Chapter Three

Mass Effect - DoD

He rummaged through the tool box, finding the screwdriver Daebak had described, before returning to where the now dubbed “giant teddybear” was currently tinkering with the sole land vehicle in the cargo area. Daebak thanked him for the tool, and continued his work, still rambling on about one of their other jobs from a year ago.

It'd been nearly five days since their encounter with the Alliance and pirates. Everyone injured had since returned to their duties, and as far as Inho could tell things were back to normal. Aside from sometimes playing card games with some of the other crew, Inho hadn't done much. Trying to get into those supplies, as Hanjin had suggested, wasn't easy. He'd sometimes visit Jeongha in the cockpit and they'd make small talk there, he'd peruse the armory and still be amazed at the varied weaponry available, or, like right now, he'd wander down to the cargo hold where he'd find Daebak tinkering with something. Today he was joined by Hanjin. From what he could tell, Hanjin was busy trying to get information on the actual shipment from the other crew members. Most just said it was guns, and they didn't ask questions about that. Yoonshik proved to be tightlipped about everything, and Hugo...well, Hugo would only answer with a question and then try to draw them into a debate on Asari versus Salarian governments. Inho excused himself all too quickly from those (much to Hugo's entertainment, he was certain).

“So what are you doing exactly?” Hanjin asked Daebak from where he was seated on the floor, finishing the reattachment of a panel he'd been helping repair.

“Cerebral...coordination,” was the unsure response he got from Daebak.

“...come again?”

“Calibrations,” came the translation from Hyuk. The medic, and now Inho realized competent engineer, had also joined them. He was currently in the driver seat, making some adjustments with his omni-tool, and notating some of the readings, “he's in the middle of some calibrations.”

“Got it. So cerebral is calibration, and potato is pirate,” Inho smirked at Hanjin's comment, chuckling at the whole space potato ordeal.

“We're working on vocabulary still,” was Hyuk's sighed response.

“I may not speak good,” Daebak said next, wiping some sweat from his brow before grinning at the pair, “but I can fix things.”

“I was about to ask that,” Hanjin actually laid on the ground instead of getting up, pulling up his own omni-tool to begin diagnostics as well on the vehicle, “you have other engineers here. Why can't they do this? Hyuk, I'll check the heating and cooling system. We're going to Noveria. I imagine we'll need this in top shape.”

“While they can keep the FTL running,” the medic answered, looking down at Hanjin, “Daebak is better with the manual labor. He,” motioning to Daebak, “calls it a lost art that the...Daebak, what did you call them again?” He responded with something rather guttural sounding. Was that Krogan? “No, what's it in our language?”

“Oh! Ah,” Daebak paused to consider this and finally smiled after deciding the word, “soft-handed !”

Hyuk choked at that and looked to him like he was insane.

“Yah! That is NOT what you called them before!”



Hanjin was having a good laugh at that. It was good to see his partner feeling more at ease in the crew. Listening to Hyuk try and figure out what Daebak really meant, and Hanjin just egging him on to continue the train of thought as is (because let's face it: it was probably true), Inho realized he really wasn't helping that much. The trio seemed well off enough, so while they ta;ked, he slipped away.

The last few days gave him a lot of down time. He wasn't used to that. Back on the Citadel, if he wasn't walking the beat, Bongpal made sure he had enough paperwork to keep him busy. He had to wonder if this kind of down time was normal on most ships; or if it was a smuggler or civilian mentality. Before he knew it, he'd wandered to the cockpit and had seated himself in the co-pilot seat.

“Hey!” Jeongha greeted him, eyrs still glued to the flight controls, “get bored over in the cargo bay?”

“How did you know I was there?”

“I get bored up here and check out security cameras. I saw you were there and piped into the conversation,” aside from the horror of knowing he'd been spied on, Inho felt a moment of panic.

“Wait, you can hear us from here?”

“Yeah. Anywhere there's a camera, I can record audio. Me or whoever is at the security station. That's usually Yoonshik or Hugo though,” he glanced over and laughed, “Hah! Don't worry. There isn't security footage of the bathrooms or sleeping quarters.”


“All of our new crew members get that look. Don't worry. We don't care what you or Hanjin do in your bunk.”

“...I'm going to pretend you didn't just imply that. I might vomit,” His response was just a good laugh, and resuming his vigil on his job, “anyways. Yeah. Bored. I'm not very good with that sort of finesse work.”

“Neither am I.”

“You're up here flying a ship. I think that's enough finesse.”

“All of you would think so. It's actually not that hard.”

“How's your head feeling?”

“It's fine,” a moment later and a video feed appeared in front of them of the cargo bay. It showed Hanjin comparing results with Hyuk while Daebak peered over their shoulders curiously, “looks like the is finally warming up to us s, eh?”

“Stop. Hanjin is alright.”

“Daebak already told me he thought you were 'neat', but Hanjin was weird. Got the impression he was just interested in being buddies with the captain. Very 'formal' is another thing he said. Looks like he just needed some time, eh?”

“...he called me 'neat'?”

“Remember: space potato.”

Inho gave a chuckle at that. But it was odd that hearing that about Hanjin. Normally back on the Citadel and even in the C-Sec academy, Hanjin was the one taking the lead. Inho just followed, and was organically brought into the conversation as part of Hanjin's process. Not going to lie: it felt good to be the better liked of the pair for once…and then Inho remembered he was here to do a job...and unlike him, Hanjin had been doing just that.

“Hey,” Inho inquired, earning a hum of interest from Jeongha who turned off the feed and resumed checking the coordinates and path, “when you were about to pass out on those drugs-”

“Yeah, you traitor.” Inho smirked at the fake annoyance in his voice.

“-you said...and I quote, 'stupid not guns',” Jeongha's smile lessened ever so slightly. Interesting.

“I-I did? I say stupid all the time. No idea what that means,” he sat up, and rubbed his eyes a bit, “hey, take over a bit. My eyes are getting bleary.”

“Huh? Wha-hey! Don't leave me here!”

“You were in flight school! You can handle it!” Jeongha was already out of his seat and escaping down the aisle, “I'll be back! You got this!”

“Get back here!” Inho shouted back before realizing he was now flying the Fringe and had to turn all his attention to the controls. Taking in a deep breath, Inho carefully placed his hands onto the controls, and was immediately relieved to find that Jeongha had set an autopilot before taking off. Shaking his head, he once again pondered the last few days. It was obvious, painfully so, that what ever was in the secret cargo was more than just guns. Noveria was a research facility. What could they possibly want guns for? There was enough money there to supply this…

The computer “beeped” at him, and it took Inho a second to understand it was a call request. He scanned the controls, and figured they were still a good couple hours from Noveria. The console beeped at him again, almost impatiently. This could be a good opportunity…

“This is civilian class freighter Fringe,” he repeated what he'd heard Jeongha use in the past.

“Fringe, this is Dr. Angerar,” a woman's voice spoke, “We've been expecting you. Per my conversation with your captain yesterday,” she spoke with Hugo?, “I'm uploading the final set of coordinates for Noveria and the facility. Be aware we are experiencing harsh winds here: plan your trajectory accordingly. That is all.”

The call cut, and a download file began.

“Who was that?” Jeongha had returned, bringing a beverage and tossing another to Inho.

“A Dr. Angerar.”

“, did I miss that? Ugh, I'm on it,” he was back in his seat, and reviewing the data from the file. Inho noted his facial expressions changing from some annoyance to confusion and back to concentration. He vould hear him muttering under his breath about something, though it wasn't clear. Despite wanting to ask more, Inho sat back and waited. He'd learn soon enough...



They weren't landing on Noveria. Or at least, they weren't landing in the Noveria Development Corporation's main hangar (Hanjin pointed it out as they made their descent). Instead, they were fighting against strong winds and poor visibility to land somewhere well off the grid. Hanjin had been grateful for that, as he reminded Inho his uncle once worked on Noveria, and there was a small chance he could be recognized.

“At least we get a little luck,” Hanjin muttered to him.

Hugo had approached both of them, requesting they gear up and be ready to join him and Daebak as the delivery party.

“Yoonshik can't join us, Jeongha needs to be ready to leave as soon as we return, and Hyuk is better off here,” Hugo mentioned while donning his own combat gear, “and the scientists are...let's just say, they get a little nervous when there's obvious firepower present. Take only the guns you need, but take the ones you are best with,” Hugo only took a pistol for himself, “but be ready.”

“You act like you expect us to come under attack,” Hanjin commented, taking an assault rifle. The only answer he received was an all knowing raise of Hugo's brows (that mask still ever there as always), before they left to ready themselves in the cargo hold.

Their landing was rough, but successful. Inho was infinitely thankful that they didn't have to ride the Mako. The last time he was in one of those, he'd nearly vomited from the shaking, twists, and poor turning ability of their last pilot. Upon landing, they assembled and exited via the main loading door for passengers. Hugo stayed behind to give Yoonshik a few more instructions while the rest left. Off to the far side, a few security personnel led by a short woman in a white lab coat were approaching them.

“Plus, it was like a twelve year old was trying to drive us up sheer cliff sides,” He grumbled after getting off the vehicle, retelling the story of a training session from the C-Sec academy, “the thing is meant for all terrain, but that was ridiculous.”

“My father would take me to-,” Daebak paused to consider the word choice before shrugging, “the moons of planets and we'd practice driving over the craters.”

“Who's your father?” Hanjin asked next.

“He was Drau Terek,” he responded, the roar of the snow storm still loud enough to create a dull background noise.

“That sounds Krogan.”

“It is,” Hugo was out now as well, “let's get this over with.”

“Not comfortable here?”

“Never when everything you do is run by a single corporation. There's freedoms, but how far you get is only based on how deep your pockets are,” Hugo strode past them and called out to the woman, “Dr. Angerar.”

“It's about time,” the tiny human growled in a surprisingly low, gravely voice, “you are a day late. Keep this up, and we'll begin finding our carriers elsewhere.”

“No you won't,” Hugo was practically smirking behind that mask, Inho was certain of it, “no one is as affordable and as fast.”

“Shut up you masked fiend,” the old woman grumbled and turned quickly, “follow me. Once we sign off on the documents, we'll take the shipment.”

They moved forward through the bay and onto the first hall, the bay doors shutting behind them. Hugo was up front with the Dr. Angerar, while Daebak stayed close behind. Hanjin was next, side eying the well armed security guards that flanked them. Inho stayed closer to the back, slowing his steps just enough for his to have some breathing room from security.

Take the camera and get the shot once they make the deal. I've got one too. Gotta make sure we're not too clustered with each other. Remember this is what we're here for.”

And yet, something just didn't feel right. If this was a Turian arms deal, then why hasn't Inho seen any Turian's yet? So far, it's all been humans. Hanjin glanced back at him, and Inho knew the look on his partner's face. They were aligned on their thinking. Why make a deal for arms on a remote lab on Noveria?

As they were moving through the labs, Inho caught a glimpse of some of the experiments taking place. Most looked like typical science nonsense: beakers, liquids, burners, the usual. Again, all the scientists were humans. He figured he'd at least see a Salarian or Asari, but no. Down the hall, through another set of sealed doors, and they continued. Signs warning of security clearances were becoming increasingly prevalent, as were the armed guards, and the security cameras. Ahead of him, even Daebak looked concerned. He could hear him asking Hugo a question or two, but Inho couldn't make out the exact words or Hugo's response.

What had they gotten themselves into?

Inho hadn't been watching ahead of him, and ended up running into Hanjin's back. After asking why he'd stopped, he followed where Hanjin's eyes were focusing.

The lab next them was lined with examination tables. Heart monitors and other equipment beeped and flashed, and were connected to...were those Salarian subjects? Their faces were covered by full masks, but the body definitely looked Salarian. But their skin just looked off. It looked unnaturally pale and if he squinted he swore he could see the internal veins and...and…

“What the hell?” He muttered to Hanjin, who only nodded slightly, looking just as disturbed by the sight. Ahead of them Daebak was saying something mostly unintelligible to them. He had a hand on Hugo's shoulder, looking both confused and disturbed by the sight. Hugo didn't utter a single word, staring at the Salarian's wordlessly.

“Gentlemen, hurry along.” The doctor called back to them, and the security urged them forward. At that instant, there was a shout, and the last thing Inho saw before they passed the sight was a Salarian making a run from the back and being subdued by armed men. Inho felt like his skin was crawling. His fingers twitched nervously; he desperately wanted his rifle in his hands right now.

Through another hall, through another set of doors, and there were now in a more sparse space. Inho assumed, based on the chairs and projectors, this was used for meetings and planning. Dr. Angerar took a seat in one of the chairs as she sat herself by a console, and motioned for Hugo to take another. He motioned for them to hang back, and say alone with her. Next to Inho and the others, the security stood ready, guns still brandished.

“Now, Mr. Ji,” she began, waving a hand over her console and the room lit up. The once bare walls were now showing camera footage of the laboratory, “if you would be so kind as to dismiss your men, we need to have a serious discussion before I agree to the drop.” He looked back to them, and nodded, before pulling off his mask and turning to the doctor.

The trio were ushered out, Daebak making a comment on not liking this at all. Once outside, the doors shut, and they were left waiting outside with two other armed guards. Inho looked over his shoulder towards the previous area they'd come from. Part of him wanted to go back to the lab to see what they were doing to those Salarians. Hanjin seemed to have a similar idea, and he was already headed that way.

“Hey! Wait!” Daebak took a few long strides and stepped into Hanjin's way, “We wait here!”

“After what we just saw? I don't think so,” Hanjin sidestepped Daebak and continued, “We were hired as extra guns. No one told us we'd be walking into this.”

“No one told me either, wait! Hanjin!” Daebak was running to join him. Inho glanced back at the guards, and they didn't even acknowledge their movement. Despite knowing this might be a bad idea, Inho followed the pair.

The Salarians were right where they left them. Behind the glass observation window, still hooked up to the machines. The Salarian he'd seen previously wasn't there. There were ten in total viewable, and no other doctors or scientists were around like previously. From the corner of his eye, he could see Hanjin taking video of the sight very subtly. Fortunately, Daebak looked too visibly disturbed by the sight to notice. Inho put a hand on his shoulder, causing the taller man to jump, and look down at Inho with wide eyes.

“This...what the hell is this?” Hanjin asked to no one in particular, leaning forward to get a better look at the subjects.

“Salarian test subjects. Don't worry, they're all criminals,” a smooth voice said to them from behind, making all three jump a little. Behind them, a man with brown hair, dyed just enough to show an orange sheen, stood with crossed arms and an amused smirk on his face, “Don't feel too bad for them. They'd have been put down anyway,” the man circled around to their other side, farthest from the hall they'd just come from. He took a moment to look at each one of them, and Inho once again felt as if he were being sized up, “You're from the Fringe, right? This will be quick afterall.”


At that moment, the facility shook. And then it shook again. And then there was the explosion. From down the halls came shouting and alarms, the sound of glass shattering, and then gunshots. Assault rifle out, Hanjin was the first to move, running towards the noise. Inho was following not a moment later, and Daebak brought up the rear. The door opened, and Hanjin had yank Inho back against the wall to avoid the volley of gunfire that greeted them. Daebak took cover on the opposing wall.

The security of the labs were in an offensive with what appeared to be other Salarian soldiers. And thus far, the Salarians were obliterating the security personnel.

“We have to go!” Daebak urged, wincing when a shot ricocheted dangerously close to his face. Hanjin was already working on his omni-tool, cursing when he was not moving as fast as he wanted. Inho looked back to the man from before, and he stood calmly in the hall, still smirking.

“What's going on?!” Hugo's voice called to them over the communicators.

“It looks like a raid!” Hanjin responded, swearing again when the omni-tool glitched on him and he started over.

“Dr. Angerar has a back exit to the hangar. Get back here now!”

“Roger that!”

Through the conversation, Inho's gaze didn't leave the man. He smiled and held a finger to his lips, and then held up what looked like a controller. And with a final press of the button, another explosion shook the lab around them. The glass of the observation window blew outwards, the man's kinetic barriers deflecting the shards around him in a haze. More screaming and shouting, and scientists were scrambling to either exit the lab or jump through the now open window. They were running right into the firefight, and Inho watched as many were gunned down either by the Salarian forces or the security in friendly fire.

And then that translucent arm of a Salarian reached out and yanked one of the hapless scientists back into the room. There were screams, so loud that Inho could clearly hear it over the gunfight, and then sudden silence from that scientist. What followed was one of the Salarians, skin now drenched in the red blood of the scientist, stepping out from the lab through the window. And then another. And another-

“Close the door!” Daebak exclaimed, making Inho stop viewing the scene in front of him. To his continued horror the scene in front of him mirrored what had just happened. There were more of those test subjects emerging from other labs, attacking Salarian and security forces alike. They were ripping and biting at anything that moved, Inho grimacing as an arm was torn off a faceless solider. One noticed the open door, and made a b-line for it. He immediately leveled his rifle at him, and three quick shots to the chest and head, and it fell.

“Hanjin, bro, shutting that door would be nice!” Inho turned, and swore when more of those Salarians were coming out. A good number went towards where Hugo was meeting with the doctor, and then a couple turned back towards them. The man was also gone.

Daebak noticed the Salarians coming up behind them, and turned before charging at them. The initial impact sent them backwards, and he followup with slamming his shotgun on one's head while turning to shoot the other point blank. Inho resumed shooting at the ones trying to charge into their hall. Cursing once he realized they didn't have grenades, he instead found some proximity mines. Locating the nearest computer console, he tossed one towards it, and then synced up his omni-tool, overclocking, and then overcharging the computer through commands on the tool.

Just as a small cluster drew close, he set off the console to short out, that action causing the mine to also discharge. The reaction was enough to send the fiends back and away from the door. Eying his assault rifle, he then switched the gun to cryo ammo.

“Hanjin, anytime now!” He urged him once again, shooting a couple more in their limbs that froze on contact with the charged ammunition. At that moment, the door slammed shut, the sounds of bullets hitting it still audible.

“You were saying? Come on!” Hanjin turned to dash down the hall, also switching to a cryo ammo. Daebak had already dispatched the few Salarians that had them, and they moved as fast as they could down towards the next door. The now decimated labs were beginning to fill with fire, a few remaining scientists working to try and keep it under control. More gunfire resounded ahead of them as the remaining six Salarians had ambushed the security keeping guard.

They arrived in time to see the two guards being overwhelmed by the Salarians. Both Hanjin and Inho took to a crouching position, and proceeded to take aim with their rifles. One Salarian noticed them, and let out a garbled sound from its throat. The others took notice as well, and when they began their assault, the pair began to fire.

The first three went down easily, Hanjin shooting one in the head three times accurately, and then hitting a second in the chest. Inho's cryo bullets found their mark in the chest of another, the cold snap freezing them solid, and then finishing off the one shot in the chest by Hanjin with another series of shots to the center of the chest. They both advanced after that, Inho taking a moment to slam the of his gun into the frozen Salarian's head, shattering it into an icy mess. The next set were eliminated just as efficiently, two being snap freezed while a couple headshots taking out the final one. Daebak ensured the frozen ones were shattered en route.

Hanjin checked the pulses of the security guards.


“Hugo,” Daebak called into the communicator, “we're at the door. Let us in!” A moment later, and they were able to enter the meeting room, the door sealing shut behind them. Hugo stood waiting with Dr. Angerar, and a small contingent of armed guards.

“Dr. Angerar has a back exit we can take. She and her men will be joining us on the ship.” The doctor and her men were already heading towards another sealed door, “let's go.”

Even in this corridor, the explosions, screams, and the hail of gunfire could be heard echoing all around them. They hadn't encountered anything fortunately, and with the doctor in the lead, all doors were opening without incident. The corridor was scattered with windows, some broken from the shuddering of the facility. Snow and winds gushed through, adding to the noise. How far up in the cold vastness of Noveria were they? Towards the end, the noise of battle was growing louder again, and soon enough Inho could make out the hangar. More security was present, and they were fending off a few of those 'infected' Salarians. There were no signs of the Salarian military.

“There's the Fringe!” Daebak exclaimed.

“Jeongha, get that thing ready to get out of here,” Hugo spoke through the communicator. A short 'roger' was the response, and the Fringe's engines were already beginning to come to life. They made a dash for the ship, Hugo taking the lead this time in the last bit of the corridors.

But all at once one of Dr. Angerar's guards shouted in pain, falling to the ground. And then another, and another. And then, Dr. Angerar her self screamed, falling to the ground as a blade fo some sort slashed across her back. She writhed on the ground, in pain. Inho, Hnajin, and Daebak had to fall back as something moved in front of them. And then something hit their kinetic barriers of their armor, and Hanjin was literally grabbed and thrown down onto the ground. Inho could now make out the faint shimmering of a form hovering over Inho.

And then that form was suddenly yanked off Hanjin by an unseen force, and slammed against a wall. Running back into the corridor was Hugo, tech armor coming to life around him, remnants of the biotic attack he'd just used on the figure fading around his non armed hand. The form was now visible, and Inho recognized him as the man from the hall previously.

The man was on his feet, unfazed by the slam, and laughed. In one hand he had a pistol, and the other a vicious looking omni-blade. He took aim, and shot Dr. Angerar once in the bck before charging Hugo, once again phasing out of sight. Hugo was able to sidestep once before being struck across the face by the man. And then another strike against his side, but fortunately Hugo was able to avoid the attack, the man now becoming visible.

Daebak surged past Inho, who had been helping Hanjin to his feet. It seemed as if Daebak had struck him square in the back, but he was repelled off by an unusually strong kinetic barrier. That was all the distraction Hugp needed to take some shots with his pistol, and then grab the man with his biotics, throwing him down past Inho deeper into the hall. To Inho's amazement, the form that was thrown digitized out: it was a hologram.

Hugo grunted when another unseen attacker struck, forcing him to his knees with a strong kick to his gut. Daebak had only a moment before he too was slammed up against a wall, something holding him firmly by the neck. The man phased back into existence once more, omni-blade about to strike Daebak's stomach.

Inho had acted before he realized it. He fired first at the man, swearing when the kinetic barriers held, and then chose to tackle him instead before the surely fatal strike could be made.

That was a mistake.

Inho first felt the sting of the blade slashing into his arm, going clear through the armor as if it were nothing. He then felt himself being grabbed by the neck and slammed repeatedly against the wall until he lost grip on his weapon. A gunshot rang out, and Hanjin shouted in pain. His friend was holding his hand where the man had shot the rifle from his grasp, and kept his own pistol aimed at Hanjin. How the hell was this man holding Hanjin up with one hand like this?

“Let him go!”

“Move again and I'll shoot both you and him,” the man spoke, a laugh hidden in his words, “that goes for all of you. Move, and this man's neck is going to snap-AGH!”

A single shot rang out, and the man stumbled backwards. The bullet had torn through his otherwise seemingly impenetrable kinetic barriers. This gave Daebak the opportunity to rush the man, shouting for him to release Inho. But Inho, face to face with this man, saw the amused smile on his face.

“Yoonshik.” Was all he said, not even acknowledging the man about to rush him, before the omni-blade in his hand flashed once more.

But he never got to see what happened next. The man, with one last smirk at him, almost casually threw Inho aside.

Right through one of the shattered windows he'd been watching from before.

“INHO!!” He heard Hanjin scream before all Inho could hear was the sound of the violent winds rushing against body, his view changed to the vivid white of Noveria's snowy mountains.

And just pain as he struck the ground again, and again, and again, the sound of bones crushing and breaking almost overpowering the sheer pain.

Then there was nothing.

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Chapter 5: Of course Changui would be a flamboyant textile merchant. And I smiled with Ted smiling because Inho ignored Changui. what. xD

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I KNEW THAT THIS THING WOULD BE TWO WAY AT SOME POINT!!!!!!! -freaks out and dies- Just kidding, I want to know what happens next. I didn't die. -run-

Btw, I think Hugo is a master Jedi that can close his mind off to any external influence, including Inho's new powers. -run-
And holy freak, TWO MONTHS?! Well, he's alive and well, that's what matters <3 -run-
Of course Daebak couldn't be quiet and calm lol xD A shout out to Hyuk and Jeongha that didn't let Inho lol
Ugh, they did really gained Hugo and the crew's trust with that whole mess huh? What makes everything worse if they need to betray them one day TTwTT (btw, I kew it was James!! xD)
Tho I wonder if Inho is the only one seeing memories. The doctor said "meld", so it shouldn't be a two way thing?
Biotics with the power to move things with their minds and now Inho can read memories touching people. It's like Jedi meets Rogue xD lol -run-
Chapter 3: Hyuk is also Daebak's official translator. And Daebak was really raised by Krogans?!?!
I also literally laughed when Jeongha insinuated that Hanjin and Inho were lovers x'D
But man, things scalated so quickly! O.o' In the beginning they were making fun of each other and now they were throwed in the middle of a hetic battlefield and probably into a problem way bigger than themselves.
I have my guess of who is the man from the hallway ;w; and Holy freak I didn't know that a holo could make that much of damage o.o'
Also... INHO NOOOOO!!! Ç.Ç
Chapter 2: Is everyone in this ship biotic??? XD
And what the hell! How strong Daebak actually is?! O.o'
Ah... Reading this makes me want to play the game. I probably would be a biotic since I at aiming Guns. ...Kinda understand Jeongha's statement now xD lol
Chapter 1: Space potatoes is now part of my sci-fi vocabulary xD lol
Hugo as always seems to know everything, Yoonshik is in some mess involving a woman, Hyuk is adorable, Bongpal is an a*s towards Inho, Jeongha is just a sunshine and HanHo has that "following me! 'But-' nah, follow me, I know what I'm doing" kinda relationship xD
I must admit, I have no knowledge of Mass Effect, but I feel so honored that you would write about my characters. I'm blessed that I get two portrayals of my characters and not just one, thank you so much for that. I do not have time to go through all of it right now but I will and I will cherish every bit of it (even if I might not really know what is going on. Maybe I'll check out some youtube playthroughs to familiarize myself).

Maybe the rapper bro ship rise.
Chapter 3: *incoherent noises*


I've only had a chance to skim, but you now have three marriage proposals (and you have potentially added a Viva to the Mass Effect fanbase)

Chapter 3: f[otykptdhgmskaerl;jgk'sjg[opwafjg]4je]-0ofdsjgtreryikhnvcdsrerhynxdfb

Chapter 2: MARRY ME.