Chapter 4

The way we love

sorry forgot to post this :/





“Hyung,what's up?” Kibum laughed as he saw Jinki sighing heavily, arms crossed in front of his chest, and he glanced out the dorm window. It was strange, because Kibum thought Jinki seemed less smiley, even though he was dating the girl he liked. Kibum shook his head, watching Jinki space out. It must be exam pressure making Jinki's smiles fade away.


“Nothing,” Jinki mumbled minutes later, after Kibum had given up on him replying, “Nothing’swrong, why would it be?” Jinki turned to face Kibum,who was sitting on his bed, giving Kibum plenty of time to see the bags under his eyes and the way his hair was uncombed and messy.Kibum bit his lip, wishing he could do something to lighten his hyung's exam load. Jinki was smart, but he still stressed about exams, because he wanted the best grades. For Jinki,95 out of a 100 wasn't good enough.


“Are you seeing Yui later?” Kibum prompted Jinki, hoping to coax a smile out of his friend, but Jinki frowned and then nodded his head. “That should be good,right?” Kibum couldn't help but smile, feeling awkward as Jinki didn't return the smile. Instead he kept frowning, before he turned to look out the window again. Rolling his eyes,Kibum stood upand was about to walk out of the room when he saw Jinki suddenly lean forward intently, mouthing something to himself.


Blinking,Kibum stepped forward to peer out the window and see what Jinki was studying. Kibum frowned; there was nothing exciting to see down there. He started to pull back, but then he noticed a solitary figure dressed in shorts and a singlet running down on the grass. Kibum's eyes widened in shock as he recognised the runner--it was someone he hadn't seen around Jinki for a while. Kibum turned to see a wistful expression crossJinki's face,and then he sighed, biting his lip. Kibum blinked and just stood there. Surely he was mistaken, but judging from the way Jinki glanced down again, eyes following the runner, it seemed as if Jinki missed him.




“Hyung, Minho-hyung, come on, please?”


Minho shut his eyes and rolled over, he wasn’t in the mood for dealing with Sungjong (or anyone really). Minho burrowed under the covers, hoping that Sungjong would get the hint and just leave. Minho just wanted to sleep, he had gone for an extra-long run that morning, and then spend the rest of the day studying for the up-coming exams, never mind that the exams were next month. Minho had to do something to keep his mind occupied and busy, but now he wanted to rest.


“Hyung, this isn’t just your room! You know, you have a roommate! You can’t just expect me to clean up after you. I know you’re upset and hurting, but for s sake hyung it’s been two months! You can’t keep doing this, you can’t.” Minho burrowed deeper, hearing Sungjong breathing out heavily, “You can’t live this way hyung. It’s not healthy to be exercising all day, or studying non-stop.” Minho wished he could block out Sungjong’s voice, he didn’t want to hear it. Minho knew it was unhealthy but it was the only way he could get through the days.


“Yeah I know,” Minho mumbled through the bedding, trying not to grit his teeth together in annoyance, “I know I have a roommate. And let’s face it – you only want me to clean up so your ing boyfriend can come over.” Minho pushed the bedding down from his face, so he could glare up at Sungjong. It annoyed Minho how as soon as Myungsoo was coming over, Sungjong wanted Minho to clean up the room, when half of the mess was Sungjong’s.


“That’s not true and you know it!” Sungjong frowned, and shook his head slowly, “I’m ing worried about you, you never ing leave this room unless it’s to exercise and study. Hyung, you can’t keep acting this way.” Minho sighed and just rolled onto his side, he didn’t need Sungjong to tell him. Everywhere Minho went reminded him of Jinki, he had to end this, cut his feelings off. Minho couldn’t help but think maybe if he pushed himself harder, he would finally forget Jinki.


“Well just stop worrying, Sungjong-ah,” Minho flopped over to face Sungjong again, “You’re not my mother. So don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine I promise.” Minho nodded his head, just wishing that this whole conversation would just end, it was getting too close to subjects (like Jinki) that Minho didn’t want to talk or think about.


“Hyung! You’re not being fair, what kind of a friend wouldn’t worry right now?” Minho couldn’t help but flinch from Sungjong’s words, he knew he was right but Minho didn’t know what else to do. No simply he had no choice except to act this way otherwise he would lose the plot. Biting his lip Minho sat up, pushing the sheets down and wondering if he should go study in the library or something, give Sungjong some space.


“Please hyung, just tidy your stuff up, and maybe then we could go and eat dinner with Myungsoo? It would be fun!” Minho didn’t need to look at Sungjong to know his eyes were probably full of pity. Minho wanted to scoff, sure going out for dinner with a couple would be fun, that was exactly what he needed right now. It would be as much fun as breaking a bone. Minho knew he should feel awkward or pathetic, that his roommate was resorting to inviting him out with his boyfriend too, but Minho didn’t really care.


“I’m going to the library.” Minho turned away from Sungjong, placing books into his bag without even thinking about what he really needed. “I’ll be back late, so you can invite Myungsoo over. Sorry.” Minho mumbled talking more to his backpack then Sungjong.


“You’re missing the whole ing point.” Sungjong whispered, “ this, I give up. You’re just going to break down hyung, or collapse or I don’t ing know. But seriously, hyung, you’ve got to stop this. No, I’m not going to say another word.” Minho breathed in slowly, suppressing the part of himself that agreed with Sungjong, and reminding himself that he had to do this. There was no other option, this was the only way he could see to get over Jinki (never mind that it wasn’t even working).




Jonghyun looked up and then smiled when he saw Kibum walking up to him. Jonghyun put his book down, shifting back in the chair so he was leaning back as Kibum pulled a chair out and sat down at the cafe table. Kibum didn’t say anything to Jonghyun; instead he asked the waiter for a glass of water, ignoring Jonghyun who studied him intently.


“So,” Jonghyun began,pickinghis glass up, “what causes the almighty Kibum to come over to talk to lowly me?” Jonghyun raised one eyebrow. He didn’t have much to do with Kibum. They knew each other,had gone to the same schools,but they weren’t friends exactly.


“Cut it out,” Kibum said with a frown.“You’re not lowly and I’m not almighty.” Kibum wrinkled his forehead and then rolled his eyes at Jonghyun, knowing that the other was going to remind him that wrinkling his forehead would cause wrinkles.


“Well,we’re hardly friends and yet here you are sitting opposite me.” Jonghyun sipped from his water, watching Kibum with predatory eyes. “How’s Jinki? Or,rather,how is his love life now that he finally has a girlfriend?” Jonghyun smiled, feeling pleased with himself as he saw how annoyed Kibum looked at the question.


“He’s okay. I haven’t seen you or Minho hanging around Jinki like you used to.What’s up with that?” Kibum frowned, “Or did Minho finally get over Jinki?” Jonghyun’s eyes widened,and he gaped slightly, wondering why on Earth Kibum was asking such questions.


“Whoa, wait, why are you even asking about Minho?” Jonghyun frowned as he leanedforward.“You never cared about him liking Jinki before, so why does it matter now?” Jonghyun stiffened slightly, feeling like something was changing.


“I guess I was just curious,” Kibum said, a troubled expression on his face.“I always used to see Minho around the place and then he was suddenly gone.” Jonghyun’s shoulders slumped. For a second he had hoped that maybe, just maybe,Jinki had sent Kibum to ask about Minho. But then he figured it was probably just Kibum being nosy, Kibum liking to know what was going on. Although Jonghyun still thought that seemed a bit off;he couldn’t quite figure out why Kibum would even care about Minho, unless it was for Jinki. That thought made Jonghyun sit up straighter and just hope that maybe his first instinct was right,that Jinki had sent Kibum.


“Oh, well,I guess you’d have to ask Minho. I don’t know,to be honest.” Jonghyun shrugged. He didn’t feel like telling Kibum anything unless it was related to Jinki. Even then Jonghyun figured it was best to say nothing. He hated seeing Minho the way he was. Jonghyun sighed softly, glancing out the window as he wondered again what they were going to do about Minho. Jonghyun knew that he and Sungjong would have to do something,because the way Minho was either pushing himself or moping was not normal at all.




Weeks turned into months andMinho never had any contact with Jinki. Hefelt himself adapting and changing;he would see Jinki from a distance and see the smile on his face. It hurt, but Minho figured it was less painful than being right next to Jinki. Minho didn’t think his heart could stand to see that smile up close, to feelthe happiness Jinki would radiate. Minho went to extreme efforts to avoid Jinki.Itwas insane on one level,because it made it seem as if he didn’t like him anymore,but then no one could blame him either.


Minhospent less time in the room he shared with Sungjong, preferring to find some lonely and quiet spot in the library. Heheard the jokesthat he was trying to get a bit smarter, but he ignored it all. None of the students had realised that Minho always studied, and none of them had seen his grades either. Heignored everything, concentrating so hard on his studies and the soccer team that everything else seemed to fade out completely. Minho sighed as he chewed on the end of his pen. He had heard a faint laugh, and something about it reminded him of Jinki. Minho in a deep breath,suddenly feeling giddy;he hadn’t heard Jinki’s voice or laughter in such a long time.


Wistfully Minho gazed out of the window,wondering if Jinki was truly happy. Part of him couldn’t accept that Jinki really was happy. Or,rather,he wanted to think that Jinki couldn’t be happy without him, as selfish as it was.Minho had never thought that Yui was right for him either. It still hurt to think of them together – the popular couple. That image made Minho’s head ache. With a sigh,he lowered his face against the desk. Forwhat felt like the millionth,Minho wondered why he hadn’t just transferred to a different university.


Minhoknew the answer, but he knew it was insane to keep on hoping. Even if Jinki couldn’t like him back,Minho wanted to just be around in case Jinki was hurt or upset by Yui. Minho groaned and banged his head against the desk. Hiding from Jinki was definitely an effective way of being there for him. Minho lifted his head to bang it down again when someone touched his shoulder lightly. Minho ignored the touch at first, just keeping his eyes shut and forehead pressed against the desk.


“Minho.” As soon as Minho heard Jinki’s voice his head shot up.“Minho,do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?” Minho slowly turned back to see Jinki standing there,frowning downat him. Minho gawked, drinking Jinki in, noticinghow thin Jinki looked, the way he seemedexhausted standing there, but under it all he was still the same. Minho gulped, eyes flicking up to meet Jinki’s, biting his lip as he continued to study his face, feeling his heart clench so tightly in his chest. Minho wished he could just pull Jinki into his arms and hug him, but instead he sat there staring at Jinki with his mouth wide open in shock.


“Minho?” Jinki frowned, leaning forward until his face was right up close to Minho’s.“Are you okay? Where have you been all this time?” Jinki frowned, exhaling loudly so that Minho felt a gust of warmth against his cheek, and he blinked,gazing up at Jinki, then snapping his jaw shut as he pulled back shakily.


“Sorry, I just couldn’t…” Minho trailed off feeling his heart pound rapidly. What could he say to Jinki? It felt wrong to remind Jinki of his feelings, becausehe didn’t want to burden him any morethan he had in the past. “I was just really busy, um,yeah,I’m trying to improve my grades.” Minho nodded his head slowly, the lies sliding off his tongue so easily.


“Oh.” Minho winced to seehow hurt Jinki looked.“So busy you couldn’t even say hi to me?” Jinki bit his lip softly, tilting his head to one side. Minho felt as if Jinki had reached into his chest and was crushing his heart. Minho swallowed and then nodded his head, managing a faint smile when he saw Jinki smiling softly down at him.


“Well,” Jinki said, grabbing Minho’s phone,which was sitting on the desk, and making Minho’s eyes widen in surprise as he flipped it open, “I’ll just have to take your number so we can at least talk sometimes.” Jinki smiled down at Minho, memorising the phone number,and then he grabbed Minho’s hand and slid the phone back into his palm. Minho swallowed, blinking as his phone began to ring. He glanced up to see Jinki grinning triumphantly down at him.

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Chapter 7: Wow...This is awesome.. I love it.. My OnHo feels...Thanks for creating this, author-nim
kimchlee #2
Chapter 7: so sweet, fluffy, beautiful !!!!! gaaahhh my onho feelssss ;AAAA; <3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 7: woooaaahhh.....
it's feels so real
so romantic
if you love someone, you just have to patient and that one will come to you but you should give sign to his/ her
love this story
Icecream213 #4
I love it so beautiful
Chapter 7: I absolutely love this story! Gosh it was so cute Onho ftw lol
Now that I finally have time to comment on this, I'd just like to say that I love it <3

I loved it till the end, I love everything about it and I it ;o; <3
@CupNoodles4319 ^^ glad to hear you loved every second of it :D!! Don't worry I will write more Onho :) Thank you for commenting \o/

@choikhatymin890 ^^ awww sorry but yeah it did finally end! :( This fic was only meant to a oneshot originally ;_; but somehow it became so long and I had to split it into many parts. XDDDD But thank you for commenting^^ and sorry if it suddenly ended ;__;!

@sirime XD thank you ^^! And sorry to disappoint you with no :( maybe next time you can read some ^^;;! Thank you for loving it it makes me happy :D!! And yes don't worry always more Onho ;DD

And a big thank you to everyone who commented ;__; *cuddles*
*crying* this was so cuuuuteeeeee love it omg so romantic waaaaaaa i was waiting for a little T-T but i really love it!!! pleasee more onho!!!!!!!!!!
Aaaa... I'm not believed it this finally end..
But i'm happy cause minho and onew can together...
CupNoodles4319 #10
Loved every sec of it! It ended on good terms and everything. Great job! Hope you write more Onho fics!