Then, Now and Forever

Chanyeol squirmed on the bed and slowly opened his eyes. The sunlight ray hit his eyes and he blocked it with his palm. He turned to look beside him and saw Baekhee sleeping soundly. He carefully got up and walked towards the window to pull the curtain over. He climbed back into bed and lovingly looked at the sleeping figure beside him. These are one of those rare mornings where Chanyeol would wake up earlier than Baekhee and when he does, all he does is look at her until she wakes up or kiss her until she wakes up. A wide smile appeared on his face when he thinks about how Baekhee appeared on his door one night and said ‘I’m sleeping here tonight.’ and when Chanyeol asked her where was her pillow and bolster, she replied with a cheeky grin ‘You are my pillow and bolster.’.

She’s so cute.

He studied her face and saw those dark circles below her eyes. Baekhee went to bed at 3 in the morning after completing her Economics assignment. She had been a little stress lately as it was a heavy subject and the assignment topic was not easy. Chanyeol sighed in relief that she managed to complete her assignment.

As much as he wanted to kiss her, Chanyeol decided to not wake her up and continued to lie beside her, looking at his lover sleeping and listening to her steady breathing.


Baekhee’s eyes fluttered and she let out a cute grunt. She looked up and her eyes met Chanyeol’s.

She smiled.

‘Good morning.’, Chanyeol’s deep and smooth voice greeted her. He smiled and stretched out his arm. Baekhee snuggled up to Chanyeol and rested her head on the crook of Chanyeol’s neck.

‘Good morning. How long have you been awake?’, Baekhee’s hot breath tickled his neck.

‘About an hour.’, he replied, arms circling her waist and pulling her closer. He played with her hair. Something that Baekhee loves and he could sense that she was smiling.

Baekhee kissed his neck and chin. She looked into Chanyeol’s brown orbs.

‘What about the lips?’, Chanyeol asked as he puckered his lips. She slowly leaned forward and Chanyeol closed his eyes, waiting for her lips to be on his.

‘Ahh, I’m so tired.’, she buries her head into the crook of his neck.

‘Aww, Baekkk. You can’t do this to me!’, he whined, causing Baekhee to giggle.

Chanyeol gets up and scooped her up, carrying her bridal style to the bathroom, causing her to squeal.


He placed her on the counter top beside the sink, pressed some toothpaste on Baekhee’s toothbrush and handed it to her, which she gratefully took.

He then did the same and started brushing his teeth.

Baekhee washed her face and reached for her towel. She looked at Chanyeol’s reflection in the mirror.

Damn! How can he look so good while shaving?!

Sensing Baekhee’s eyes on him, Chanyeol smirked and continued shaving in a very alluring manner. Baekhee continued to stare at him, unaware that he was done shaving and is now taking off his white tee, exposing those toned abs.

Baekhee splutters when Chanyeol caught her staring through the mirror. He turned to her with a smirk on his face. He slowly makes his way towards Baekhee and she backs off slowly and her back bumped against the bathroom wall.

Chanyeol cages her and stares into her eyes.

Baekhee pressed her lips, a thing that she does when she’s nervous as Chanyeol’s face gets nearer to hers.

She shuts eyes and waits for Chanyeol’s lips but it never came. Instead, he rubbed their noses together and smiled at her.

‘Take a shower first. I’ll prepare something light for you.’, Chanyeol smiles at her and exits the bathroom.

D-Did he just teased me?

Baekhee regrets for teasing Chanyeol earlier because Chanyeol has been teasing her the whole morning and Baekhee is just refraining herself from jumping on Chanyeol and kissing the hell out of him or they would’ve been late for the meet up. Chanyeol would smirk and wink at her in a flirty manner and random skinship but he wouldn’t kiss her at all. It was a crazy morning for Baekhee.


‘Yeol! We’re going to be late!’, Baekhee slipped her feet into a pair of red velvet shoe.

‘Coming.’, Chanyeol came out from the bedroom with a pair of clean white socks.

‘We’re going to Kyungsoo’s café right?’

Chanyeol hums in response and suddenly cupped Baekhee’s face and said ‘Why do you look so pretty today?’ and nuzzles his nose against Baekhee, leaving her flustered.

Stupid Chanyeol and his stupid teasing.


‘I see Jongin there.’, Baekhee said as they approached the café where Kyungsoo works part-time at. XOXO Café.

Jongin whom was sitting by the window, saw the couple and waved at them.

‘Hi, noona.’, Jongin grinned like a child.

‘Hi, Jongin.’, Baekhee smiled. Chanyeol scoffed at the scene before him.

‘What? No ‘Hi’ for me? You’re such a good friend, Jongin.’, Chanyeol muttered.

‘Well, you don’t deserve one. Not after you ditched me at basketball practice and I had to clean the entire gym alone.’, Jongin scowled.

‘Oh, come on Jongin. You’re not that petty aren’t you?’

‘Shut up.’

‘Look. I’ll make it up to you by buying you burgers later.’, Chanyeol turned to Baekhee with a smile on his face. ‘One caramel macchiato coming up.’

Baekhee grinned and Jongin cringed at how smitten Chanyeol looked.

Chanyeol took out a 20 dollar bill from his wallet and was about to walk to the counter when Jongin snatched the money from Chanyeol’s hand.

‘You’re paying for my drink too.’, Jongin said and walked away.

‘YAH!’, Chanyeol hollered.

‘Oh, Yeol. Just sit down. He’s been trying to ask Kyungsoo out but she’s been turning him down many times.’

‘Figures.’, Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

‘Don’t be so mean, Yeol.’, Baekhee rubbed his ear with her fingers.

‘Does he even know what I want?’, Chanyeol whipped his head to the back, expression annoyed only to see Jongin and Kyungsoo talking.


‘Hi marshmallow. Looking sweet as usual.’, Jongin ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and flashed his signature cocky smile. It got the girls lining up at the second counter ogling and squealing like mice.

Kyungsoo pressed her lips into a thin line and sighed.

‘If you’re going to talk like that, I will not hesitate to stuff those tissues in your mouth.’

Jongin’s smile fell flat. Kyungsoo sure is not easy. Most girls will swoon over me when I say that.

‘Look, you’re probably thinking how difficult I am and yes, I’m not like “most girls” who gets swooned over some sweet talk.’

Jongin stared at her in shock due to the accuracy. Oh my god.

‘So, if you’re here to sweet talk to me instead of telling me your order, I would kindly ask you to sit back at your table because I see many orders ahead.’

Jongin turned behind and saw four customers lining up behind him.

‘One green tea latte, one caramel macchiato and one Americano. One slice of chocolate fudge and one slice of red velvet.’, Jongin deadpans, expression annoyed.

The side of Kyungsoo’s lips tugged upwards when she saw Jongin’s face.


‘Sehun texted me. He’ll be here in 5 minutes.’, Chanyeol said as he checked his phone.

‘Oh, goodie. I can’t wait to see Luhan.’, there was a glint of excitement in Baekhee’s eyes. ‘And it’s Kyungsoo’s lunch time now.’

Kyungsoo walked towards their table, carrying a plate of sliced peach pie topped with ice cream.

‘This one’s on the house.’, Kyungsoo said with a straight face as she placed the plate in front of Jongin and sat beside him.

Jongin looked up, his face surprised.

He turned to look at her and Kyungsoo mouth ‘What?’

A wide smile crept on Jongin’s face.

‘You care about me, don’t you? You saw me playing with my phone while these two lovebirds were in their own world, didn’t you?’

‘W-What?! I never-‘

‘Awwwwww, Soo!!!’, Jongin pulling Kyungsoo into a tight hug.


Jongin continued to hug her despite her protests. He smiled at the thought when he caught Kyungsoo stealing glances at him many times. I’ll never give up on you.

‘Aish!’, Kyungsoo freed herself from his arms. She punched his arm and muttered ‘Stupid.’

‘Only for you.’, Jongin said and made kissy faces. The Baekyeol couple laughed.

‘Good luck, Jongin! I’m rooting for you.’, Baekhee said and winked at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo looked away and fanned herself, feeling flustered.

In the midst of it, the café bell rang, indicating someone entering the premise. All eyes turned to the direction of the door and saw Sehun and his girlfriend.

She was wearing a baby blue dress with white shoes, her dark brown hair falling below her shoulder and her fingers intertwined with Sehun’s. Baekhee’s eyes locked with the girl’s and she swore there was something familiar with those eyes but quickly brushed it off when the couple approached their table.

‘Hi, guys. Meet Luhan, my girlfriend.’, Sehun said and turned to Luhan and started introducing Chanyeol, Jongin, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.

Luhan greeted them politely but she was a little bit nervous as Kyungsoo noticed Luhan’s fingers clutching tightly on her purse.

‘Unnie, would you like some hot chocolate and cake?’, Kyungsoo asked as she gets up, a smile on her face, hoping that she could calm Luhan down.

Luhan’s face brightened and she thanked Kyungsoo.

‘Don’t be nervous, unnie. They’re a bunch of goofballs once you know them.’, Kyungsoo gave her a bright smile and an assuring pat on her shoulder.

‘Yeah, especially Chanyeol, he’s a big goof.’, Jongin added but Chanyeol kicked him in the shin, causing him to yelp in pain.

‘Don’t listen to children, noona.’, Chanyeol smiled at Luhan.

Luhan cracked up. ‘You guys are hilarious.’

They had a fun conversation and Luhan felt welcomed.

‘Excuse me, I need to use the washroom’, Luhan gets up and heads for the washroom.

‘Me too.’, Baekhee said and followed her.

‘Hi Baekhee.’, Luhan smiles at her when Baekhee enters.

‘Hi, unnie…’, Baekhee looked hesitant and bit her lip, ‘uhh…unnie…’

‘Yes? Do you have something to ask me?’

‘Uhh, unnie. This may seem rude but…have you been to 88 Club? The one at Hongdae…’

Luhan looked at Baekhee, her expression unreadable before replying her ‘I was a part timer there. Hmm, come to think of it, you look…very familiar to me…it feels like we’ve bumped into each other…’, Luhan taps her chin.

‘Right?! I feel the same way too!’

Silence fell in between them as they tried to remember the time they met.

After a few moments, they both gasped at the same time.

‘THE ENTRANCE!’, both shouted.



Baekhee and Luhan started laughing hysterically.

‘Oh my god, unnie! It was you and the guy you were kissing was…Sehun?!’

‘Yeah…’, Luhan flushed and scratched the tip of her ear, which was slowly turning red. ‘You were at the club that day but you looked nervous for some reason…’

‘Ahh, I came to get Chanyeol that day. He was terribly drunk that day.’

Luhan laughed ‘Who knew we’d meet again like this.’

Baekhee laughed and said ‘At least we’ll have something funny to remember about each other.’

‘Wow…you guys looked like you’ve known each other for 10 years.’, Kyungsoo said to Baekhee and Luhan when they came out from the washroom and laughing together.

‘You’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you guys.’, Baekhee stated and the story begins.


‘The world is so small.’, Chanyeol laughs as he locks the apartment door and placed the keys on the hook.

‘Indeed it is. This is so funny I don’t think I’ll ever forget this day.’, Baekhee giggles and places her shoes on the rack.

Chanyeol pulls Baekhee and pinned her against the wall before she walks to their bedroom. Baekhee was not surprised and stared at him instead with a small frown.

‘Are you gonna tease me again?’, she sighs a little at the end. Chanyeol smiled.

‘No.’, he crashed their lips together and started kissing Baekhee deeply whom hungrily responded. Chanyeol pulled her closer and circled his arms around her waist tighter. Baekhee automatically looped her arms around Chanyeol’s neck and played with his hair.

‘You’re such a tease. Just you wait till we’re in bed.’, Baekhee mumbled in between the kiss and she jumped on Chanyeol, tightening her legs around Chanyeol’s hips.

‘I’ll gladly accept my punishment.’, Chanyeol said and walked towards their bedroom, lips still attached to Baekhee’s.

Once they were on the bed, Chanyeol started pressing butterfly kisses along Baekhee’s neck, collarbone and shoulder. He kissed her lips again.

‘You’re so beautiful.’, Chanyeol pulled away for air and caressed her cheeks. Baekhee’s hands travelled into Chanyeol’s shirt and ran her fingers along those toned abs and cheekily replied ‘I know.’

Baekhee pulled Chanyeol in for another long passionate kiss and Chanyeol proceeded to Baekhee’s dress from the back while Baekhee started ing Chanyeol’s shirt, lips still attached to each other.

‘I love you.’, Chanyeol mumbles in between the kiss and the rest of the night was filled with nothing but their love and lust for each other.






Hello dear readers! Sorry for the long wait and also sorry for the ty ending i just really can't write TT I hope you guys enjoyed this story and thank you so much for subscribing and staying with this story. I love you guys <3 *big hug*

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174 streak #1
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