
Our story








Are you ready Kook?”


Jimin looked up from where he was half assedly munching away at a granola bar. He nodded, taking in his mother’s dressed up appearance.


“Alright let’s go.” She chirped, looking way more excited than he felt. But one couldn’t really blame him for his lack of enthusiasm, after all he’d only agreed to do this due to the fact that he didn’t think he could stand being left alone with his step dad and mother for one more day.


For the rest of the weekend Taehyung had barely been at home, claiming that he had important ‘business’ to take care of. Unfortunately that left him alone with the soon to be married couple, and while Jungkook had never been a huge fan of romance, their level of lovesickness was just...blegh. I mean he didn’t mind that they liked each other, but if he had to sit through another session of wedding planning he’d rip out his hair. As a result he’d been more than willing to comply when Mr. Kim had asked him if he’d like to go register personally at the academy today.


Of course when Mr. Kim had said personally, he’d meant just his mother would be accompanying him, because apparently he had a super important work related meeting to be at. Not that he minded since he still wasn’t used to having the man around all the time.


“Are you excited?” His mother asked and Jungkook paused his piano tiles game.


“Ya.” He lied, not having the heart to tell her that he couldn’t care less. His mother seemed pleased by the answer and she grinned, leaning back against the car seat


“I told you I’ve been there before right? It’s actually really big.” She continued. Jungkook nodded, pocketing his phone. Of course it was big, it was designed for all those rich kids after all.


“I’m sure it is.”




Okay, he really should have been expecting this.


“I’m pretty sure that’s the main building...or it could be that one...” His mother said, squinting out the window. Jungkook stared as well, taking in the different gothic styled buildings that now loomed over them.


“I’m gonna take a guess and say that one.” His mother added, pointing at the nearest one which was connected to two other buildings through tunnel like bridge structures on the second and third floors. The tunnel walls were lined with large windows-clear glass that repeated at close intervals-and through them, Jungkook could glimpse a few students, all dressed in the same red jacket and black skirt/pants uniforms.


“Ya I’d say that’s a good guess.” Jungkook mumbled. His mother nodded.

“All right. Let’s go. I think I remember where the main office is ”






“These are the last of the files from last year's volunteers.”


Namjoon took the files that were being extended towards him, looking them over once before returning his attention to the woman in front of him- or Mrs. Choi as the students loved to call her -one of the school’s counsellors.


“Well. Most of them that is. There’s still one missing.” She continued, massaging her temple. Namjoon sighed. Of course there was one missing.


“It’s Taehyung’s isn’t it.”


The woman threw her arms up in exasperation.


“I’ve seriously had enough of that kid. Who even convinced him to do this in the first place?”


Namjoon chuckled awkwardly, remembering that it’d been him who’d advised Taehyung to sign up for the volunteer program if he wanted to keep busy.


“He only has one minor activity in his file and it barely even counts. Scratch that, it doesn’t count at all. Dying your friend’s hair to fabulousness is not a valid volunteer activity.” Mrs. Choi continued.


“I’ll talk to him.” Namjoon offered and the other woman huffed.


“Please do. If you see him today tell him to come to my office after school. It’s about time we settled this.” She responded.


“Anyways, make sure Mr. Park gets the files.”


Namjoon nodded, bowing to the lady before excusing himself. She nodded, dismissing him with a wave of her hands. As soon as he was out the door he sighed, regretting ever having recommended the volunteer program to that idiot.


“Ah, Namjoon.”


Namjoon turned, bowing deeply when he was met with the vibrant smile of the school’s principal.


“Good afternoon Mr. Kang” He greeted politely and the other man patted his shoulder. It was only then that he noticed the two people who’d followed the man into the main office. He bowed at them too and the woman smiled politely while the boy behind her nodded.


“This here is Mrs. Jeon and her son. Jungkook was it?”Mr. Kwang asked and the boy nodded.


“Well Jungkook would be attending the academy starting tomorrow.” He continued, turning to the woman and her son.


“This is Namjoon, our student body president, wonderful kid.”


Namjoon nodded thankfully at the praise, taking the politely extended hand of the woman.


“Well pleasure to meet you Namjoon.” She said, a grin splitting her face. She seemed nice.


“Actually Namjoon.” Mr. Kang began.


“If you’d be so kind as to show Jungkook around the school. He’ll be registering into our dance and vocals departments so you could show him his designated buildings. I’ll just finish up the rest of the registration process with Mrs. Jeon over here.” He finished. Namjoon nodded while Mrs. Jeon elbowed her son.


“Won’t that be nice?” She asked, and Jungkook, who’d been apparently lost in thought nodded.


“Um yeah. Sure.”


“Well in that case, this way madam.” Mr. Kang continued, gesturing for Mrs. Jeon to follow him.


“I’ll text you when we’re done. We’ll meet back here.” The older woman addressed her son, who nodded. Soon enough it was only the two of them left and Namjoon, having done this before, plastered on his most welcoming smile.


“Welcome to Big Hit Performance academy. As you’ve heard I’m Namjoon, student body president. I hope we get to be better acquainted in the future.” He said, outstretching his hand. Jungkook took the outstretched hand hesitantly, obviously not used to the formality.


“Cool, I’m uh Jungkook...as you’ve heard.”


Namjoon nodded, smile still on his face.


“Why don’t I show you around Jungkook.”




“And from this point on is the dance department. It’s actually quiet convenient for you since it’s directly below the vocal. Some students are less lucky and have to walk back and forth between  building 1 and 2.” Namjoon explained


Jungkook silently nodded beside him and he continued, having already deduced the other to be more on the silent side.


“As you can see there are already some classes in session. The schedules are organized so that while half of the student body are in their department courses the other half are at the main building for the core subjects.” He continued, walking backing up the stairs from which they’d come.


“Any questions so far?” He asked, making sure the other was following. Jungkook shook his head at first, but stopped when something popped to mind.


“Actually, I noticed that there wasn’t a sports program or even like a physical ed class or something.” He asked and Namjoon nodded.


“Oh yeah, that. Sport isn’t really something the academy is big on. However, we do have days, one every month, that are dedicated to physical fitness. We call them sport days and it’s basically when the different departments-at different levels- compete in sports.” Namjoon chuckled.


“ The dance department always win in all levels.” He added.


“But I thought everyone had to be in two departments?”


Namjoon nodded.


“Yup. But you get assigned which department you represent each time.”


“Ah I see.” Jungkook mumbled.


“Why? Were you big on sports in your old school?” Namjoon asked.


“Ya I guess you could say that.” The other answered. He looked like he had another question to ask but wasn’t given the chance as a loud vibration caught him midword.


“It’s my mom.” Jungkook announced, looking down at his phone.


“I should get going.”


“Should I help you go back?” Namjoon immediately offered, but the other shook his head.


“Nah, you should probably be in class so I won’t take anymore of your time.” He claimed.


“But I don’t mi-”


“It’s okay.” Jungkook cut him off.


“I can find my way back.”

And before Namjoon could complain, he was walking off. Namjoon sighed. Oh well, all in a days work for the school president.





Mom: We’re done over here~ meet me at the office


Jungkook pocketed his phone, retracing his steps and going back the way he’d remembered coming from. If he remembered correctly, the bridge to the main building was right around the corner. He smiled proudly as he saw the said structure. Another vibration interrupted his self praise.


Mom: I’m not interrupting am I? If you’re not done then take your time.


He quickly sent a reply.


Jungkook: Nah I’m good. On my way


He pocketed his phone once again, pulling his attention to the nice scenery beyond the glass. From here he could see the fountain at the school front and he had to admit, it was pretty nice. The whole school was actually pretty nice.  The interior, much like the exterior, held an overly posh modern mixed with gothic appearance, from the polished burnt umber and chestnut furnitures, to the chandeliers that hung from the ceilings.

Jungkook admitted it was well thought out. His mind was so preoccupied by the nice architectural design of the building that he didn’t notice he was already in the main building, his body working on autopilot as he walked down a set of stairs he was positive Namjoon had led him up. Apparently he wasn’t the only one who wasn’t paying attention, as upon getting to the base of the steps, he was met with a large force bumping into him. He looked up, eyes landing on a boy who’d stumbled back from the contact.


“S-, sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” The boy stuttered, pushing aside his bangs which, like the rest of his hair, was a light gray colour that bordered on white.

“Uh it’s okay.” He answered lamely. The boy apologized once more, bowing before jogging up the stairs. His eyes followed the other’s retreating back, wondering how it was even possible for someone to look that soft. He shook his head of the thought, re arranging his thoughts. He needed to get back.





“Ugh, pay attention.” Jimin mumbled to himself, chastising himself for having ran into that poor boy. He needed to get his together, he was beginning to space out much too often.


“Oh. Chim chim.”


Jimin froze, eyes starting up in slight panic as he was only used to hearing that nickname from a certain person. He relaxed however, when his eyes landed on the person approaching him.


“I told you to stop calling me that.” He muttered to the said person. Namjoon chuckled, his hands stuffed into his pockets.


“Hey, tis a free country, if Chanyeol can call you that, so can I.”


Jimin froze, breath hitching at the other’s words. Namjoon apparently noticed and furrowed his brows.


“Y’okay?” He asked. Jimin shook his head slightly, ridding himself of his shocked state.


“Y-ya. Kay I need to go.” He answered and the other didn’t push any further.


“Oh yeah!” Namjoon suddenly piped.


“Tell Taehyung that Mrs. Choi wants to see him after school and that he better figure out what he’s going to do for his volunteer experiences.”


Jimin chuckled, remembering just how much procrastinating his friend had done for that.


“Ya sure.” He answered, walking away. From afar he could see the male's washroom and his attention was pulled back to his full bladder. He rushed over, pushing the door open slowly, but stopping midway when he heard a laugh that was all too familiar.


“Dude what the ? That’s so dumb.”


Hoseok. Jimin gulped. That could only mean…


“You can’t blame me though, I wasn’t listening when he said we shouldn’t let the two chemicals touch..”

Jimin gasped at the sound of his ex. He hadn’t spoken to Chanyeol- much less actually seen him- since two nights ago when they broke up. If he remembered correctly the other had said he was leaving today...he’d been hoping they wouldn’t have to see each other till he was gone.


“Well I doubt you’ll be getting that out of your hair anytime soon.” Hoseok answered, and by then Jimin was already slowly closing the door, not wanting to be seen or heard.

“Gee thanks yo-” Jimin closed the door, letting out the breath he’d been holding. He sighed, biting his lips as he walked in the direction he remembered contained the nearest washroom.





“I think I’ll dye my hair back to brown”


Yoongi rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh.


“Dude focus on your work.” He hissed, referring to the worksheet they were supposed to have completed by the end of the class.


“Can I copy your answers?” Taehyung asked, noticing that the other was now working on the last equation.


“No.” Yoongi answered and the other pouted.


“Fine…” He mumbled, returning to his worksheet- which he still hadn’t begun working on.


“But we can’t both be blonde, so I’ll have to dye it.”


Yoongi groaned.


“Do whatever you want man.” He mumbled and Taehyung nodded.


“Brown it is. I’ll make it a lighter brown. Lighter colours look nice on m- oh.” His one sided conversation was cut short as Jimin walked over to them, taking his seat beside the hyperactive blonde.


“Hey min, what do you think of brown hair on me?” Taehyung asked, poking the other. Jimin nodded absentmindedly, obviously distracted.


“Ya that sounds nice.” He mumbled, staring down blankly at his worksheet which at least had a few questions done.


“I’m thinking a lighter brown.”


Jimin nodded again.


“Ya...lighter colours look nice on you.”


“SEE?!” Taehyung exclaimed quite loudly, earning a glare from both the teacher and Yoongi.


“Would you chill the out?” Yoongi hissed and the other smiled apologetically.


“See?” He whispered instead.


Jimin didn’t say anything and the other two exchanged a worried glance.


“You okay min?” Yoongi asked and Jimin looked up at them, eyes widening with surprise.


“What? Yes I’m fine.” He answered quickly, sending them a grin. Neither of them seemed to buy it, so he added.


“By the way Tae, Namjoon said Mrs. Choi wants to see you after school.” He added, changing the subject. Taehyung visibly cringed.


“. It’s about that volunteer thingy right?”


Yoongi scoffed.


“Ya I was wondering when you’d get to that.”


Taehyung sighed.


“It’s okay. She can’t be that upset.”




“This is very  upsetting Taehyung.”


Taehyung chuckled nervously. Spoke too soon.


“You signed up for this last year and should have finished it last year, yet here we are.” Mrs. Choi continued.


“I mean, I understand if you’re busy, but you had all summer. Plus even if you didn’t get to finish, you should have at least a reasonable amount of activities done but no, not even one.”


“I have the hair dying thing..” Taehyung piped lamely. Mrs. Choi scoffed.


“We both know that doesn’t count.” She practically hissed. Taehyung pouted.


“Just give me this year then, I’ll-.”


“Oh no no no.” Mrs. Choi interrupted him.


“I’m not giving you another year or you’ll never finish till you graduate. As a matter of fact I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands.”


Taehyung blinked. This couldn’t be good.


“Since I don’t think I can handle dealing with you anymore, I’ll just let you off with a major activity.” She continued.


“I signed you up as a volunteer for a local children’s hospital further downtown.”


Taehyung blanched. Hospital? He tilted his head with a look of confusion on his face.


“You’re trusting me with a position relative to life and death?” He asked, aware that he was ticking the other woman off.


“Oh god no. For the sake of those children I hope they don’t let you anywhere near the equipments or medicine. However, you’ll do other minor things like refilling glove boxes or keeping the kids company and such. I’ve signed you up to start next wednesday from 6pm to 9pm”


Taehyung pouted.


“But that’s so late.” He whined and Mrs. Choi shrugged.


“Sources say you’re a night person.” She claimed and Taehyung frowned, finding that incredibly creepy.


“Fine. How long does this last for?” He asked and the older woman seemed pleased at the question.


“Till I say so.” She answered and Taehyung immediately opened his mouth to complain.

“Don’t bother Taehyung. If you wanted to avoid this you’d have finished your hours last year.” She cut him off and he groaned. This was all Namjoon’s fault. He was going to kill the so called student body president.





Jungkook continued to stare at the slip of paper in his hand, having already memorized it’s content. His gaze was forced up when a loud thud shattered the silence of the living room and his eyes fell on a pouting Taehyung whose bag was now on the ground- he briefly wondered what must be in the bag for it to make such a loud thud. He let his gaze fall back to the piece of paper in his hands.


“Whatcha looking at?”


Jungkook sighed. Of course he’d ask.


“My schedule.” He answered, and Taehyung was by his side in an instant.


“Ooh lemme see.”


Jungkook tried not to look too uncomfortable as the other shimmied closer.


“Dude…” Taehyung began


Jungkook furrowed his brows.


“You have the exact same schedule as my friend!” The blonde exclaimed, smacking the other’s shoulder.


“That’s great! You’re gonna love him! Oh yeah! That also mean you're in my math class.”


Jungkook pursed his lips as the other continued to rant, wondering if he’d ever get used to his hyper character.


Oh well, it’s not like he had a choice.


Random hallway :P



*sigh* I wish I could copy and paste images out from my head so y'all can get a better image of what I imagine the school to look like.

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ahivmab #1
Chapter 5: I feel so sad that Jimin can't express his true self to Jungkookie ㅠㅠ
bluebird17 #2
Chapter 4: Your doing well author nim ~ ^^
cypherjemo #3
Chapter 2: i like, cant wait for next chap :3
Chapter 2: I love thissseeessses
__A__U__ #5
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the update~
bluebird17 #6
Chapter 2: Poor Jimin Q-Q
This is great so far, I can't wait for the next chapters!!! >-<