out on me. She shoved me against a tree, pinned me against it, and sunk her sharp fangs into my neck. I screamed in pain and tried to get away, but it was no use. I could feel my body being slowly drained of its blood, and I began to feel light-headed. I wondered when or if she would ever stop.

But finally, she backed away, wiping with the back of her hand. I glared into her red eyes as she smiled evilly at me. "My work here is done."

And before I could say anything to her, she ran off at an impossible speed, and I never saw her again.

So here I am, 195 years later. Technically still a 20-year-old. And still searching for my partner.

When you're turned into a vampire, you develop a small sun tattoo on your wrist. It doesn't mean anything; that is, until you find your partner, or true love. When that happens, the sun will morph into a moon, and you have to immediately turn your partner into a vampire. I'm not sure what happens if you don't, but I wouldn't want to find out.

I've lived off human blood my entire existence; every once in a while, when I got hungry, I'd find someone walking their dog or taking a run and take them into the woods to drink all their blood. If you asked me how many people I've killed, I wouldn't be able to count. There have been way too many.

And while doing all that, I still haven't had any luck finding my partner. One day it dawned on me that perhaps I should move to a different city, with new people; after all, I've been living here my whole life. I needed a change anyway.

So, I packed my things and traveled to London, hoping I would have more luck there.


As I took my seat in Literature subject, I noticed our teacher, Mrs.Park, writing something in big letters on the board. I turned to my friend Jimin; he looked confused as well.

"Jimin-ah, Do you have any idea what she's writing?" I asked him. He shook his head.


"No idea. Must be pretty important if she's writing that big, though." I laughed as I opened my binder and put the date on a page for today's notes. The bell rang, and everyone scurried into their seats as Mrs. Park stood at the front of the room.

"Afternoon, class!" she said cheerfully. She stepped to the side a little and motioned to the boa

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