Chapter One

Unexpected Love
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*On The Phone*

"Omg Kiki shut up. That is not going to happen." I said to my best friend as I was waiting for my plane to arrive. 

"You don't know that. You could meet one of them as soon as you get off the plane." She couldn't have said that in a more sarcastic tone. 

"Haha shut up you dork, you should get some sleep. It's really early there. You should definitely get some rest." I didn't really want to say goodbye though. She is my best friend and she's going to be so far away. I'm honestly going to miss her the most.

I wanted to move to Korea for a change. My life seemed dull, I didn't feel happy either. Everyday I woke up and went to work, came home, fell asleep from being exhausted, and then woke up in a rush for college. Now that I'm done with college I want to try something new and get something out of my life. So I came up with the idea of moving to Seoul. What could go wrong right? 

"Yeah you're right, I should definitely get some sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open haha. Goodnight, I love you." She startled me out of my thoughts and I hurriedly said goodnight and a quick I love you too before I hung up too. 

Just in time. My plane just started boarding. This was the beginning of something new. 

 I was nervous I mean, I'm going to a whole new country I have never been to before. I hope this goes well. I guess I should sleep to pass the time until I arrive. 



*Moop. Moop. Moop. Moop. Moop. Moop. Moop. Moop.  Moop .*



I awoke to a stewardess shaking my arm ever so lightly. "Miss excuse me, Miss?" She looked rushed and a bit panicked. I straightened in my seat and noticed no one else was on the plane besides me, her and a few other stewardesses.

I widened my eyes in shock noticing that I had fallen asleep on the plane. I unbundled me seat belt as I stood up and bowed to her apologetically. Her facial features softened from a panicked expression to a sweet understanding one. She seemed like a sweet lady maybe in her mid twenties. My best guess was that she had just started her job and didnt want to get fired from being late to her next flight. 

She then smiled at me and bowed. "Welcome to Seoul. Please let me take you to the exit of the plane ma'am." her English was a little off but she was also very sweet and kind with her words. I agreed as I grabbed my carry-on and purse and proceeded to exit the plane. 

I got of the plane and thanked her for her understanding. She smiled and showed me the way to get my other bag and bid me goodbye.

I made my way to the baggage claim. I was admiring the airport. I've always thought airports looked really amazing and big. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard screaming. *why would there be so much screaming* I thought as I looked around and It seems no one cares. Everyone is still carrying on with what they are doing. Like this is normal behavior and nothing different. 

Well, just because everyone else thinks it's normal. That doesn't mean that I can't find out for myself what is happening. I walked closer to the noise which seemed to be towards baggage claim anyway. So I really wouldn't be losing much time right? I think so. I turned around the corner and saw a extraordinarily large group of people. 

I have never seen so many people in an airport in my life. What is going on? Shrugging my shoulders I turned to go to baggage claim, I'm sure it was nothing anyway. Nothing important enough to keep me from grabbing my bag at least. But before I could even move enough to make a difference I was slammed

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Chapter 3: OMGGGG