Memories from the past; part 1

How I Fall In Love With You


-Chapter 8;


Move on? What is it means?


I was reaching a glass of water that night. My parent’s accident kept echoed in my head. That crash sound, their worried look towards me, and their screams. Things were just too hard to accept.  I lost my beautiful awesome parents. The best things I would ask God to give their back to me. I just want to be with my parents.


It’s so hard, to moved on from the accident, and to have those busy life as a high school student. I had that thought to kill myself so I could joined my parents, months after the accident, by waiting cars to hit me. But unfortunately, there was him, saved me from the death, by pulling me to his side. I was cried at that stranger shoulder, heavily, while he was just sighed. I think he felt relieved to have me save.


He just tugged me in my back, while I kept crying on his shoulder. I know it’s not right to kept showing your weakness to a stranger, but he was my savior, I felt that blast in my tummy when he pulled me to his side. I felt so happy, he was save me, and kept on making me felt so happy.


“Miss, why are you standing there when you know that the lights is already turned green?” he asked me when he knows that my mood is enlightened.


“Just want to get rid from this hell actually. But just for you to know that actually I don’t really want to end my life like that.” I said, being shy of myself, and laugh the hell out.


“You want to get rid of yourself, miss, are you out of your mind?” He said, look at me worriedly and just sighed after that. He kept on saying, “Why do you want to get rid of yourself miss? Problems? You know you can share it with me.” He said again, clarifying his talks.


I just nodded, and started to cry again.


He moved to my side, and tugged my back again. “You know, miss, you are beautiful and even if the world seems so wrong today it was never seems so wrong again tomorrow. You just have to look at the positive side of every problem and said you can walk through it, and be the winner of every problem you have. Okay, maybe that was my strategic way of getting out from my problem, but I just want you to know that life is fair. God is fair. You have to move on, miss.” He said to me softly. I just nodded to him and give him my best smile. He smiles back at me.


Move on? Am I really needed that?




“By the way miss, what is your name?” He asked me when we were walking towards the road after he kept saying his wise words.


“You asked me that? I never thought you would ask my name.” I let out a soft giggle to him; still felt that hurt inside my heart. He was blushing and I just kept on giggled at him.


“Err, never mind it if you don’t want to give me your name.” He said and walked faster, I just know that he felt disappointed because I answered him like that.

“PARK SAEYOUNG! That was my name.” I shout to him while realized that he was got too far away. He stopped then and walked again towards me. He was blushing. And I just think he was too cute for a man to blush like that. I smiled to him.


“I never thought that you would let me know your name, miss. Saeyoung? What a cute name. So you’re a Korean?” He asked me. I nodded to him and explaining about my parents and how I ended up living in USA. He just nodded when he heard my story.


“You know what? I’m a Korean too! I’m feeling so happy to meet another Korean here. By the way my name is Kim Sunggyu. Nice to meet you, Park Saeyoung. Let’s go, I’ll drive you home.” He said again to me and dragged me to his car, awesome Ferrari car just for your information.


I let out a deep sigh when I get on his car.


He looked at me and tugged me again. I just smile.


Finally we arrived at my house. I bid a farewell to him, and he stopped me.


“Saeyoung-ah, could we meet again?” He asked me. I heard hope in his voice. He looked so fragile right there.


“Yeah, I don’t have anything to do beside of school and works.” I said to him. Smile for the last time to my savior.


He looked at me, unbelieving my words, and said a loud ‘yes’ just then. I laugh when heard him. And invite him to come inside. But he just denied my invitation politely by saying that it’s not a proper thing for a guy to be in a girl’s house in the night like this. He waved his hands to me, and said that he would see me tomorrow.  I just nodded and waved my hands to him. Soon, he drove his car away.


What a wonderful day I have today.  Maybe he was right; it was a nice thing to move on.






SHUT UP! Flower boy band! Our Myungsoo is soooo handsome! <3


Keke, sorry for the short chapter, and thank you fro all those comments you gave me! I have the urge to update because of that >~< 

Please bear my long updates, but i'll try to updates more often! ^-^


I love you my readers, and forgive me to not answering your question in this chapter. But believe me, this part is so important. haha:D

And sorry, this chapter is soooooo short T~T 


Thank you so much for reading, commenting and subscribing~



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Haven't be updated for a while, I hope this won't make you angry of me. Thanks a lot for subscribing. Love yaaaa~


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Oww don't say that ! Your fanfic rocks !!
Also please don't delete it <3 Seriously this fanfic is so much better than a lot of infinite fanfics...
And i have to say that i was SOOOO happy when i came back from school and i saw your update <3
Ohh, so she can't reject him huh ?
"the looks he had, his smile, his gestures"... So she's looking at him a lot to actually know ALL that about him isn't she ?... C.U.T.I.E.P.I.E.<3
I love how they ran all the way to the food stall, i can totally imagine them doing that, laughing and all that stuff !
She totally fell in love with him... like... head over heels XD.
Oh? So who's that ? the one she's been avoiding ? But Onnie invited him right, so it's not a bad person... Or maybe it is ? I don't know if Saeyoung can really trust Onnie...
Anyway, i can't wait for your next update <3
Oh and, random question, do you like exo ??
parkhayoung #2
@Amy-Magito thanks a lot for keep commenting :D I know that my fic is so unreal and beyond the reality, but thanks to follow up this fic. I love you <3

Yeah, she date Sunggyu. Two, no, Onnie won't marrying saeyoung's brother. She has his own boyfriend.

I'm thinking on deleting this story before, but because of you, instead of deleting it i'm updating it haha :D

OMG this comment was sooo long... i'm sorry XD
WELL, NEVERMIND. I'm so happy right now !! *dancing shinee's sherlock*
... Poor Saeyoung who lost her parents...
OMG she tried to kill herself ? Seriously, poor baby...
Oh ! I think the one who saved her is Sunggyu ! Well... I'm guessing XD
I guess she was just happy someone was saving her ! I still think it's Sunggyu, seriously !
Hm... He's so sweet, really ! But it's sad that she wants to get rid of herself, just like this. Fortunately, he's here ! (Or maybe it was just your super writing skills XD)
THEY ARE SO CUTE SERIOUSLY.... But that's all in the past... What a pity, seriously... But hey ? How come they don't recognize each other ?...
I was like "what ? Aa ferrari ?!" But then i remembered how Sunggyu's rich and all that stuff XD
Oww ! So cute ! so they're gonna meet again ! *wait, they already met again XD*
Of course it's a good thing to move on :)...
WAIT ? ALREADY FINISHED ? *disappointed*
Shut up flower boy band was such a great drama ! I loved all the actors *especially myungsoo and kim min seok !!*
So i still don't know if Onnie was really supposed to marry Saeyoung's little brother XDD...
Did she actually date sunggyu in the past ????
Was she dreaming about her past with him ? (which is probably one of the next chapters ?)
Okay, i should really stop lame-guessing...
I'm gonna wait until you update :) !
You're such a great writer <3 !
parkhayoung #5
@inspiritb2uty : OMG! haha :D yeah, they were talking about saeyoung, but she doesn't know about it. The guy, i'll reveal it soon! Thank you for reading this fic <3
parkhayoung #6
@Amy-Magito : Lol, yes she was dreaming about sunggyu :D no, she's not a , please wait for another chapter i'll reveal it soon!^-^ Thank you for keep reading this fic. <3

And yeah, wait for the answer *sorry* :p *ruuuuun!*
Oh my god! Okay,who are they they talking about? Saeyoung? Whos that guy??
OMG @the dream. I bet she's dreaming about Sunggyu !!! (wait, isn't she a then ??... Or maybe it's just me XD)
WTH @ONNIE'S BROTHER IS KIM FREAKING SUNGGYU !...Tss... I should've knew it.
L.Joe seems to have a crush on Saeyoung... Or am i wrong ? XD
"Baby" ? So it's her boyfriend? or maybe Sunggyu, but isn't it weird for a sister to call her brother "baby"? Or maybe it's just someone she's really close to? But the "your parents" makes me really think it's her boyfriend.
"you’re the one who made her lost her world"... Then, if he made her "lose her world", then maybe he's the one that caused the car accident ?...
Lastly, "Wasn’t she your soon to be sister-in-law" ?! Wow. Then... She was supposed to marry Saeyoung's little brother ? But she has a boyfriend, right ?...
Okay, i'm gonna stop torturing my brain. XD
Sungjong's so lovely <3
Can't wait for the next update !! <3
Sunny? Chansung? Nappeun Sunny!
-Nana- #10
omo...kekeke...i see were this is going and am really enjoying it.
Cant wait for the update. ^_^