Come What May

Deal Breaker

“W-What?” Taeyeon sputters.

“Secret service. You know, like in Kingsman? Have you watched the movie? Or James Bond? ”

Taeyeon blinks. Now she isn’t sure if this woman who professes to be secret agent Tiffany Hwang has indeed gone completely bonkers.

Seemingly able to read Taeyeon’s mind, Tiffany laughs heartily, her husky, throaty laughs bouncing off the concrete walls and echoing in the empty room. “I’m not crazy, I assure you. Here. Proof.”

Taeyeon stares as Tiffany whips out a handgun and aims it at the wall. She fires eight times, writing the letter ‘T’ in the wall with the bullets.

“This only proves you are a marksman.”

“You haven’t seen me on TV for any sport or talent show, have you?”

Taeyeon shakes her head.

“So what else would I use my shooting skills for?”

“I don’t know . . . winning tons of useless toys from the shooting stalls at markets, maybe.”

“Ha ha, very funny.” Tiffany picks up what looks like a remote controller and presses a button. An image projector descends from the ceiling and the light dims. “Listen up, Taeyeon. I’ll say this only once. You are officially invited to help S.N.S.D in an operation.”

“You’re kidding.”

“You will undergo training to sharpen your existing skills and learn new essential skills to increase your chances in making the operation a success.”

A list of skills, both physical and analytical, is projected on the wall in front of Taeyeon. She scans the list, noting the skills she already possesses and those she does not. “Acting? Is that really necessary?”

“Not everything can be done in stealth mode. A convincing act is required at times. Like how I acted in front of you earlier.”

“How would I know you’re not still acting . . .” Taeyeon grumbles.

“There’s no need for me to act anymore.”

“How am I to know if you’re lying or not.”

Tiffany smiles. “That’s one of the skills you need to be trained in. In our line of duty, the ability to discern what is genuine is essential.” She nods to no one in particular and says, “Bring them in.” Taeyeon wonders if Tiffany is referring to her friends. She gets her answer in the next moment when the door opens, revealing Yoona and a woman of similar height and jet black hair she does not recognise.


“Taeyeon,” the doe-eyed woman says in return and their eyes meet, each woman telling the other how glad they are to see each other.

As Yoona steps into the room, a significantly shorter woman with a mob of short blond hair appears at the door with Yuri. She is followed by Sunny, partially hidden behind yet another woman and finally Summer, easily spotted towering above the woman she is with.

At once, Taeyeon’s heart calms and her guard is lowered a little. Tiffany has kept her promise. All of her friends are unharmed. For now. There is no guarantee if they might be hurt at any point in time but at this moment, it would seem that Tiffany is keeping her word.

“Now that we’re all seated nicely and cosy together, let’s talk terms.”

“If we’re going to talk terms, it would be better to level the playing field,” says Sunny, raising her cuffed wrists.

“Point taken.” Tiffany nods and the agents release them from their bonds. “In the interest of your well-being, be aware that we will not hesitate to restrain you, should any of you attempt to injure us and escape.”

“We wouldn’t do that if we don’t feel threatened,” says Yuri.

“Fair enough.”

Taeyeon shakes her wrists and flexes her arms after Tiffany removes her bonds and folds them. “There is just one thing I want to know right now.” Fixing her stare on Tiffany, she continues, “Why us?”

Tiffany steps aside. “I’ll let Seo explain that.”

The tall, black-haired woman with intelligent eyes takes over the center stage and a photo of the five captives appears on the wall. “We have been observing your gang for an extended period of time. We are privy to your escapades, lightly put, or crimes, to be accurate. We have studied your profiles, from your family background to your most recent visit to the manicurist. In short, we know almost everything that is to know and based on the information we have on hand, with the addition of the practical test conducted earlier today, we have concluded that all five of you possess the necessary attitude and aptitude for the operation.”

Seo’s stoic expression is getting to Taeyeon. This woman is like a robot spewing facts and numbers. At the same time, her question has not been answered comprehensively. “As you said, we are thrill-seekers and we break the law. What would you want people like us in your operation unless your organization is shady as too?”

“We operate under the grey zone of national defence. S.N.S.D is one of the best kept secrets of our country and in order to get the job done, some breaching of standard laws is required. We will not be caught, of course, because we are far ahead of the other organizations. We have more intelligence than the rest, better skills and general superiority in multiple aspects. We chose your gang partly due to how well you stayed under the radar, both in the crime scene and your personal lives. The thefts you pulled off are still unsolved—the police are unable to find evidence that point in any specific direction. What we do is a secret and will stay a secret. No one will ever know that we exist.”

“Well, the government knows.” Yoona grins. “And now we know too.”

“Only the President knows. And his top security general. The news will never hear of us and our operations. Whether we succeed or fail, no ripples are seen. As for revealing our identities and organization to you, it is a sign that we trust in your discretion. Is it also proof that you are crucial to our operation.”

“But why?” asks Sunny. “Why are we the chosen ones?”

“Because we can throw you girls in jail and shut you up if you don’t agree to do this.”

All eyes shift to the blonde. She is petite but well-toned and looks every bit the part of a woman you wouldn’t want to underestimate.

“That’s Hyo. She will be in charge of your fitness training,” says Tiffany. “She tends to be straightforward but once you get to know her, she will be one of the funniest people you ever know.”

Taeyeon doesn’t think there is anything funny about going to jail. “What happens to us if we agree to join your operation? Will we still be charged and thrown into jail after that?”

“That wouldn’t be a good deal for you, would it?” Tiffany says with a grin. “No. If you agree to join the operation, and you will, all of you will be released and you may return to your thieving ways. But if you get caught for breaking, entering and stealing after the operation . . . we won’t be there to waive the penalty anymore.”

“What’s the operation about?” asks Yuri.

“It’s quite like what you girls usually do.” Tiffany’s eyes meet all of theirs for a moment before turning to the new image on the wall. “Operation Deal Breaker. You’re gonna steal something to break a deal. Now, before we tell you the real reason why we chose you . . . make your decision. Are you in or out?”

Taeyeon speaks up. “Let us talk in private. It’ll be short. Five minutes.”

Tiffany narrows her eyes, considering the request. “Three. If you try anything, we’ll just gas you.” She looks to Hyo, Seo and the rest and jerks her head. At her signal, the room is emptied and Taeyeon is left in the room with her friends.

“What do you think?” Taeyeon begins.

“They don’t leave us with much choice, right?” says Sunny.

Summer pats Sunny’s shoulder comfortingly. “They know we can’t let anyone know about what we do. Sunny is right. We don’t have a choice.”

“Going to jail is definitely not a choice,” says Yoona and Yuri nods in agreement.

“So we’re all for the operation.” Taeyeon looks around her circle of friends. “We’re all in this together.”

“They did say it involves stealing something. Sounds like something we’d be good at,” Sunny adds.

Seeing the unity of their spirits, Taeyeon puts her hand out, palm down. The rest follow suit, stacking their hands above one another’s, united in adversity.

“Stick it and make it!” they chorus, lifting their hands in unison.

They are ready. Come what may.

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Dear Breakers :3
Welcome back to Deal Breaker! It's been a while but I'm so glad to be back :))

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Lady97 #1
Chapter 24: 2024 and I’m still hoping you will update a new chapter for this story 🥹
Chapter 24: Nice work! I had fun reading this!
mutiapuspita27 #3
Chapter 24: Please continue this story it's so damn good and interesting
Chapter 24: Why you not update authorshi
Chapter 24: OMG hahahahaha
orangebearies #6
LONG TIME NO SEE! i forgot where i stopped, so i will just re-read from the beginning... hahahahaha
girlofeternity_ss #7
Is this the one with the fanmade ocean's 8 poster in twitter before? That was as awesome as this story.
Chapter 24: UwU
arizona83 #9
Chapter 24: haha they are so funny :)
Gaejihyo815 #10
Chapter 24: Haha! Taeny to break record! Go go go!