

Kang Dahye is a regular sixteen years old girl who has just transfered to Seoul Technic Highschool, inmerse in the loud and frenetic teenage life that's waiting for her, there are some secrets...such as Yoon Jeonghan.


"I'm kind of nervous for tomorrow". 

"It's not such a deal sweetie, you already had a new school years ago". Mom took a spoon of the warm soup she did for dinner. 

"Sure" I smiled. "When i was like...twelve?". 

Mom received my sarcastic smile with a real one. "It won't be too hard, you are just a regular girl". 

I frowned. Was that supposed to be good or bad?. I let go my thoughts as i knew i was overreacting about it, mom was right, there's hundred of kids who makes this every year, why would i be having trouble?. 

The sound of the TV woke me up. "70 students just found alive after a terrible accident in a school-trip to Busan. Witnesses says that the brutality of the accident was shocking".

Mom raised an eyebrow. "Do i need to tell you who's not going to any school trip?". 

I rolled my eyes as she laughed. I had never been in a school trip anyway, it wasn't something appealing. "When is dad coming again?".

"Maybe in three weeks, he's having too much work lately". She looked up to the ceiling without a clear expression. 

To be honest i really missed my dad, exactly today, he's the kind of person who knows what to say when you are feeling anxious. He works three hours from here in bus, plus half hour in train, i never knew why he was working so far away when we had always lived in Seoul, but it was a good work and he always seemed to be really happy of working there as a doctor. 

After dinner i took a shower and got ready to sleep, i was not tired at all, but i just wanted night to pass and be at my new school already. I was up until 01:00 AM making up stories in my head, when i finally fell asleep. 


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