Order: 1 slice of cake

Check Please!

Jimin was a waiter at one of the busiest restaurants in Daegu and he couldn’t help but break a sweat every day, the work was grueling and never ending; just as was the chatter amongst the others of the waiting staff about the countless nasty customers and those who were indecisive. Jimin lived in Daegu due to the work and he practically knew the scoop and gossip of all of those who lived in the area, especially his neighbors gossip. Jimin lived on the 4th floor of a 17-floor high rise, in the 28th room and the amount of times he’d hear feet above him, screaming or crying next door, or laughing from those with good company he was envious of. With a minimalist feel to the apartment, it easily became lonely and didn’t seem like much; it often accounted for his dull mood on some days.

He enjoyed work, he made enough money to hold himself over and knew plenty of people to talk to, he belonged to a fine establishment with a close knit of friends that were striving for the same thing he was, it took the lode off. The restaurant had its daily customers and its once in a lifetime odd ball customers or famous customers, the daily’s normally respected the establishment and didn’t feel the need to throw a fit when something took minutes to cook or bring out- Jimin looked forward to them.

“So, I have a strawberry pastry and an americano?” Jimin repeated back, looking over the customer whom of which was staring down at their phone “Excuse me?”

“Strawberry pastry and an americano, yes, now go get it!”  the customer yelled

Jimin shrunk back and quickly ran to the kitchen, clipping the order up on the counter overhang and preparing the customers order.

“hey, go help out table 5,” his coworker put a hand on Jimin’s shoulder “I’ll get this for you. Listen for the bell” he said smiling

Jimin graciously thanked him and ran over to table 5, flipping open his notepad and uncapping his pen, looking over to the customer whom of which was buried in his menu

“One slice of cake” He said plainly

Jimin scratched his head with his pen “Just one slice of cake, what kind of cake?”

The individual sighed, Jimin watched as he brought a hand up to his chin, rubbing it in thought before answering “I don’t know- what you recommend?”

“I personally love the Tiramisu, that is if you want coffee in your cake” Jimin watched as the individual brought down his menu away from his face and placed in on the table, his cheeks getting warm at just how handsome this customer was. Jimin laughed nervously and chewed on his pen “how does that sound?”

The individual looked up at the young waiter “Sure, get me that” he said with a wave of the hand “Thank you”

Jimin nodded and smiled, racing back to the counter to place the individuals order and at the sound of the bell, trading his note to his coworker for the strawberry pastry and hustling over to the other customer; the nasty one.

“Sir, your pastry…” Jimin handed the pastry to the male, watching as he stood up and flipped the plate, the strawberry jam clinging to Jimin’s shirt and plate smashing onto the floor.

“You forgot my Americano” The customer hissed and took his coat from the back of the chair before storming off and throwing the “tip” of 3 worthless coins onto the floor at Jimin’s feet.

Jimin sighed, his head bowing before he crouched down to the floor and began picking up the large shattered pieces of glass, placing a sign down as he grabbed the broom and swept up the rest. Once he finished with that mess he then looked down at his shirt and sighed, shaking his head and wiping his eyes with his arm. Looking around the restaurant and averting his eyes from all that were staring at him, noticeably the male at table 5.

Running back into the kitchen and opening the freezer, sitting down on the frozen boxes of strawberries and taking a moment to rip off his smock and toss it onto the floor. He gathered himself quickly and took up his smock, leaving the freezer and collectively walking out to the kitchen, picking up the Tiramisu for table 5 and starting again.

He placed the plate down on the table, keeping his eyes low from embarrassment, his voice quiet and small as he asked politely “Anything else I can get you?”

“can I actually get an americano? I’ll just take the one that’s on the counter up there, the one from the other guy”

Jimin nodded, being sure to not mess this one order up “Will do”

The male watched as Jimin quickly walked back to the counter, pushing the old coffee back and requesting a new americano. The male smiled as he watched Jimin take up the new coffee and make his way back over to his table.

“A new coffee was unnecessary but thank you, that’s very sweet of you” The individual smiled as Jimin blushed, looking down at his feet and shifted them cutely “I’ll finish up fast so you can go home, it’s nearly closing and I’m the only one here” The male watched as Jimin’s coworkers began closing up and walking out, wishing Jimin a goodnight.

Jimin shook his head, watching as his coworkers walked out the door into the night “It’s really no rush, take your time, I insist. Also, here's the receipt”

Jimin smiled and walked back into the kitchen, standing at the counter and looking down at his phone, screen shining brightly with the time of 8:45 pm. He rubbed over the screen with his phone and sighed, propping his chin in his hand, watching as the male ate his Tiramisu and drank his coffee with an unexplainable elegance. He quickly looked away as the male looked over at him, giggling to himself and slipping down underneath the counter, hands covering his mouth as he laughed, sighing and feeling the warmth in his cheeks. He peaked back up over the counter and stood up frowning at the sight of the males back as he walked out the door, throwing on his coat and sauntering down the street.

Jimin walked over to the table, taking the mug and stacking it on the plate balanced on his arm, he washed the dishes and then gathered his things to go, snatching the keys off the table; closing the blinds and turning off the lights and pushing in the chairs. He eventually made his way back to table 5 and noticed the receipt with a note scrawled down on it with $50 as a tip, quickly pocketing the money and picking up the receipt to read it.

“I’ll yell at that man tomorrow at work, it’s a shame he did that to you; you don’t deserve it and he no longer deserves his raise.

-Min Yoongi”

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Literally as I write these chapters I listen to jazz. A MOOD


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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 9: I love them so much together
mrlasagna #2
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 8: ITS HAPPENING YES. I ing love this so much. I love the jazz part and this whole fic has such a jazz vibe and I'm here for it
Isolemlysweariloveme #4
Chapter 9: You're such a tease oh my gosh why you doing this
Isolemlysweariloveme #5
Chapter 8: What kind on trickery is this?
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Chapter 6: I'm loving how this is progressing!!
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Chapter 5: Oh bless they kissed, I'm so happy!
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Chapter 7: I love this story so much omg
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Chapter 6: What happened to this chapter?
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Chapter 4: This was cute