Chapter 3

I got my eyes on you

Mark’s POV

Jackson is standing there. Far away but he’s looking at me. He begins to walk towards me. The distance between us is getting smaller and smaller. My knees are shaking and now he remains right in front of me… I cannot see his face clearly because my sight is blurred.

Suddenly he grabs my shoulders and in one go he shoves me so that I loose my balance and fall…

I’m falling…


I automatically wake up with wide opened eyes and a heavy breathing.

“It was a dream”

Just a dream. Sometimes I dream about Jackson, but it’s the first time he came towards me, looking at me and even touching me…

But why did he shove me?

What’s the time? Oh, time to get ready for college.


1 hour later


I’m at the college now and while going to the gate where I usually meet with JB, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pick it and a message pops up:


Hey Mark. I stay at home today. I’m sick. Sorry bro L

I start typing back:

It’s okay, get well soon and eat a lot, bro!


I will, don’t worry about me, Mark!

Hey I don’t understand my homework, help me


Why are you doing your homework now?? you should take a rest!


Just one question…


JB, SLEEP! See you soon


I’m waiting for his response but I think he really get to bed. That’s good.

I need to get a book from my locker and just as I open it a paper falls out. I pick it up. The paper is folded neatly giving a strong smell. A woman perfume…

This is for sure a love letter.

I’m not very popular at our college but there were girls who proposed to me, I always turned them down with lame excuses. They would tell me how smart and handsome I was.

But honestly I think, if someone or I compare myself with Jackson… against him I have no chance!

I start to read the letter:


My beloved Mark,

you are the most beautiful person I know! I love your blond hair and your brown eyes. You are tall and skinny and that makes you perfect. Everything about you is great! You are a stunning beauty!

I love you…


And like I thought a simple written love letter up to me with compliments about my look. Nowadays everyone is just interested in appearance and don’t care about character and so….

I wonder who wrote this.

I close my locker and see a girl standing next to me. But it wasn’t just any girl, Suzy, one of the most popular student who everyone in the college knows, is standing here! What does she want from me?

“You read the letter?” How did she now about it?


“And, what’s your answer?”

“Huh, you mean- you wrote this??” Now I’m really confused. This girl hangs around with every good looking boy and of course Jackson is one of them. I can’t stand it, when she follows him wherever he is, brag about him and having physical contact with him…I hate her! And as if I want to go out with this snake in the grass and who knows what bad intentions she has….

“Don’t be shy, I know you-“

“No!” I interrupt her and she looks shocked. Haha, she sure has never expected to be turned down by me. She gives me a poisonous glance, tosses her hair while turning around and walks away. Maybe on the way to find her next victim…


2 hours later


I’m on my way to the changing room, PE starts soon. I love PE I do sports in my free time. But there’s also another reason why I love it: Jackson…

I tie my left shoe and I see the last students coming in and changing their clothes quickly. One of them is Jackson standing directly opposite of me and pulling off his T-Shirt. With every move he bares his hot abs….and ohh those arm muscles….

How can a man be THIS PERFECT?!

My eyes are slowly moving further up stopping on his beautiful eyes. These deep brown eyes are addicting, I could just stare at them forever….

Just in this moment he looks up and our eyes meet by chance. The eye contact remains for a few seconds but then out of shock I quickly turn around to avoid his eyes. Hahh, why do I have to be this obvious? Gosh, it’s getting warm here… Sooo embarrassing….

While waving air to my face to cool down I slowly turn my head around to look if he’s still standing there but luckily he already headed out with Bambam.

Hmm… I just hope he doesn’t think bad or weird of me….

I tie my other sports shoe and go after them to the gym. Mr. Shin, our PE teacher, is waiting for us with a basketball in his hands…and that means we’ll play basketball today. YES, I love playing it and I can show my skills to Jackson.

“So, as you all can see we are going to play basketball.”

Jackson shows an excited face expression while Bambam just rolls his eyes unmotivated to do sports.

“Someone here who played it before and have experience?”

I raise my hand and I see Jackson doing the same.

“You both, come here and demonstrate us how to dribble this basketball and throw it into the basket.”

Jackson grabs the ball dribbling it and reaches for the basket making a perfect hit.

“Woow” The students and me too are amazed by his professional movements.

Suzy cheers him loud “Jacksooon~,you have to show me how you did it!” leaning on him which makes my left eye tremble and I push my tongue against my cheek. I really want so badly to throw a basketball hard on her head… I try to pull myself together but Jackson laughing along with her isn’t making it easy for me.


1 hour later


PE just ended and during the basketball match it came to my mind, that I should start with the biology project and I have to let Bambam know about that so that he works, too. Now I’m in the changing room he seems to be already gone so I’ll ask him tomorrow. I just need to get some books from my locker and then I can go home.

Just when I give the password to open my locker I suddenly notice someone coming to me.

Jackson stands in front of me, showing a smirk….




Heyy, again sorry for mistakes

Somehow this chapter is maybe a bit boring,too. it ends at least with cliffhanger,soo XD

I'll give my best to write better. :)

Hope you leave me some comments and see you soon


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Chapter 4: JACKSON!!!! Did you just call Mark loser ! HOW DARE YOU !
andie41225 #2
Chapter 4: I'm excited for thissssss... I'm liking it so far and can't wait for moreee hehe
Joangel7 #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon I like your story
Chapter 2: It's so good. Update soon please
Markson2112 #6
Chapter 2: I like your story, asap author nim
Fanfictionlover101 #7
I really like the story so far, I look forward to the next chapter!