Chapter 15

Me, Myself and The Busan Boy
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Chapter 15: Reminisce

WARNING!: Emotional rollercoaster ride. This is not a chapter update but just some little extras to set the mood and also to show this actually really happened. You can skip this chapter if you're not interested. 


Writing this story yesterday, I suddenly recalled that I had some screenshots of our conversation saved in my old phone. So since the fic is already angsty why not make it, even more, angsty, right? So below are some of these conversations are the inspiration to some of the chapters. And I blackened the areas to keep it confidential and private. Reading them again made me realised how crazy I was for him. I guess love is blind. So let's suffer together!



Exhibit 1: 'Jungkook' worrying about me because I wasn't texting him much that day. But you have to admit, it's pretty sweet. At that time, I must have thought of how caring he is to check if I'm doing alright. 

Exhibit 2: Remember the chapter where we had the conversation while looking at the stars? And we talked about how it will be if I was in a relationship? Yeap this was the moment. OMG the little 'yey' I replied. I swear at that time, I was head over heels over such a sweet message. Every nice gesture he does made my heart flutter. 




Exhibit 3: Yeap guys he asked me out for prom but we ended up not going together because he went with Yoojung and her friends. I wa

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NadineRoyce #1
Chapter 15: What the fck? Im shook. I thought Eunha have feelings for Jungkook, then I remember this is not a FanFic lol
NadineRoyce #2
Chapter 7: Lol. I thought this is a EunKook story
Chapter 18: Yoongi, can you get her instead :( Kookie oh Kookie, you don't deserve her
MinAhRa #4
Chapter 18: Ill say that doing that for a girl is a stupid action.
Jungkook shouldnt quit just bcuz of yoojung
Chapter 18: Short update T_T need more but concentrate on school ^^
Chapter 18: Really Jungkook..quitting the handball team for Yoojung and you are really dumb Jungkook for doing that to Eunha
Chapter 17: Sigh.... things seem to be getting complicated
MinAhRa #8
Chapter 17: I really hope that eunha will be okay
Chapter 17: wait wait. is mingyu here your savior or eunha's?? omg!
Chapter 17: The seagul stage name got me girl I was laughing no! screaming and flapping like jhope