
Our story




It wasn’t that Jungkook wanted this- no, that was most definitely not the case -he was only doing this for her. After all these years she deserved this. He wouldn’t get in the way of her happiness…even if it meant leaving all of his behind.


“I’m really excited. Aren’t you excited?”


Jungkook hummed, nodding his head as he watched the green scenery that continued to unfold beyond the window. He ecould glimpse the bright city lights from where he was seated.




This all felt too unreal to him, moving from the simple Busan to the big city in such short notice. It still didn't feel real, he didn't think it ever would.


A small sigh escaped his mother's lips and he turned to face her.


“You've been awfully quiet this entire trip. Having second thoughts?” She asked, and he could immediately pick out the wariness in her tone.


“No.” He answered curtly, turning to face the woman whose eyes were still glued on the road.


“I'm just tired.” He added, hoping the reason was convincing enough.


“Jungkook..” The other woman began.


“Mom, I'm serious. I don't have a problem with any of this. If it's what you want then it's what I want.”


His mother didn't answer, but her grip on the steering wheel tightened. After a couple more seconds of silence she spoke.


“This isn't too sudden is it?” She whispered softly. Jungkook chuckled with just as much carefulness in the sound.


“No. It's just about time actually.”




When his mother had broken the news that Mr. Kim had proposed to her, Jungkook honestly hadn't been surprised. He'd been around them both long enough to know that the request wasn't far behind. Of course that didn't make him any less reluctant about the idea. Having  been just him and his mother for almost 10 years now, the idea of another man coming into their life's all of a sudden was all too strange.


But she'd wanted it. He could tell right away.


Mr. Kim himself wasn't a bad man, in fact in normal circumstances Jungkook would probably have really liked him. However, this was in no way a normal circumstance. For one thing the man knew a lot more about them both than they did about his family.


When he'd suddenly materialized in their lives two years ago Jungkook hadn't minded him, thinking it was just another one of his mother's clients who had somehow managed to befriend her. Well, that was until a couple months later when they both announced that their relationship had blossomed into something, he'd quote, “a little more.” Of course that had taken Jungkook completely by surprise, even worse when Mr. Kim added that he too had a son. His mother hadn't seemed affected by the news and he guessed that she was already aware.


But despite everything Jungkook didn't complain, not when his mother looked so much happier, smiled so much more. So of course when they announced that they wanted to get married, Jungkook couldn't object, even when he knew that that would mean leaving Busan. Leaving everything.


“I'm sure you'll love him.”


Jungkook blinked, pulling himself out of his thoughts. His mother was smiling distractedly and he was reminded once again, just why he was agreeing to this.


“Taehyung.” She clarified, upon noticing her son's questioning look. ‘Oh’ Jungkook mouthed. He'd heard of the famous Taehyung, Mr. Kim's son. Every time they'd talk about life in Seoul, the boy- who he'd learned was his age- would always be brought up. In fact on one of her business trips, his mother had stayed with the Kim's in Seoul, and while they'd offered for him to join he'd declined, having stayed behind for his exams. As a result he'd yet to meet this ‘Taehyung’ and in all honesty, while he knew that it'd be a good idea to get to know his potentially new step brother, he couldn't really care less. Based on all the pictures he'd seen from his mother's trip, he looked nice enough, but then again, Jungkook wasn't one to judge based on looks.


“That's good.” He mumbled in response. The answer  seemed to satisfy his mother as she descended into one of her rants about her stay with the family. A familiar smile lit her face and Jungkook sighed.


Yep. This was all for her.






“How do I look?”


“Like a creep”


Taehyung’s grin turned into a frown at his friend's hurtful comment, glaring into his phone screen where the said friend was sending him an unamused look .


“I’m serious Yoon!” He whined, and Yoongi rolled his eyes


“If they’re going to become your family then they’ll eventually have to see you without make up, so why bother?” He asked. Taehyung huffed.


“First impressions man. I get to see my potentially new brother for the first time and I don’t want him to hate me.”


“Right, cause he’s going to detest you for crappy eyeliner work.” Yoongi retorted sarcastically.


“Can’t you just be a good friend for once?” Taehyung said, his pout returning.


“You know very well that that isn’t my forté. I have a test tomorrow so your family drama is kinda hanging low on my priority list right now.” The other said, a small scowl forming on his face. Taehyung whined.


“Come on, all you have to say is “yes Taehyung, you look great” or “no Taehyung, you look hideous, wear that other blue shirt instead” or something like that”


Yoongi sighed, pushing his thick rimmed glasses up his nose.


“Why are you even asking me? You know Jimin’s better at this kind of stuff.”


Taehyung huffed.


“Ya I know, but he’s on a dumb date with his dumb boyfriend.”


Yoongi scrunched his nose, running a hand through his blonde hair.


“Of course. Either way I have to go, I have a test coming up remember?”


“Oh come on Yoon, we both know you’ll do great on the stupid test. Can’t you just spare your friend some time?” Taehyung pleaded and the other deadpanned.




“Yoooon!” Taehyung whined but Yoongi only rolled his eyes once more before cutting off the call.


“Ya!” Taehyung yelled at his now blank screen, chucking the device unto his bed with an exasperated huff.


“Such great friends you have. One ditches you for romance and the other for school..ing school.” He mumbled to no one in particular, using his reflection on his phone to fix his hair.




He jumped slightly at the loud baritone yell, hurrying over to his bedroom door.


“Yes?!” He called out, his father’s voice immediately answering.


“Get down here.”


Taehyung groaned, fixing his hair one more time before leaving the room.


In seconds alone he was hurrying down the spiral staircase leading down to the main floor. His father was already waiting at the bottom of the stairs and the poor man looked terrified. Taehyung was tempted to laugh.


“Woah, what’s the deal?”


His father fidgeted once more, wiping his sweaty palm against his pants.


“They’re going to be here soon. Help me clean up.”


Taehyung looked around. The place was spotless- not like it was easy to get such a big place messy.


“There’s nothing to clean up.”


His father looked around nervously, wiping at a nearby vase with his finger.


“Look, dust.”


Taehyung squinted at the outstretched digit.


“I don’t see it.”


His father glare, but the action looked more desperate than annoyed. He chuckled.


“Dad, relax. The place is fine as it is. Mrs. Jeon has been here before anyways, I don’t see why you need to be so nervous.” He assured. His father nodded slowly.


“You’re right, you’re right. I’m overreacting.” The older man mumbled, more to himself than to anyone else. Taehyung chuckled. It’d been such a long time since his old man had cared this much for anyone and honestly, he was happy that it was Mrs. Jeon.


He’d never met his mother as she’d been one of the unlucky few to pass away during childbirth. However, each time he’d ask his father about her he’d reply with something vague such as “she was a splendid woman” or “She had a nice smile”. It wasn’t something that ever satisfied him, and since his father had yet to show interest in another woman, he’d began giving up on the notion of ever having a mother figure. Well, that was until his father showed up from one of his business trip with his supposedly ‘new girlfriend’.


At first the news came as a shock to him because ‘wow, his father could actually get a girl’, but eventually he came to like the idea. Mrs. Jeon was everything you’d want in a mother; she was sweet, smart, funny and made for a killer cook. Perhaps it was because he was just generally a very open minded person, but Taehyung found himself admiring the woman. She was nothing like the mythical horrible stepmother, but instead was exactly what he knew he'd always wanted. He'd learned she had a son quite quickly and that alone made him even more excited. It was like the ideal family he'd always dreamed off. A sibling and a mom. What else could he ask for? When his father announced over the phone that he was planning on marrying the other woman, Taehyung had practically screamed into the line. The idea was perfect to him, basically setting his dreams of a full family into stone.


His thoughts were interrupted by a series of loud rings and he watched his father gasp.


“It’s her. Shhhh! be quiet!” The older man urged.


“I wasn’t saying anything” Taehyung mumbled, sending an incredulous look the other man’s way. His father merely ignored the comment, picking the call.


“Ah, Areum!” He chirped and Taehyung rolled his eyes at the over exaggerated excitement in his father’s voice.


“Oh, oh I see. That’s wonderful. Alright….oh, okay.” The older spoke into the phone, fumbling with  the device. A few more seconds passed with the other man speaking into the phone before Taehyung finally heard him say his goodbyes. A moment of silence passed between them once the call was ended, the only sound being the quiet beep of the ended call.


“They’re almost here.” His father finally spoke and Taehyung’s eyes widened.


“Really?! How do I look?” He asked, lightly patting his blonde hair. His father huffed.


“Who cares how you look?! I’m the one who should be freaking out.” The older man countered, looking around frantically.


“Okay, everything looks good. Do I look okay?” He added and Taehyung scoffed, narrowing his eyes at the salmon coloured shirt on his father.


“I thought I told you to burn that shirt.” He answered and his father deflated.


“What’s wrong with it? Areum said it looked nice on me.”


Taehyung shook his head, a look of pity on his face.


“Bless that woman. She must really love you if she was willing to tell you such a blatant lie.” He mocked, sending a distasteful look his father’s way. The older man, rather than looking offended, widened his eyes in panic.


“That bad? Goodness, come help me pick something else out.” He demanded, practically dragging his son back up the stairs. Taehyung sighed. Guess he wasn’t the only one who was excited.








Jungkook knew Mr. Kim was a wealthy man. But damn.


“Damn.” He muttered out loud and his mother giggled.


“Told you you’d be impressed.”


Ya but he didn’t think he’d be this impressed. When his mother had nudged him awake, the last thing he’d expect to see was the looming caramel coloured building before them- it looked to be about three stories tall, it’s tip grazing the dull sky of the evening. He continued to stare, eyes wide even as his mother began to call someone.


“..Ya, we’re here.”


Jungkook blinked, forcing his gaze away from the over extravagant building to stare at his mother.


“We’re going to be living here?” He mouthed at her, so as not to interrupt her call. She grinned back.


“You like?” She mouthed back. Jungkook couldn’t come up with a response, only turned back to stare at the building. Just then the giant ebony gates shielding the rest of the building from view, began to move. His mother giggled, turning off her phone as he let out a small gasp.


“You said he was a businessman not a millionaire.” Jungkook mumbled, admiring the expensive epoxy coated driveway and the perfectly trimmed lawn. From afar, he could see the large double doors of the building entrance slowly open, but before he could see who was behind it, the car turned, heading for what looked to be a garage- a very large one at that too. His mother parked in front of it, poking her son’s sides once she caught him staring blatantly at the scenery.


“I know. That was my reaction too.” She said, giggling.


“Well. At least he’s loaded, that definitely means my allowance is going up right?” He joked. His mother rolled her eyes.


“Of course that’s what you’d care about.” She retorted, a smile still on her face. A small tap interrupted their little banter and both of them turned to find a grinning Mr. Kim tapping on the window by his mother. She smiled back, rolling down the window. Jungkook watched awkwardly as the two talked animatedly, only bothering to send a small wave to the other man. At least they both looked happy. Another tap- much quieter this time, pulled him out of his thoughts and he turned to face his window.


“Holy shi-” He hissed when he was met with a face practically squished against the glass. He tried not to look too freaked out as he slowly rolled down the transparent window. It was only halfway down when a hand was shoved into his personal space.


“Hey I’m Taehyung. You must be Jungkook, I’ve heard so much about you- all good things of course- but that’s besides the case. Nice to meet you!” The blonde on the other side greeted.


Jungkook blinked slowly, eyes falling to the hand that was still in his personal space, before hesitantly shaking it.


“Yeah...Nice to meet you too.” He said. Taehyung moved his hand back, a square grin splitting his face. Jungkook chuckled nervously, sending a worried glance his mother’s way. She smiled back, shrugging as if to say ‘you’ll get used to it’


“Taehyung, give him a break, he’s not even out of the car yet.” Mr. Kim luckily came to his rescue. Taehyung’s eyes widened.


“Oh right, sorry about that.” He said, moving back from the car door. Jungkook sighed. By now his mother was already out the door and he decided he should probably get out too.


“Wow. You’re tall” Taehyung said once he was outside. Jungkook furrowed his brows because he was only a few centimetres taller than the other boy.


“Attractive too. That’s good, I get to gloat about you.” The blonde continued.


“Tae, come help me carry their things inside.” Mr. Kim called and Taehyung pouted slightly.


“But my body’s not made for physical labour” He mumbled to himself, but Jungkook heard, raising a brow. This was not what he’d expected when he’d heard about his soon to be stepbrother.


“It’s okay. I’ll help.” Jungkook offered, because you know, that was the nice thing to do.


“Oh no need.” Mr. Kim assured, smiling as he pulled a bag out of the trunk.


“Why not? Look at him, he’s clearly more athletic than me!” Taehyung whined and his father sent him an incredulous look. Mrs. Jeon laughed.


“It’s okay, Jungkook can help.” She piped. Jungkook nodded, collecting the suitcase from the blonde- who seemed to be struggling with it.


“Woah, strong too.” Taehyung teased and Jungkook tried not to look too weirded out.


“Taehyung can you step out of character for a quick second and at least try to be charming.” Mr. Kim interjected, and were he not too busy judging the blonde, he’d have cracked a smile.


“What are you talking about? I’m as charming as they get.” Taehyung defended.


“Alright kids, let’s save the banter for inside.” Mrs. Jeon intervened, and Jungkook was honestly thankful. He still needed some time to get used to everything, so some silence would be nice.




If Jungkook had thought that the outside of the building was incredible, imagine how taken aback he was when he saw the inside. It looked to be about two times bigger on the inside than it had been on the outside- and that’s saying a lot since the outside had looked huge.

“Woah.” He mumbled and Taehyung chuckled beside him.


“You think this is something? Wait till you see Yoongi’s place.” The blonde whispered back and Jungkook frowned because he didn’t think he could imagine something better. The interior design of the building was in his opinion, breathtaking. The light peach and of the marble walls, combined with the wood and copper decors gave off a prosperous modern aura. There were paintings lining the walls- painted to match the theme- as well as thoughtfully placed vases and even statues. Things couldn’t get any more fancy than this.


“Here, follow me. I’ll show you to your room” Taehyung offered and Jungkook sent a worried glance his mother’s way, because he did not want to be left alone with this kid. She smiled at him, obviously enjoying his distress.


“Come on, you’ll like your room” Taehyung urged.


“It’s right by mine.”


Jungkook gulped.


Oh god.




Finally started this XD

(I feel so extra for adding pictures omg.)

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ahivmab #1
Chapter 5: I feel so sad that Jimin can't express his true self to Jungkookie ㅠㅠ
bluebird17 #2
Chapter 4: Your doing well author nim ~ ^^
cypherjemo #3
Chapter 2: i like, cant wait for next chap :3
Chapter 2: I love thissseeessses
__A__U__ #5
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the update~
bluebird17 #6
Chapter 2: Poor Jimin Q-Q
This is great so far, I can't wait for the next chapters!!! >-<