Chapter 4

Snow day

"Okay i'll demonstrate, you push me okay?" Jin states before laying down tummy first on the sledge, you roll your eyes "okay whenever your ready" you reply before placing your hands on the back of the sledge getting ready to push it. "Okay!" Jin calls out before you push him down the steep hill. You laugh as you hear him scream happily down the hill "woooooooohhhhh-" suddenly he crashes into a tree and falls off his sledge. "JIN!!" You call out in panic before running down the hill to quickly be at his side. He rolls over and his nose is dripping with blood "well that hurt" he states as he goes to wipe his nose. "You're bleeding!" You exclaim as you go to help him up. "Its no big deal, c'mon lets do another round!" He perks up but you grab his wrist firmly before he can run back up the hill with his sledge. "No more rounds this is too dangerous I don't want you getting hurt" you command and raises his eyebrows in shock "wow I didn't know you cared about me" he says exaggeratedly and you playfully punch his arm "no I don't care really I just can't be bothered to carry your dead corpse to the hospital if you die" you joke and he laughs at this. You then get a tissue out of your pocket and begin to gently dab the blood away from his nose. When your dabbing the bend of your finger touches the tip of his red nose, it feels like ice. "Omg your so cold! We should go inside." You say softly before looking over into the distance and pointing to a nearby café. "Aahh lets get some hot cocoa!" You perk up and a warm smile spreads across his face like butter.

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Chapter 5: Now I'm in a mood for hot chocolate, ottoke? :D
Chapter 4: At first it was a very good idea, but then it was very bloody, keke. Glad he's okay. It was a nice date idea.
Chapter 3: Where are they going? haha.
Chapter 1: The coincidence makes that here is snowing too.