Chapter #1

Valentine's Mission


"Woah, yah, yah, yah! Have you seen this?" Jaemin turns aside from her notebook, looking over her shoulder to see the boy who was lying on the bed while reading his comic behind her. She could see from the bottom of herself that he's getting immersed on his own world.

And she's right about it. The boy seems too focused on his book and he's ignoring her. So using her toe, Jaemin taps on his chest. "Yah, Oh Sehun. Don't you ignore me and look at this. Just once, please," she begs. 

Feels rather irritated by her toes getting on his chest, Sehun finally looks at her. For a split second, he looks at her but he quickly moves back to his book. 

"Done," he says, telling her that he was already looking for once only.

Jaemin groans inwardly and rolls her body up and kneel on the bed. She turns over to Sehun's side while bringing her notebook. 

"Yah, how come you care more for your book than me now?" she leans back to the wall and put the note book on her belly. 
Without any warning, she pulls the comic book Sehun read just now. 

"Yah, yah, yah, Shim Jae Min," Sehun tries to take back what's his but Jaemin fast enough to hide it behind her back with one hand. 

"Nuh uh, look at this first," she points out with her index finger to the screen. Sehun snorts right away and being childish like he always was, he closes his eyes instead. 

"No," he mutters and tightly closes his eyes. Hands over his shoulder. 

Jaemin clicks her tongue, "Tsk, Sehun-ah, look at this for once, first. Don't be childish like this," 

Sehun turns his shoulder to his left, giving her cold shoulder. Jaemin pouts. 

She carefully places the comic she held on her side and with another hand she turns Sehun's shoulder over. Sehun's body just follows her hand right away. Jaemin props her body up a little straight to face him and places her notebook to her lap.

She looks at Sehun who still has his eyes closed and hand-crossed right under his chest. 

"Sehun-ah," Jaemin uses her sweet little voice to calls his name and Sehun just shakes his head, so Jaemin takes another step to puts both of her hand on the side of his cheeks continously. One, two, she counts on her mind. 

"Please, look at this first, then you can continue to read your comics. I won't disturb you anymore after this," she softly says, looking up to his face through her lashes. 

Sehun opens his eyes finally and Jaemin gives him a shy smile yet assuring from her face. She nods at him to emphasizes her words. 

Sehun looks down to her and shows her a monotonous look on his face. He blinks once then swiftly yanks her hands away from his face. 

"Alright, but don't disturb me anymore after this," he says coldly. Jaemin squeals in happiness and gives him a salute hand on her forehead, "Aye, aye, captain," she shouts. 

Sehun rolls his eyes but Jaemin doesn't catch it as she already moves away to her notebook. 

"So what is so important for me to know now?" Sehun says as he leans closer, bumping his shoulder to her. Both of them have their back on the walls. 

"No, I don't think it's important for you," Jaemin replies. 

Sehun looks at her in disbelief, "Then why are you even-"

"It's important for us," Jaemin cuts him right away and Sehun stops complaining. His forehead wrinkles in uncertainity but he continues to listen at her while looking at the screen. 

Jaemin scrolls down furthermore while Sehun is trying to catch on what she's trying to inform him. All that he could see is a blog of something. From the photos, he realizes it is just an amusement park on their town, the one that they used to came, back then when they were young.

"What is so important about Gongsangland? I heard the park went closed for a while now. No one is going there anymore," 

"Yes, you're right. But look at this," Jaemin's right index finger points at the advertisement banner on the right side. The banner is pink colored with red-color texts who appears flickering on glittery way. 

"Special Opening of Gongsangland. Valentine's Day, 14 February 2017. Special offer for couple to celebrating the day : 50% discount. Only for 140 visitors," Sehun reads out. 

"I know right," Jaemin exclaims cheerfully, "Let's place our order now and let see if we can get the discount," she almost places the pointer on booking order button but Sehun holds his hand. 

"W-wait, wait, wait," he halt, "Don't you understand what it says. Special offers for couple to celebrating the day," he repeats.

"COUPLE! Okay? It's Valentine's Day advertisement," he emphasizes. 

Jaemin nods, "I know and that's why we're placing our order together," she pushes his hand from her hand but Sehun puts it back again. 

"Shim Jaemin!" he exclaims. 

"Yes, Oh Sehun?" she calmly answers. 

"We. Are. Not. A couple. Okay," he says and Jaemin frowns to hear his opinion. 

"I know it, but-" she looks away from the screen to the ceiling above them, "But that doesn't mean we cannot go together. Can't we, Sehun? I really want to go there. It's been a long time and going there with you sounds amazing. Beside, they'll gives us 50% discount!!" she looks at Sehun, giving him another cheeky smile of hers.

Sehun shakes his head, "No. I don't want to go with you," 

"Ah, why???" Jaemin whines immediately, "Whom else should I go with?" 

"I..," Jaemin looks at Sehun with her petulent face, "I only have you, Sehun," she drops her head on his shoulder while shaking it like a puppy does to its master. She even hold his upper arms like she depends her life on it.

"Yah!" Sehun shouts, putting his finger on her head and pulls it away from his shoulder. 

"Ah, ah, ah, Sehun-ah, please…..," Jaemin continues to whine at him, "Please, please, please," 

Sehun sees her like she was the most annoying person in the world. He gapes at her, feels so amazed by what she could do to fulfill her own wish. Even if it means to be overly childish like that.

At the same time Jaemin whines at him with continues aegyo charms showdown she has within her, Sehun's older brother walks by the door who widely open to the hallway.

"Yah, Sehun, if your little girlfriend asks for a kiss, just give it and shut already. Are you a man or not?" he doesn't even look at them and only assumes thing on his mind. 

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND," Sehun exclaims, "And I don't want to kiss her," 

His brother shrugs it off and making his way to the kitchen. 

Jaemin simply doesn't care about it. His brother always messed up with them but Sehun never learnt to ignore it. He always caught the bait easily. 

"Please, please, please, Sehun," she continues at it again. 

Sehun rolls his eyes again, uninterested at her. "Stop it, please. Who wants to go there with you? Especially in Valentine's day where people will surely go to public places like that. Moreover, it's going to full of couples," he scrunches his forehead, "And going with you is the worst fact about it," he complains.

It is Jaemin's turn to gape in disbelief, "What? What about me?" she asks him. "What could be so wrong about me?" Jaemin looks down at herself.

"Tsk," Sehun clucks, "You…" 

Jaemin turns her head and glares at him, trying to look as daring as she could. Sehun scrutinizes her from up to down while humming. 

"You," he starts, "Will be the last person someone would ask to go date with," he finishes with one look that makes Jaemin goes stupefied. 


"WhAT?" she could only manage. It takes quite long time for Jaemin to open again. Her mind suddenly is so cloudy and she was too fazed by his words. 

"Yah, Oh Sehun! Do you really need to downgrading me like that?" Jaemin says as she feels so betrayed by his words. It somehow hurts to be told directly, right in front of her face. 

Sehun silently gulps, he just realized what was he saying before. It was exaggarated. A bit. 

"Am I a terrible person to go date with?" Jaemin asks, more like to herself. "I know, I am not the prettiest, nor the smartest, not that I was y or cute. .," her jaw clenches hard and promptly, she sighs. She is trying to collect her pride back and closing , she looks at Sehun in the eye. 

"Okay, that's it," she bobs her head up and down, "I know, I know. No need to tell," she says as she forcefully closes her notebook. 

She holds her notebook tightly on her chest with a hand and moves forward to sit properly. 

"Yah, yah, yah, Shim Jaemin," Sehun calls.

"Ah, ah, aa-ssht, shht," she shushes Sehun's away, putting her palm on the air, just right in front of his face to shut his mouth off. 

She then takes the comic Sehun was reading before and throw it at him. Sehun catches it easily and watches as she moves to the corner of his bed and stands up right away. 

"Shim Jaemin," Sehun follows her to the corner of the bed. One of his leg is kneeling on the bed and another one steps down to the floor. He strecthes his hand out to catch her arm. 
"Where are you going? I was just-" 

"Sshh, shh, shhh," Jaemin puts one of her finger on his mouth. She looks at him once again and Sehun returns with eyes full of guilty. 

At the same time, once again, his older brother comes back from the kitchen and walk through the hallway again, passing his bedroom door. 

"Woohoo," he cooes, "You go, Shim Jaemin. Show him who's the boss," 

He passes just like that and the two were just too focus on their staring game. Sehun doesn't turn away to scold his brother, not even blink at her eyes. 

"I understand. You don't want to go out with me," Jaemin says, "And no, you're not wrong. I'm probably the last person someone would ask for a date," 

"But that doesn't mean I have no chance at all," she smirks eventhough Sehun can sees her eyes become more wet than usual. They are glazing. 

"I'll show you," Jaemin carries on, "I can have a date and I'll go with him to that park," she takes her hand away from Sehun and starts to patting his head. 

She smiles, "And let's see, who's going to kneel down and beg for me to hang out with him," she turns away from Sehun and laughs out loud, pretending to be fake evil. 

Sehun watches her walk away from his room and has no intention to stop her. He blinks at her and shrugs his shoulder once. Her devilish laugh echoes through the hallway but then again, it's Shim Jaemin. 

The only person he knows in and out. 

First, she could never be mean. 

Second, her evil laugh and vicious facial expression are just two things she puts to hold her fragile heart, to make her look tougher with strong exterior.

And lastly third, 

She, with zero experience of love, would never ever date someone. 

Sehun sits down on his bed and he reaches out for his phone from the table near it. 

Alright, he types, Let's see who'll crawling to who ? 
I'll wait for your little boyfriend. 
Until then, 
Good luck Shim Jaemin. I'll sincerely pray for you


He smirks and presses the send button.

Meanwhile, Shim Jaemin who just arrived at her house which only in the opposite of Sehun's house, reads the text directly when it came to her phone. 

She clucks her tongue. 

Just you wait, Oh Sehun. I'll make sure you're going to take back what you've said. 

With strong conviction on her mind, Jaemin crosses her heart. She really has one big mission to accomplish. And with all costs, she's going to make sure she'll doing it perfectly right. 


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