Chapter 2

You're my Mr.Right

"Oh why are you crying?"
I looked up and saw Kwangmin standing in front of me.
" a pretty girl like you shouldn't cry." he said.
"now smile! Like this!!" he added showing me his beautiful smile that made me smiled back.
"there you go!" he said.
"thank you for cheering me up kw... I mean boy I don't know." you said almost saying his name.
*cute she thinks I don't know who she is. The only one that is stupid enough to not know is Youngmin hyung* Kwangmin thought to himself while looking at you. 
"is something on my face?" you asked.
He didn't say anything.
"OMO do you possibly like my ~~~~" Minnie asked Kwangmin.
"maybe." Kwangmin said with a fail wink.
"BWOH?!?" you and Minnie said at the same time.
"just kidding this is my first time seeing you so how can I like you already." Kwangmin lied.
"umm.. I would love to stay and chat but I have to go. It is almost 9'o clock and my mom would kill me if she found out I stay out after 9. So bye and bye boy I don't know." Minnie said and left you two alone.
"BYE!!! TELL YOUR MOM I SAID HI!!" You shouted when you turn around you saw Kwangmin starring at you.
*to tell you the truth ~~~~ I liked you since we first met. I wanted to confess to you and when I had enough courage  to confess my feelings. You told me that you like Youngmin hyung. You didn't even let me confess to you before rejecting me.* Kwangmin thought, he seem like he didn't even hear what Minnie had just said, he was just starring at you with a sad look.
"oh! What's wrong you look sad all of a sudden?" you asked Kwangmin.
"oh it's nothing." he snap out of his thoughts and reply to you.
"please tell me." you said and without realizing you started to pout.
*CUTE* he thought.
"it's just my friend likes my hyung but I like her and I wanted to confess but she told me she likes him before I could even confess to her." Kwangmin said sadly with a pout.
"aww... Who is she? I'll help you." you told Kwangmin.
*aigoo-ya so clueless.*Kwangmin thought.
"I don't think you can." Kwangmin said.
"try me." you said.
"tell me what is she like. I might know her since we go to the same school." you said.
"well...she's very pretty and clueless at times that makes my heart beat like crazy. When she smiles I want to smile too." Kwangmin said.
"Oh! And we go to the same school but how come I don't see you around?" Kwangmin lied.
"you don't but I see you all the time, you and your hyung." You said nervously because you thought that your cover might have been blown. 
"oh really? Wow I need to pay attention more often." Kwangmin lied with a chuckle.
You laughed at his innocence face when he said that.
"KWANGMIN-AH we need to go home mom is making dobokki!" A boy yelled out.
When you turned around you saw him and he was starring at you.
"um... Hi I'm Youngmin and you are?" Youngmin  introduced himself to you.
You just stared at him thinking *OMG ITS HIM!! What should I do!?!*
He stared at you back lost on his own thoughts. * it's the girl...the one that dances even better than Bomi! She also very pretty wait what I'm I thinking Bomi's way prettier and cuter and Bomi is a really good dancer...but not as good as her*
"uh umm .. Hello?? STILL IN THE ROOM!!" Kwangmin cleared his throat.
"huh? Oh let's go Kwangmin!" Youngmin told Kwangmin.
"so your name is Kwangmin." you pretending as if you dont know.
"yeah..." Kwangmin said.
"what about you what's your name." Youngmin asked you dumbfoundly.
You just stared at him while thinking.* umm...what should I do he is asking for my name.*
"Hello?" Youngmin said while waving his hand in front of your face.
"oh hi ummm... My name is ~~~~." you said telling the truth.
*people can have the same name right?* you asked yourself.
"oh...that's my friend's name." Youngmin said happily remembering the times you guys had together.
"YEOBO!!! WHERE ARE YOU!??!" A girl yelled out.
Youngmin knew the voice more than anyone.
"IM HERE!!" Youngmin yelled out.
You and Kwangmin knew who it was. It was no other then Bomi Youngmin's love.


I'm sorry for not updatind but I WILL!!! ITS JUST i had a writing test and i wanted to do this story before the test but i was busying studing so yeah...SORRY!!! 


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Chapter 4: Nice Story Please update soon/!
kinspiremae #2
what! Stupd ~~~ why did you leave Kwangmin!!!
update soon QAQ?
ahh love your story <3

pls. update soon :))
Please update sooner~~
:D update soon!
@..u mean i noticed then told you..hmmmf~ leaving out my credit...
Update soon^^