

Have you experienced sleepless nights? Because I did. Ugh. It's annoying. Okay, we are prepping up for the comeback, but the hyungs and the managers always make sure that Haechan and I will have enough sleep. Well not just the two of us, but all NCT 127 members. My worries are eating me up big time!

"Dude. You look stressed."

"Do I?"

"You're the exact definition of the word 'stressed'".

"That's too much, Johnny hyung."

"But seriously. What's happening to you?"

"Huh? Uh. Nothing." He went silent after I answer. When I look at him, he's smirking. Not now, please.

"You look creepy, dude."

"You look lovesick, dude."


"Heol. Did you just shouted at me?" And there I run for my life.

"Hahahaha. Hyung~ sorry. Stop. CHASING. Me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I managed to say while running. He got a hold of me and strangled me.

"Sorry~ hahaha. Wait. Let's stop, hyung." We both catch our breaths.

"Man up, dude." He ruffled my hair and turn his back on me as he walks towards his seat and grabs a bottle of water.

"Easy to say, hard to do. Why can't the hyungs get it?" I murmured.

"Get what?" I jumped when Haechan suddenly popped out of nowhere. He laughs. Geeeez. I embarrassed myself in front of him once more.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"You like to exaggerate, hyung." I'm on the verge of protesting when the staffs called our attention. Ah, I forgot to tell you guys that we are filming our music video as of the moment. And we just had a break before we continue with it, we will be having an interview for our behind-the-scenes video.

"Let's go!" He put his arms around my shoulders and we walk side by side to the interview place. I saw how the hyungs' eyes lit up. I wonder why Haechan doesn't feel or at lease see what I am trying to show to him. I'm sure I'm obvious. Even the hyungs noticed it too. He's really dumb.

"Don't frown, my dear, Mark" Haechan said then patted my , yes my . And went to his place. This kid. You're dead when we get home.

I go to my place beside Johnny hyung and the interview started. They made the interview fun including a speed quiz. It's about how well we know each other. The staffs will ask questions about a certain member and the rest will have to raise their hand to answer. Questions like what food a member can't eat. I didn't know Taeil hyung can't eat Sushi. I will take note of that. Which body part is ticklish for Johnny hyung. Or how many dimples does Jaehyun hyung have? Huh. That's pretty easy, though! Stuff like that.

"What is Mark's favorite ice cream flavor?" Heol. Hahahaha. Taeyong hyung should know this one. This must be easy for Haechan, too. He basically knows everything about me. No, guys, I'm not smiling. Don't tease me.

"Vanilla!" Wrong! Try again Doyoung hyung.

"Green Tea." Uh, since when did I like green tea, Haechan?

"Chocolate." Close enough, Jaehyun hyung.

"Yogurt." What, Taeyong hyung?

"Pearl Flavor." Guys, can you please explain to me this 'pearl flavor' Taeil hyung is saying? This hyung is so funny.

"Strawberry." Nah, wrong again Doyoung hyung.

"Banana." Nice guess, Winwin hyung. But, no.

"Watermelon." Are you my bestfriend, Haechan? Yes, guys. I'm getting pissed off with this guy.

"Melon." Woah. The hyung beside me finally spoke. Hahahaha. Wrong, Johnny hyung.

"Mango." Try again, Teil hyung. WHY CAN'T THEY GUESS IT RIGHT. Are we friends?

"Melon." Taeil hyung are you with us? Hahahaha. Johnny hyung said it earlier.

"Cookies n Cream!" Finally Johnny hyung!

"Ah, that's right!" Whatever Taeyong hyung, you didn't know. I'm sad. I'm disappointed at you two!

"What is Haechan's least favorite subject?" Oooooh. I know this one. I raised my hand right after the question was thrown but the staffs are not calling my name. I'm here hyung, noona! /le sings Pick Me Taeyong hyung said 'all'. Hahahaha. This hyung loves to tease our maknae. Doyoung hyung said 'Math'. Try again hyung. My hand is still up, why can't they-- yes!

"Science. It's so obvious for Haechan." I proudly answered. Yes, he's my opposite. He doesn't like the subject that I like. Opposites do attract, indeed.

"Mark likes me so much." He said and the hyungs can't stop themselves from squealing. STOP IT LEE DONGHYUCK.

And that's how the game ended. It was fun! Really. We continue with the rest of the interview and the remaining of the MV shoot. I'm still thinking about my 'problem'. I shrugged off my thoughts to focus on work. Tomorrow is another day. Good thing we are on school vacation, we can focus more on work without being bothered about school.


"Jaehyun hyung!"

I shouted when I saw him tiptoeing to his room. We just got back to the dorm after a live broadcast for vapp. And I need to have a little and serious talk with my Jaehyun hyung. Wondering why? Well, he revealed something about me that wasn't supposed to be out on a broadcast. That caught me off-guard. I swear, I sweat a lot earlier because of that.

"Uh. Y-yes Mark?" He worriedly smiled. C'mon hyung, I know you know what you just did.

"I guess you need to explain something to me?" If only I'm older than him I might cross my arms right now. I walk towards him and put my arm on his shoulder. I lead him to the veranda to make it private.

"Hyung~ Why? Why did you say that?"


Live broadcast.

"I heard that the lyrics are very aggressive. So, I wondered when Mark had grown so much?" Yuta hyung eyed me. I'm a bit startled but I managed to hide it. Good job, Mark Lee.

"He's all grown up now~" Jaehyun hyung smirked at me.

"The lyrics are similar to what he says to me in our room." Haechan teasingly smiled. This guy never failed to make me feel... flustered. What?! Mark! Get back to your senses! Heol. Does Haechan... I snap out of my thoughts when the hyungs 'oooooh' in unison.

"Is he getting exposed?" Doyoung hyung joined in teasing.

"Mark's muse is... Haechan?" Jaehyun hyung sweetly smiled. Oh boy! This hyung is starting. This is getting out of hand. Talk, Mark. Talk!

"That's not true." The only thing I can say. Right words are not coming out, I can't even hide my smile. All the hyungs tease me.

"What was the lyrics about?" Jaehyun hyung innocently asked. Remind me to confront this hyung later.

"Should I talk about the song we made at the camp?"

"Yes." Taeyong hyung answered.

"It's titled 'Baby, Don't Like It'" And they all went berserk.

"That's provocative."

"I'm an angel though~," Haechan said. Please, stop this Lee Donghyuck.

"The phrase that was most memorable to me went something like, 'You're both my subject and the one that controls me'" Oh no, why Taeyong hyung. Do you really need to point it out?

"Mark wrote that?" Doyoung hyung asked.

"Yes. It's in the lyrics."

"He's all grown up~ He's a real artist!" Doyoung hyung exclaimed and all went wild once more.

"I can't believe I was your subject~ I didn't know that~ Ah really~" Haechan won't just stop. I saw Jaehyun hyung smiling, teasingly smiling at me.

"Oooooh~ Our Mark seemed to be bothered~"

"Hyung. You're not helping at all."

"I am, young man."

"Hyung, look. I can't. I can't--"

"So, you're not planning to tell him?"

"I... don't know." I ruffled my hair in frustration. I heard Jaehyun hyung chuckled.

Guess all of you now knows what we are talking about. Yes, I like our maknae. Yes, it's true he's my muse. BUT NOT IN THAT SONG. Geez. That was purely my imagination. Hyungs are just teasing me. Because... they know. Since when? Maybe during Mickey Mouse Club? I'm not sure. He... he's just... Ugh. We are always together ever since we started training. We go to the same school, practice together, go home together. So, maybe that's why I feel something towards him. What do you guys think? I tried to shake it off. Not because I don't like what I feel. It's just that, I don't want to ruin the friendship between us. I'm afraid actually. Afraid that he won't take it seriously. I mean, what if he's straight? He loves to joke around and he's okay with skinship. But I don't think he's into guys.

"You better man up, Mark."

"Easy for you, bro. But hyung... what if he don't take it seriously? He will just use my confession to blackmail me."

"Hmmm. You have a point there. Our Haechan is such a prankster." I frown. We stay there for a good couple of minutes in silence. I am totally distracted and bothered. I don't know what to do. I heard him laugh. This hyung is creepy.

"Remember when Haechan kissed you?" Ah, so that's why he laugh because he remembered our MMC days where there is an episode when Haechan kissed me. Just the thought of it, make me smile.

"And of course, you made your revenge on MYSMT." Ah! Right. It's not a revenge, though. I was forced. I was told. Who are you lying to, Mark Lee? Of course, you liked it! And you're willing to do it.

"Oooooh~ You're smiling! Reminiscing the good old days, Mark Lee~?" This hyung knows how to get under someone else's skin. Because he just did to me.

"Confess already, dude. You might lose him if you don't." And Jaehyun hyung disappeared from my sight. I sighed.

"If I confess, I might lose him too. And I don't want that to happen." I silently told myself.



Another day has passed and we are now in the dorm after we finished our schedule. Saying we are tired is an understatement. We are close to sleeping for the next 3 consecutive days. You might think I'm exaggerating. Well, yes I am. Hahahaha. Sorry guys. It's just that. I'm still contemplating on what should I do. I don't understand why 'this' is coming off strong the past few days. Am I falling deeper? I sighed.

"I am just in the room, hyung. Why are you sighing while thinking of me if you can just go in our room?" Huh? Who sighed? Me? I didn't! But... Why is he beside me in the first place? And why is he like this? He always teases me. He laughs. Oh, my God. I answered my own question. The answer is 'yes'.

"Hey. I'm just kidding, you know."

"Why so serious?" *SHINEE singing voice* I nearly laugh.

"You also look stressed and occupied these past few days. Are you okay?" No. I am not. And it's your fault.

"You can always tell me, I am your bestfriend remember?" I breathe deeply. Silence.

"If I tell you I like you, will you take it seriously?"

"If I tell you that all this time you are an inspiration, will you take it seriously?"

"If I tell you I enjoyed your company and I still do, will you take it seriously?"

"If I tell you I... love you, will you take it seriously?" Did... I... just... You can't back out now, Mark Lee. He's looking at me but he's not reacting at all which scared me. Silence.

"Why do you talk too much, hyung?"

"Is it really hard to say I love You, Haechan?"

"W-who told you I love you?" I was taken aback but managed to hide it.

"You just said it."

"I love you too, Mark Lee." I deadpanned.

"Ya! I'm being serious here, Lee Donghyuck." I knew it. For him, this is all a joke. And for sure, he will tease me non-stop starting tomorrow. I stood up and turn my back on him. I need my bed and my pillow right now. I feel like... crying. It's okay to cry, right?

"And so do I." That made me stop. I turn to face him and saw the most beautiful thing in the world, his smile. His cheeky smile, with nose scrunched and eyes forming into crescents. He walks close to me, so close that I can feel his breathing. He leans his forehead on my shoulder. Thump. Thump. Thump. What are you doing to me, Donghyuck? Just by hearing your name, makes my heart go wild. And now, this.

"Took you long enough, I hate you."

"Uh..." I don't know what to say! Why am I not good with words? While thinking of the right words to say, I felt his arms encircling on my waist. So warm. My heartbeat doubled the beating.

"Sorry. I am just... afraid. I... I don't want to lose you, you're my bestfriend and the only person I'm attracted to." I mumbled the last part. His hug tightened. I hugged back.

"Babo." I chuckled. I should be mad at him saying I'm a fool. But he's right. I let go of the hug and cupped his cheeks.

"I. Like. Ah, no. I. Love. You." I can feel my face gets redder and redder.

"I will not answer because it's not a question." Savage? Witty? I will never win on you, Haechan. I smiled. I don't need an answer. I just need you to stay close to me. And the most important thing is, I confessed already. I don't care if I will be in the spotlight once the hyungs know this.

*smooch* I swear, my face heats up! Use your imagination guys~

*click* *click* *click* HEEEEEOL!


"Oh, my God! Our maknaes!"

"Wait, I'm emotional."

"Congrats, kiddos!" Speaking of the hyungs...

Can I turn into ashes? Or can the earth below me, eat me? Can I be the wind? Please? Ugh.

"Since when... are you guys watching us?"

"Ahm. We followed you when you came out of your room and look for your Mark hyung." I smiled as Johnny hyung emphasized the word 'your'. Wait, so meaning...

"You mean... HYUNG!"

"Are you shouting at us, Lee Minhyung?" Taeyong hyung was close to hitting me. I should thank Yuta hyung for stopping him.

"Haha. Sorry~" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Finally, Mark! It's been ages!"

"Maybe for you, Yuta hyung. How old are you again?" My savage boyfriend. Yes, I am claiming him as mine. I smiled at the thought when Haechan pushed me forward lightly just because he's hiding at my back.

"Ya! Lee Donghyuck! Come here you little brat!" Two savage members we have.

"How I wish Ten is here with us." Taeyong hyung pouted. He misses his Ten, bigtime!

"I know the feeling, Tae." Bipolar Yuta hyung. He was attacking Haechan earlier and now he's getting emotional with Taeyong hyung. Why are my members like this?

"Glad that Doyoung hyung is with me~" That's Jaehyun hyung hugging Doyoung hyung from behind. Sweet.

"Well, Taeil hyung is here~" Johnny was about to hug Taeil hyung when a flying pillow landed on his face. Yes, Taeil hyung just threw a pillow at him and all burst into laughter.

Just now I noticed that this unit was composed of couples except Taeyong and Yuta hyung. I do belong to them before, but not anymore. I look at the person beside me and pulled him closer.

Music. Writing lyrics. Performing. Stage. And, you. These are what makes a Mark Lee.

"I love you, my bestfriend, my muse."

*smooch* When will I ever get an 'I love you, too'?






Hooray for my first MarkHyuck story! *박수 박수 박수* Hahahahaha. Sorry. I'm just happy. Well, this isn't good compared to other MarkHyuck fics out there, I just need to praise myself. Yes, gonna do it myself. ㅋㅋㅋ

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Chapter 2: Ah so good to be young and in love. Love all the pairings in this story
Chapter 1: Maknae couple are so cute...esp haechan..savage as ever..
Chapter 1: Aww, this is so cute. ❤
Chapter 1: This is so cute I'm cryingwrndnsmsks
selu9490 #5
Omg this is so cute