New Friend!

A Secret To Be Told

"We're here" Omo, why are they so slow. I mean it dosen't take that long to get drinks. Does it? "Hyungs TO SLOW" I slapped minnie oppa's . "Be nice oppa" "YAH!" They all giggled at us. Well that's just how we are.:P

"Uhmm, it takes good" *Shows Ageyo* "Yah, be normal" I gave him a glare. "Be normal yourself" I can't believe I have this brother. Please god let me get a new one. Uh like Yunho-sii. He seems to be taking great care of my brother:b *Smiles to myself*


"Huh, what wae?"

"Nobody asked you a question, STUPID" *SMACK* "YAH!"

"Call me stupid one more time and I'll hit you in your balls instead of your backhead" No ones get's away calling me bad things. Not even my brother. I'm so hungry. I'm gonna get something at the vending machines in the hallway. "Guys, finish up. We're gonna get that dance right before vocal traning"



"Araso huyng"

"Then I'm gonna take off. Annyong" I was on my way to the door when "Do you know the way out?" Aish. I could kill him. Please god just ones, let me kill him.

"Then, Junsu-sii can you please tell me the way out?"

"Sure wifey. You follow the hallway until you can go left. Then you walk a little before you turn to the right and then  you turn to your left. And then you should be at the elevator" I shall what.  Crap I'm so gonna get lost. 

Ani. Yuki you need to be strong. "Gomawo. See you guys. Just wait Changmin!" Then I waved and walked out.


Changmin's POV:

She'll never call me by my name unless she is angry. This will be funny. 


End of POV


I decided to eat some snacks before leaving the building. It took me awhile before I found the vending machines, Omo you can get so much different candy. Aish i can't choose. *Smiles like a freak*


Someone's POV:

I was walking out of the bathroom when I saw this cute girl at the vending machines, she kept smiling at the candy. She remains me of someone I know. She remains me of my best friend. I wish I could see her by now.  But we lost contact. 

Oh crap the girl is looking this way. Great... stay cool.

End of pov


After I finally could choose some candy. I realize how dumb I probably looked. Stay cool Yuki. Pabo. 

stretched myself. And looked around. OH NO!. I don't know the way back. What should I do now?T^T I decided to walk maybe I found the way. Suddenly I walked into a person. "Omo, I'm so sorry. I didn't saw where I was walking. Mianhae" 

"It's alright. Don't worry"

"But my chocolate is all over your you Hoodie, which is cute by the way" He giggled at me. "You're funny"



Wii:D chapter 6..... Hope more readers will come.


Trailer soon<3 

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CandyKit #1
I will:D
Update soon please
Yuchan #3
Hi there, ahmm... you got it wrong.. I mean the credits.. :)) It's royalAzalea... not strawberry_123... [she's actually a requester... :)]<br />
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BeastFreak #4
Good start! Update soon or im going to hunt u down... And u know the rest of that sentence ^.~ <3
Yuchan #5
Hi there!! Your request is ready for pick up.. :) <br />
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..:RoyalAzalea:..<br />