
Not your average vampire fic

Midnight has some bad rep for being the cause of a lot of dark and scary happenings.

But really, the true danger is Midday.

So many people rushing to grab lunch, or on a coffee break.

People passing through the graveyard (that was conveniently located in the middle of town) as a shortcut from one end to another.

People tend to notice less when it's the middle of the day, so caught up in their own busy bustling lives.

Much like how people rarely look up in cities or towns, unless there's something of interest up there or it's by accident.

This is how Jungkook, the local Vampire of the town, managed to go through his every day life hanging from one of the yew trees in the graveyard.

Hanging may conjure up the image of a cloaked man folding his arms across his chest as he defies gravity by hanging upside down.

In this case Jungkook would actually crouch on one of the larger branches, leaning against the trunk for support as he snoozed.

Contrary to popular vampire belief, Jungkook had no interest in hunting people.

People's blood in today's age had a strange tangy taste, probably from having a diet of highly fatty or sugary foods.

Anyone who may have 'nice' tasting blood is hard to come by, and often athletic so even harder to catch.

In perspective it's much like homegrown vegetables versus mass produced vegetables.

Although slightly more... Gross...

So Jungkook relied more on animal blood.

(He once had to drink a cats blood when he was new to the area, something he still has nightmares about (and still has a small scar on his cheek from the cats sharp claws))

But enough about his eating habits.

Because you may be wondering what danger this vampire would hold if he wasn't going after humans.

It was an event that had only happened once, and really Jungkook blamed the local council's obsession with t down trees that are seen as a 'health and safety issue'.

He used to reside in a tree further away from the path, in the shade and which had a sturdy branch he would rest against and get his 40 winks.

However this tree had been close to the wall around the graveyard and had been deemed too unsafe for said wall (something about it's roots pushing through the wall into the path on the other side. Although Jungkook didn't really see the issue there).

So they had cut it down too a few sad branches sticking up from the trunk.

Without a canopy to hide from the sun from, Jungkook had to relocate.

The only other adequate tree was one directly about the graveyard path.

This was problem number 1.

Problem number 2 was the sturdiness of the branches on this tree weren't as good as tree 1.

Not to mention that the tree was much further into the sun that Jungkook could feel his skin burning slightly (no not sparkling) as it's rays hit him through the canopy.

All in all it was asking for disaster.

So at midday, in the middle of summer, Jungkook hung precariously on his new tree as a passer by passed by.

Except they didn't pass by.

Because Jungkook fell from the tree right on top of the passer by.

Both strangers grunted in pain as they collided.

Jungkook, still hazy from his sleep and being directly in sunlight, blinked down at the stranger he was currently squashing.

It was a man, young with golden sun kissed skin.

Jungkook was also sure if it wasn't currently scrunched into a disgruntled and in pain face, he would be considered very attractive.

The face now began to un-scrunch it's eyes, half glaring up at Jungkook as it tried to wriggle away.

'Could you get off of me?!' The stranger grumbled at him.

Jungkook gaped at him, shocked at the deep huskiness of the man's voice that definitely didn't match up with his face.

'Hello?! Are the deaf? Get. The. Hell. Off. Me.' The stranger stared pointedly at Jungkook with a frown.

'Uh' Jungkook said stupidly, finally beginning to push himself up.

He eventually got to his feet and winced up at the sun beaming down on him.

The stranger on the floor cleared his throat.

Jungkook looked back down and saw the stranger reaching his hand out.

He looked bemusedly at the hand.

'Aren't you gonna help me up?'

Jungkook nodded quickly before yanking the hand and body from the floor.

He underestimated his strength, however, and only managed to drag the man into his chest.

After their awkward almost-embrace, they separated and stood opposite eachother.

'You fall on top of a lot of people?' The stranger asked in a joking voice, breaking the awkward silence.

'Not usually but they cut down my tree' Jungkook blurted out, eyes going wide as he realised what he said. 'I- I mean no I just slipped on... A branch?'

'What were you doing up in a tree?' The stranger rose his eyebrows slightly. 'Are you some kind of peeping tom or something?!'

'My name's Jungkook?' Jungkook frowned, unsure why the stranger would presume his name was Tom.

'Right...' The stranger snorted at that. 'Well, hello Jungkook, I'm Taehyung'

They stood in silence for a moment, although Jungkook was gradually getting more and more uncomfortable in the summer heat.

'I'm really sorry for falling on top of you...' Jungkook began, not looking directly at Taehyung. 'It's not happened before but my tree and the...' He trailed off.

'Hey don't sweat it, it's not every day an attractive stranger lands on top of me' Taehyung winked at him.

Jungkook simply stared at Taehyung, shocked by the boldness.

However, their 'bonding' moment, or whatever it was they were doing, was interrupted by Jungkook finally feeling like he was getting to heated.

'I- I- have to go I- The sun I- Sorry' He stammered out before running off towards the nearest shaded area.

Which was luckily only a few metres away.

Taehyung rose his eyebrows as he watched Jungkook stagger into the shade.

Jungkook closed his eyes in bliss as he soaked up the cool air and darkness of the shade.

When he reopened his eyes Taehyung was watching him curiously.

'Are you... Insane? Like did you escape from a local asylum or something I mean not that we really have asylums anymore...' Taehyung asked, slightly stilted.

'No!' Jungkook replied too quickly. 'I'm just... Different?'


'Yeah... Unique? You peo- I mean we people like unique right?'

'We people?' Taehyung snorted, before his eyes widened. 'Oh my god you're an alien!'

It was Jungkook's turn to laugh.

'Do I look like E.T to you?'

(Because, contrary to popular belief, vampires are very up to date with popular culture... If the 80's is 'up-to-date')

'No, but we don't know what aliens look like! We don't know if they can morph their shape into humanoid things in order to pass inconspicuously through earth or- or if they can manipulate brainwaves to make them look different to us then they actually look or... Sorry' Taehyung cleared his throat and blushed slightly. 'I'm very passionate about aliens'

'I can tell' Jungkook grinned. 'I think it's pretty cool that you... Believe in that sort of strange thing...'

'Exactly!' Taehyung said excitedly, his eyes lighting up. 'I don't understand how people just say they don't believe in anything of mystery or myth like I always say that if it can't be disproved then it might be true, even if it hasn't been proved! I mean, that's most of science right?'

'Guilty until proven innocent?' Jungkook added.

'I suppose...' Taehyung nodded, smiling almost fondly at Jungkook (which was odd since they had only met a few minutes before). 'You know, I don't think I've ever met someone like you before... And not just because you fell on top of me..'

Jungkook quirked his head in confusion, unsure whether Taehyung was complimenting him genuinely or telling him in the gentlest way that he was a total weirdo.

'It's a good thing!' Taehyung amended quickly, realising that his words might've been taken negatively. 'You just seem really... Intriguing... And maybe a bit odd...'

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook bashfully.

'Oh' Was all Jungkook could say in reply. 'Thanks?'

Taehyung gave Jungkook a slightly expectant look.

'This is the point you would say how I seem really interesting and maybe slightly odd too and that you're glad that you fell on top of me from your strange tree-hugging expedition...'

'You seem really interesting and maybe slightly odd too and I'm glad that I fell on top of me from my tree... Expedition?' Jungkook repeated, causing Taehyung to laugh. 'Was that not what you wanted me to say?'

'It was but I was hoping for more emotion in your voice...'

'You seem really interesting!! And maybe slightly? Odd... But I'm so glad I-' Jungkook began, adding more emphasis to what he was saying.

'Ok ok it's fine I don't need praise that badly' Taehyung snorted. 'I do need to know why you were up in the tree though...'

'I-' Jungkook hesitated. 'I don't know if I should tell you'

'Come on! I believe in aliens, fairies and werewolves there's very little you could surprise me with!'

'I... Was asleep'

'In a tree?' Taehyung frowned.

Jungkook nodded.

'Ok... I'm sensing there's something else?'

'Slightly... I mean, sort of' Jungkook scratched his neck nervously. 'Look I don't wanna just say it so if you guess it I'll say if you're right'

'Are you... A tree hugger?'

'A what?'

'Right, what about.... A bird watcher?'

'I do enjoy watching birds but no'

'A ert?'

'What would I even e on in a graveyard?'

'Ohhh! A ghost?!'

'No, I fell on top of you remember'

'Right, right...' Taehyung tapped his chin thoughtfully. 'What about a were...owl?'

'That's not a thing'

'How do you know?'

'Because it's ridiculous'

'Ok, what about a witch?'

'Do I look like a woman?'

'Well excuse me, modern witches can be men I'll have you know'

'Not me'




'Why would I be in a tree?'


'You can't just put were on the front of animals you know'


'Now you're being stupid'

'Ok ok what about a pixie?'





'Nope, and I'm not a hobbit, dwarf or goblin either'

'Hmm, are you a mythological god?'

'Is that even possible?'




'You've already asked that'

'You might've been lying before thought I'd ask you unawares'

Jungkook snorted in reply, nervous that Taehyung will figure it out.

'Ok ok so you're none of those things... And you like spending times in trees? And you sleep in the middle of the day? And you ran towards the shade?' Taehyung grinned triumphantly at Jungkook. 'I know what you are'

Jungkook gulped.

'You're an-' Taehyung paused for dramatic effect, leaving Jungkook sweating slightly.


'Look I- wait what?' Jungkook raised his eyebrows at Taehyung.

'Or a demon... Though they're kind of the same things right since Lucifer was an angel and all?'

'I'm not an angel... Or demon' Jungkook laughed, slightly relieved but also feeling the itch to tell Taehyung what he was.


'Why would you think that am I seducing you?'

'Maybe a bit' Taehyung said with mirth in his voice, but a glint in his eyes.

Jungkook spluttered slightly.

'Keep guessing'


'Don't be ridiculous'


'I'm not that tall'

'Small giant?'

'That's an oxymoron'



'You sure?'


'Right ok... Alien?'

Jungkook sighed.

'Do you want me to tell you?'

'No no, I can guess it' Taehyung insisted.

'Fine...' Jungkook sighed again.


'We're not exactly at sea'



'That half goat thing from Narnia?'

'Do I look like a goat?'


'Now you're just being rude' Jungkook folded his arms.


'Do aye look like shrehk ta yoo?' Jungkook's Scottish accent wasn't to be envied.

'Ooh zombie?' Taehyung seemed genuinely like he'd got the right one.

'Obviously not'

'Ughh I give up!' Taehyung flung his hands up in defeat.

'Hmm I might not'

Taehyung pouted at Jungkook.

'Come on, please! I need to know!'

'Fine...' Jungkook hesitated, before glancing around.

(Luckily anyone who was walking through the graveyard at that time payed little attention to the two men in the shade.)

'I'm a.... Vampire?' Jungkook half whispered.

'A what?'


Taehyung seemed to hear this, although it took him a while to process it.


'Yeah, oh'

'Wow that should've been obvious...'

'I know, I'm surprised it took you so long'

'I suppose there's so many vampires in popular culture you sorta forget about them... But wow' Taehyung looked Jungkook up and down with a strange look on his face. 'Should I be scared that you're going to jump on me and my blood?'

'I already did jump on you, but I haven't bitten you yet so what do you think?'

'I don't know maybe you were putting me in a false sense of security?'

'You're taking this better than I thought a person would...'

'I'm different' Taehyung shrugged. 'And I'm open to anything... It takes all sorts to make a world'

'True...' Jungkook nodded.

'So how do you like get your food and ... Stuff?' Taehyung asked hesitatingly.

'It's rude to ask about our eating habits you know'

Taehyung's eyes widened.

'Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean-'

'I'm joking, Taehyung' Jungkook laughed. 'I mainly eat animal blood because human blood is really polluted'


'Yeah because of all the junk food you guys eat... It make your blood all icky and yucky'

'Wow I'm slightly offended by that!'

'Why? Because I don't wanna you?' Jungkook blushed at his choice of wording. 'Your blood... your blood'

Taehyung laughed softly before a distant clock chimed 12:45.

'Oh my god it's quarter to 1!' He frantically rummaged through his bag for his phone before pulling it out. 'I have an appointment at 1 and still need to get lunch !'

Jungkook felt slightly disappointed that Taehyung would be leaving him.

'Oh... Ok that's fine you should go do that'

'Yeah... I-' Taehyung looked at Jungkook, suddenly nervous. 'Look would you want to go out for coffee or something some time?'

'I don't drink cof-'

'It's a saying, doofus, I just wondered if you wanted to hang out or... Whatever?'

'Oh um... Yeah I um if you'd like to hang out with me that'd be awesome?'

'Awesome! Do you have a phone?'

Jungkook shook his head.

'Right ok what about I meet you here tomorrow at... Midday?'

'Of course, as long as we go somewhere, you know, shaded...'

'Of course' Taehyung grinned.

They wave good bye to eachother and Jungkook tries to discretely go back up into the tree.

Before he's fully nested he notices Taehyung glancing back up at him through the canopy from the street with a smile.

Jungkook waves back through the tangle of leaves with an equally wide grin.

Maybe midday wasn't as dangerous as he has initially thought.


i'm gonna start 2 try and make shorter fics like this so i actually finish things...

if anyone wants me to do a sequel/2nd chapter of this with the date then i can?

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peggyw #1
Chapter 3: Ty for this sweet story!
Chapter 3: Awww this is just adorable :3
Chapter 1: Awww, very cute \0/
Chapter 1: AWWW this fic was so cute, and YASSS PLEASE WITH THE SEQUELLLL! <3