Chapter 1 – The Monster in the Garden

Training Paws (Hiatus)

That monster is back again! You know the one! It’s big and green and doesn’t do anything until it moves because then it growls so loud like it’s unhappy and I’ve never even done anything to it. I tried to make friends with it when I first saw it, I really did but it just doesn’t appear to like me in the slightest.

There again it doesn’t appear to like anyone. It’s a really strange monster in all truths, I just don’t know what to do with it.

It smells funny too. I mean most monsters smell funny, Monster Fish reeks something horrible I can tell you – in fact I can smell him from the other side of the house and I’m glad of that fact cause then I can run away and not have to run into Monster Fish. Though sometimes if Cookie is making fish stew I’ll get caught out by him and end up running away anyway. I’ve gotten better with Monster Fish lately cause I’ve found out that he’s actually a really fun chew toy as long as I’m a good boy and don’t chew too hard on him and Monster Fish has an blast whenever I do it.

Cookie says it’s something to do with the mating season but I don’t believe that. I’m not mating with Monster Fish, I’m playing with him. There’s a difference.

He doesn’t even smell right for mating season. He still smells stinky but it’s not as stinky as the monster in the lawn.

That one smells like the stuff that Daddy Sehun uses to carry his water in when he takes me for a jog, it’s something he’s taken up recently because he apparently needs to get fit or something which I don’t see but hey I get to run with Daddy Sehun so that is great. Though he goes on for far too long and I get exhausted pretty quickly. So then we have to amble along the road until we reach the end of the street and then Daddy Sehun runs the rest of the way so that Fluffles doesn’t realise that he’s taken a walk instead of a run.

I don’t understand it either, but it keeps Fluffles happy and that makes Daddy Sehun happy.

Actually come to think of it, Daddy Sehun is late home tonight...which is strange because normally he’s in by now. Wait! Oh no! Has the monster on the lawn eaten him! That must be it! The monster on the lawn has eaten Daddy Sehun!

I must go and save him right now! Cause Hero is a big, brave strong boy who can take anything on and if I can defeat the big sparkly things that took my Panba away from me a while ago then I can defeat the evil monster on the lawn!


Ah! Silly door! Why won’t you open! I’m pushing against you


Hey! Open door! I’ve hit you with my head, open up I say!

Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

Why won’t you work? You’re supposed to open! Daddy Sehun is getting eaten by the lawn monster and you’re not opening! Why? Don’t you love Daddy Sehun mister door? Don’t you want to see him alive and hugging us! Open! Open...OPEN!

“Hero!” Fluffles scolds as he comes around the other door, “What on earth is the matter with you?”

Fluffes! Daddy Sehun is being eaten by the Lawn monster and I need to go out and rescue him right now else we won’t have a Daddy Sehun for puppy!

I get a look from Fluffles which says that he doesn’t understand me in the slightest but that’s to be expected. Chewchew is about the only one of my Daddies who can understand me but he has to be really close and even then he tends to get things wrong. Panba knows everything that I’m saying too, she’s an amazing puppy and soon will be going to a big place where she’ll learn how to read and stuff. Even though I’m sure that she can already do all of those things but we’ll see what happens.

But I have more pressing matters to attend to! I need to save Daddy Sehun else Fluffles will cry and that’s not a pretty sight in the slightest.

Fluffles continues to stare at me for a moment before looking out of the window to see what I’m making a fuss over before letting out a sigh, “Hero! It’s the bin. It sits there and does nothing.”

It’s eaten Daddy Sehun, Fluffles! Else he wouldn’t be home so late!

“Oh there’s no calming you down is there?” Fluffles complains as he makes his way to the door, opening it with his amazing powers – but it opens towards me which is a very naughty door – and I can then run through to the hallway where the big door that leads into the garden is but I know not to try and push this door open because it’s got that little thing on it that has to go click before it can open in the slightest and I’m bouncing around because I’m going to get the lawn monster and make it give me back my Daddy Sehun!

Right, lawn monster, here I come!

I’m going to get you and make you give me back my...wah! It fell over and made a big noise! Oh wait, it’s not doing anything, have I killed it?

Hello...Mister Lawn’re not supposed to go down that easily.

Hmm...lawn monster doesn’t appear to want to do anything right now. That’s strange, it growls at me all day and makes life a hectic time and all of that but when I hit it...oh your head came off. No wonder you’re not moving.

Oh, I can see inside you now as well...aww you ain’t eaten Daddy Sehun because you’re empty.

So where is Daddy Sehun then?

“Finished terrorizing the bin?” Fluffes asks as he approaches and pulls the lawn monster back upright before fetching its head to reattach it, “Can I put it away now?”

Sure, if you know where he lives Fluffles.

I’m going to watch though just in case he’s dragged Daddy Sehun off to its lair to munch on him there! Oh, why are you taken him around the back of the house, does he live there but Daddy Sehun isn’t at the back of the house Fluffles because I would have smelt him if he was there.

Oh, you’re putting him next to the other odd lawn monster who grumbles just as much but has a slightly different head.

Aww they don’t have Daddy Sehun in any type of lair then cause I know this garden like the back of my paw and there’s nothing here that could hide a Daddy in.

Puppies yes, we’ve had lots of times when puppies have hidden out here for an age but Daddy’s are too big for that.

Though there was the time when they had drank that funny smelling stuff and they couldn’t find Rainbow for most of the night and they practically turned the whole garden upside-down looking for him and Bun looked just about ready to explode with worry because Rainbow is so special but he was fine.

Turned up curled up asleep like a puppy in the bottom of the wardrobe in his room.

Bun nearly strangled Pink that night because he had known where the other was the whole time but they had all been at that funny drink that smells strange and it made them all really silly that night.

But that’s a tale for another time, I need to find Daddy Sehun because he’s not home yet.

Oh, maybe he’s up in his bed! I shall go and check that and get out of Fluffles hair for a moment or two.

Let’s see, it’s this door which is being a good door and opens when I bonk it open with my head and there’s the big bouncy beddie that Daddy Sehun and Fluffles share with me but there’s no one in it.

Aww...where is he?

Fluffles, where’s Daddy Sehun? I miss him and he’s not home when he usually is and I’m worries!

“Aww it’s okay Hero,” Fluffles says, gently petting my head, “Your Daddy will be home soon.”

Really? Will he really really be home soon Fluffles

There comes a chuckle from Fluffles as he reaches down to pet me again, as he’s cleaning some plates and things with all those lovely soap bubbles that are fun to try and eat though they don’t stay around for long at all.

“Oh baby, you’re so cute you know that?” Fluffles says, “Well when you’re not chasing after bins that don’t move your cute.”

That makes no sense in the slightest Fluffles, how I can only be cute when I’m not defending you from nasty lawn monsters who may have still eaten Daddy Sehun because he’s not home yet.

There comes a click from the front door and a voice calls, “I’m home.”


There you are! Where have you been! I missed you! You were supposed to be home ages ago! I’m going to leap on you properly and give you a big kiss cause you’re home and safe and not getting eaten by lawn monsters!

“Whoa, hey there buddy,” Daddy Sehun replies with a grin, knocking me down so that he can pet my sides, “I’ve only been at work, I haven’t disappeared or anything like that.”

You were gone all day Daddy Sehun! In doggy terms that’s a long long long long long time!

“Hey sweetie,” Fluffles calls, dodging around me to plant his own kiss onto Daddy’s lips, “You’re back late?”

“Yeah, had to fill out some last-minute paperwork that came in,” Daddy Sehun replies. It’s a big important job that Daddy Sehun has, though I don’t quite know what it is but I know it involves lots of yummy pieces of paper.

“But on the plus side, I got this,” Daddy Sehun pulls something out of his bag with a big grin and immediately I’m sniffing at it because it looks like my harness but it’s not my harness at all.

“Oh, you like it Hero?” Fluffles says, kneeling down in order to strap it on me, “Let’s try it on and see how good you look in it.”

Why am I getting a new harness? I mean I love my current one and it doesn’t need replacing yet. Ohh this one has a big glowy band and a firm back bit. This is comfy.

“Oh, so proud,” Daddy Sehun says, “He’ll be the best dog out in the field.”

Huh? Oh wait, this is my official Agency Training Harness! Yay! I get to learn how to be the biggest and best doggie in the whole wide world so I can chase off all the mean sparkle and lawn monsters who try to take my family away!

This is going to be so much fun! I’m going to take down all the monsters, just you wait and see.


authors babbling: Yay, we're back and first chapter up for you lucky people. Glad to see Hero back? 

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Chapter 3: Hero clever doggie. Distraction for Rourou so cute! Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 2: So cute!!!!
Chapter 2: Hero so adorable as always. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 1: Awww hero still adorable as ever! Urgh! Love this! Fighting for the next chapter