
Our story


“Damn. You look good in uniform.”

Jungkook tried not to roll his eyes at Taehyung’s much too early attempt at conversation. It was 7:55 in the morning and he wasn't sure he had the energy to deal with the other boy.

“Thanks.” He mumbled, taking in the other's similar appearance. While Taehyung looked completely used to the posh looking red jacket and dress pants that made up the school uniform, Jungkook was the epitome of awkward as he readjusted his collar for the 100th time that morning. He honestly wished he could just go back to the bad quality white shirts and grey pants of his old school.

“Have you boys had your breakfast?”

Both boys turned to the spiraling staircase from which Mrs. Jeon was now walking down, still clad in her pajamas. She'd offered to drop them off at school, but Taehyung had immediately declined, saying he was fine with dropping them off himself.

“Ya.” They chorused and Mrs. Jeon seemed pleased by the answer.

“And lunch?”

Taehyung sent the other woman a confused look.

“What's up with lunch?”

Mrs. Jeon furrowed her brows.

“Did you packed some?”

This time Taehyung tilted his head.

“Why would we pack lunch?” He asked

“They serve lunch there” Jungkook mumbled, clarifying the situation based on what Namjoon had told him during his tour. Mrs. Jeon frowned.

“To everyone?”

Jungkook scoffed.

“You should see the cafeteria. It's huge.” He mumbled.

“Kay we're gonna be late.” Taehyung cut in, glancing at the time which read 8: 01, meaning they had another 29 minutes to be in class.

“Oh. Okay then.” Mrs. Jeon piped.

“You guys look like you know what you're doing so I'm going back to bed.” She added, giving them a final “have a nice day at school” before leaving.

“Ready new boy?” Taehyung joked and Jungkook nodded.

“Ya sure.”


Jungkook didn't think he'd ever get over the size of the school.

“2nd floor, room 101.” He mumbled to himself, eyes glued onto the schedule in his hand. He wasn't really sure what to think about having his department courses in the morning rather than the afternoon. He didn't exactly want to sing or dance first thing in the morning…especially dance. Which just so happened to be what he had right then.

“This seems right.” He mumbled to himself, staring at the double doors that he was sure lead to the studio. He knew he was a little late, but who could blame him? It had taken a while for him to find the room- he probably shouldn't have refused Taehyung's offer to help him find his class, but oh well.

Walking into the dance studio was a lot more nerve wracking than he’d expected. Perhaps it’d have been easier if the class wasn’t dead silent except for the teacher who just happened to be doing a roll call for attendants.

“Ah you must be Jungkook” The middle aged man paused to address him. All heads in the class turned to him and despite his outwardly calm demeanor, he wanted nothing more than to turn around and go back home. He heard murmurs travel round the class, but didn’t bother paying attention to them, instead using the opportunity to scan the faces of the students. One in particular caught his attention, a person he immediately recognized as the student he’d bumped into the day before. His dull gray hair almost completely shielded his eyes which were focused on nothing in particular, having obviously zoned out.

“We’re just starting on something new, so feel free to join. You’re lucky it’s just the beginning of the year so there’s not much catching up to do.” The man began explaining, getting right to the point.

“Change rooms are just down the hall on the right.” He continued and Jungkook took that as a good enough hint. He nodded slightly before turning back to leave.

The change room was exactly where the teacher had described it to be, and Jungkook had to hold back a scoff at how fancy it looked.

“How extra can this place get?” He mumbled under his breath, pulling his shirt over his head. The chuckle that followed was not at all the answer he'd expected to receive.

“Pretty darn extra if you ask me.”

He turned to the side, wondering how he hadn’t noticed the boy who was now leaning against a locker across from him. The boy snorted.

“You should see the bathrooms.”

Jungkook frowned slightly, unsure how he was expected to answer. The other boy merely laughed, holding out a hand.

“I’m Hoseok. You must be the new kid”

Jungkook stared at the hand for a moment, hesitantly shaking it.

“Jungkook.” He responded and Hoseok nodded.

“Nice to meet you kid.” He answered, retracting his hand with a grin.

“Now I’d love to get more acquainted but I’m already late for a class, and since I’m not new I don’t have an excuse. Mr. Kim isn’t exactly cool with latecomers.” He added and Jungkook could only nod, pulling on a white shirt. Hoseok didn’t say anything after that, merely waved before letting himself out.



“Like I said, for those of you that weren't in my class last year, this year unlike the last would have less class dances and teacher made choreographies. You’ll mainly be doing individual, partnered or group dances that would be choreographed by you. All I’m here for now is to assign, assess and assist, the rest is all gonna be you.”

Those were the words Jungkook walked in on. It didn’t sound like a challenge to him because he’d long ago learned that he was quite capable of anything he put his mind into. Plus despite having not done it in a while, he had enough faith in his dancing- in fact if he remembered correctly, his previous dance teacher had called him a ‘natural’. He sat quietly at the back of the classroom, keeping his attention on the words of the teacher.

“We’ll be starting the year off with partnered dances before moving into solos, of course I will be throwing in a few group ones here and there.” Mr. Kim continued.

“For this first project that I’m throwing your way I’ll be assigning the partners and then from then on you’ll be free to make the picks yourself. Of course I am allowed to refuse certain partnerships that I don’t think would work. I have the partners assigned already and I’ll straight up let you know that there is no room for negotiation or partner changes. Here goes..”

Jungkook ignored the first few named calls, instead looking around to familiarize himself with the classroom faces. He exchanged a brief glance with the boy he’d met in the locker room...Hoseok was it? His gaze once again traveled to  a certain grey haired boy, freezing in his spot when they he was met with a pair of curious eyes.

“Did you hear me Jungkook? I said you’ll be paired with Jimin.”

Jungkook looked up at Mr.Kim who bore an irritated expression at the lack of his attention.

“I suggest you get to know him better since you’re new here.” He finished, returning to list the other pairs. Jungkook could only nod.




Something about the name sounded familiar. Jimin sighed, turning back to face the teacher. In most cases he’d be jumping with excitement at having the opportunity to be paired with a new student and possibly make a new friend, but right now he really couldn’t care less. He’d managed to convince himself that he would be fine, after all it was only a breakup...breakups happened all the time. Of course that hadn’t lasted. The thought had practically flown out the window the moment Hoseok walked into the class. As usual he’d arrived late and had managed to get out of trouble with the ridiculous charms he seemed to always pull on all the teachers. He knew it was dumb but he wondered if the other boy was still in contact with Chanyeol.

Chanyeol...Jimin felt his heart clench at just the name alone.

“The song specifically is up to you guys, but there’ll be certain things I’d like to see in the choreo, so keep that in mind…” Mr. Kim’s voice was practically background noise to Jimin by now as he’d been pretty much paying no attention throughout the class. He didn’t even notice when the other man finished giving his instructions, that is until his name was being called.

“Jimin, Jungkook, you’re not going to get anything done by sitting still at your respective corners.” Mr. Kim sounded annoyed and Jimin couldn’t blame him. He along with the new kid were the only one still seated, and everyone else had gotten up to find their partners. Jimin sighed, getting up at the same time as Jungkook and walking over.

“Hey.” It was an awkward greeting, definitely not one he would usually give, but who could blame him? He was kind of a mess right now.

“Hey.” Jungkook answered with just as much awkwardness. It was only then that he recognized him as the boy who he’d ran into the day before.

“Oh, it’s you….sorry for bumping into you the other day...and welcome to our school by the way.” He apologized. Jungkook shrugged slightly.

“Thanks. So...the dance.”

Jimin nodded.

“Ya, let’s work on that.”



Bull, this was all bull.

Those seemed to be the only words coursing through his mind as he scanned time table in his hand, barely paying any attention to the droning of his teacher.

“It's all wrong…” He hissed to himself. He'd wanted all his department courses in the morning yet he was stuck with them in the afternoon. He'd probably missed his chance to switch courses since he'd only just gotten back to Seoul a few days ago from the camp he'd been doing in the summer for extra courses. Sure he'd missed the first few days of school but that wasn't the problem. He'd had his department courses in the afternoon last year and he'd hated having to do all his core subjects in the morning.

“How the hell am I supposed to change this..?” He mumbled to himself, and he must have looked pretty distraught, because the next thing he knew he was being tapped on the shoulder. He looked up, turning to face the student beside him.

“You okay man?”

He sighed, looking away from the wide eyed boy beside. They'd been in a couple classes with him the year before, so they were somewhat acquainted- not that he had much friends since frankly, he had better things to worry about.

“I'm fine Kyungsoo, thanks for asking.” He mumbled, keeping his eyes on the piece of paper before him. If only there was some other way to change his schedule. Seokjin froze, turning to the other boy so fast be probably gave him a heart attack.

“Kyungsoo you're in the council right? Vice president right?” He asked and Kyungsoo nodded slowly.


Seokjin let out a relieved sigh, maybe he did still have a chance.

“Do you know how I can switch my timetable around? So I can get my dp courses in the morning..”

Kyungsoo frowned slightly, thinking for a bit.

“Courses and timetable changes are over but if you talk to the right person you might be able to..I can't really help you but you can ask Nam if you're desperate…”

Seokjin rose a brow.


Kyungsoo nodded, evidently surprised by the fact that Seokjin didn't recognize the name.

“Yes, Namjoon...you know, the council president?” He clarified. Seokjin mouthed an ‘oh’ having not been involved in the school activities enough last year to know who'd been voted the new president.

“Do you think he'll help?” He asked and Kyungsoo shrugged.


Seokjin wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean



Tis a bit of a slow build story, but patience ya know XD

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ahivmab #1
Chapter 5: I feel so sad that Jimin can't express his true self to Jungkookie ㅠㅠ
bluebird17 #2
Chapter 4: Your doing well author nim ~ ^^
cypherjemo #3
Chapter 2: i like, cant wait for next chap :3
Chapter 2: I love thissseeessses
__A__U__ #5
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the update~
bluebird17 #6
Chapter 2: Poor Jimin Q-Q
This is great so far, I can't wait for the next chapters!!! >-<