Chapter 1

Life After Life

There was a knock on the door but she didn't even dare to look who's coming in.

"Kim Jiho-ssi." The nurse called but still no response. He came inside with the medicine and syringe with him. She was just staring blankly on the nearest window even though it's night already and there's not stars in the sky because of the gloomy weather. 

"Good thing, you're awake already. Time for medicine and shot, Jiho." She then glazed to the nurse in the room who keeps on talking things she didn't even want to hear. 

"I'm Jungkook and I kinda volunteered to be assigned here because of your Korean name." The nurse eyes are big but when he smiled, it's like his eyes are smiling too. He's tall and has a good body built. The nurse told her that they don't usually have Korean patients in their hospital so whenever he sees the list of patients, he always volunteer. He likes taking care of his fellow Koreans. He somewhat knows what to do. Jungkook came closer so he could help Jiho on sitting down for her medicine.

"Do you know when can I be released? I don't even know how long I was staying here." She asked. "You still need to be fully recovered and the doctor advised that we need to perform some test for your Leukimia. We're doing our best so please do not worry and just rest here." He replied then gave the medicines to her then next is the water. "Can you stay for a little while? I know that no one's visiting me here ever since." Jungkook was taken aback with her request so he wasn't to answer right away. He contemplated first but then smiled at her, "let me check my schedule again then I'll come back here."

After 10 minutes, he came back with the food. He was shocked because Jiho's face was brighter than the first time they talked. "The nurse is back to accompany the patient.", he chanted and sat on the edge of the bed. He asked how she was able to know that no one's visting her. She smiled but her eyes are a bit sad. "I live alone. I work for myself so I don't expect anyone to come."

"Ah, this is not good. let's not talk about it. You better eat your meal now so you will be better." She pouted and took the food from him. Jungkook asked if she is a full Korean because she speaks English very well. "I don't know but I grew up in America so...." Jungkook laughed at her answer and said sorry. Jiho initiated to tell her story on how she is now living in UK when she grew up in America. "So basically, it's all because of work? You were sent by your company? That's great! Wow." She rolled eyes and laughed at how surprise he was. But I eventually resigned and just decided to get a new work here so I can live." They exchanged a few conversations not until a nurse came in to call Jungkook 'coz he'll be missing his next round on the hospital. He bid goodbye to Jiho and told her to rest and sleep well.

Jiho felt so much lighter after having someone to talk to. She somewhat forgets all the pains that has piled up in her heart. 

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