2. Yixing



Yixing lay down on the floor. He couldn’t see a ceiling or a sky, but he had a distinct feeling he was somewhere underground. The walls were made of stone and the floor was sandy and dirty. It was impossible to tell whether it was day or night, how long he had been there. He didn’t know what direction he was going in. 

At first, when he woke up, Yixing had called out to the rest of the boys. Lu Han, Jongdae, Minseok. Yifan, anyone. But there had been no response. At that moment, he had been in some sort of jungle. He had stayed there for a while, thinking that perhaps Lu Han would find a way to him, just like he always did when they were little. But when it became obvious that he was alone, Yixing walked. There were no signs of anyone else being there. He encountered numerous animals in the area, but when he had progressed into this place, the corners getting sharper and the lightning dimmer, animals gave way to fruits. Fruits he recognized, too. Apples, grapes, oranges. 

Yixing had managed to keep his emotions in check until the moment he tripped over a branch and scrapped his knee. The wound hadn’t healed. Not even when Yixing wet his thumb with saliva and rubbed at the slit vigorously. He panicked then, because without his power, Yixing wasn’t sure he’d be able to survive. There was food, yes, and the fruits were all juicy enough to keep him somewhat hydrated, but if he happened to encounter a large animal, he was dead meat.

Yixing tried not to think too much about the fact that he was alone. It didn’t do well to dwell on those things. Everytime Lu Han popped into his mind, he would push the thought away with all his might. He didn’t want to imagine what had happened to him. He didn’t appreciate the mental images his brain conjured. Yixing had an inkling feeling that one of his brothers was nearby; he just didn’t know who, or where. He discovered the feeling became stronger when he headed east, but he fell asleep at one point and when he woke up he was thrown off balance; the entire passage had changed.

He had fallen asleep in a cavern with rough walls and vines yet woke up in a hallway, smooth stone surrounding him. Yixing swallowed hard. That was the first time the place had changed up on him like that. He didn’t know what the hell was happening and he was scared witless. 

The singing in his blood kept him going; the bond that connected him to his brothers was pushing him forward. Perhaps, he’d find someone if he kept walking. So he did just that. 

He found Yifan. The older boy was unconscious, leaning against a wall. He seemed to be asleep. Yixing shook him until he woke up. The second his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Yifan threw his arms around him. Yixing clang to the blonde, feeling like a child; he was certainly crying like one. Yifan told him he couldn’t use his powers either.

“Not that it would have mattered, anyway,” Yifan grumbled, “I’m not sure flying would have gotten me out of here.”

Yixing agreed with him. They kept walking after that, albeit in silence. Yixing took a hold of Yifan’s hand and didn’t let go unless absolutely necessary. Some of the passages were trickier to get past, forcing them to climb and jump and slide. It wasn’t fun. They found a cave north from where Yifan had been; it was dry and warm, perfect to sleep in. The floor was mostly dirt. 

They made a fire, somehow. Yifan was the one who did it, while Yixing collected fruits from the outskirts of the cave. It was darker on that side of the ‘labyrinth’, as they had taken to call it, so Yixing had a hard time distinguishing what was in front of him. 

They ate in silence, neither in the mood to discuss the weather (humid, thank you very much). Yixing could feel some of the anxiety in his gut ebbing away in the presence of Yifan. He had been the leader of their unit back home, so it was only natural for Yixing to feel safe with him. Yixing had refused to sleep, scared that when he woke up Yifan would be gone, but the older man promised him that he wouldn’t leave him alone, and Yixing was out like a light instantly.

True to his word, Yifan was still there when he woke up, coaxing fruit into Yixing’s mouth. Maybe they didn’t know where they were or what was happening, but they had each other, and that’s all that mattered.

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each chapter will be posted in a different chronological order so dont be confused if you're lost (that was the point lmao)


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