

“You’re not going to give up, huh?” The sassy guy asked as the latter in front of him is busy compiling all of his documents, getting ready for the next speech and presentation for their party.

“Nope. It’s merely because I won’t let you win this time.” Chanyeol could only give Baekhyun his cold gaze that could freeze anyone who stood before him.  The latter had been probably too clingy towards him like a lost puppy who had just found a new owner since that very morning as soon as Chanyeol stated that he wouldn’t want to lose towards him anymore.

”Aw, really? I didn’t know that your party is ‘THAT’ desperate to get a place in the parliament. Lucky me, then because at the very least I’m in the governments’ side.” Baekhyun crossed his arms as he taps his foot on the couch, eyes totally fixed towards Chanyeol’s unfixed tie.


Chanyeol didn’t miss the look that his lover gave him as he grabs the car keys which was hanged near the door of the apartment.


“Let’s fight then. This time, it’s a fair play.” Baekhyun smirks as he give his lover a wink while fixing his tie. Such a mess, he thought to himself. He purposely pulling it a little bit tighter until he almost choked the latter.


Upon seeing the lover in front of him clears his throat, Baekhyun took a seat with his legs crossed this time as he smiles in satisfactory. “I’m sorryyy.... Did I hurt you somewhere?”


Trying his best to keep his stoic face, Chanyeol stated, “Get to the point, Baekhyun. I have a meeting around 30 minutes from now, so please don’t make things harder for me.” His eyes still fixed on the mirror while combing his hair as he tried to look his best as a future-winning politician. He really has the charisma.


The sudden movements from Baekhyun make him startled as he snatches the car keys from his hand.


“This time, I’ll drive. You drive like a sloth. Veeerrryyyyy sloooowww~.” Baekhyun purposely emphasises the last sentence as he really likes to tease the latter.


It is clear who win this mini fight, AGAIN.


Since Baekhyun drives across the speed rate that Chanyeol considered it as ‘The Speed Limit On The Road Authorised By The Law’ thing, yeah someone like Baekhyun would never comply to anything like it. They really arrives at the venue perhaps 15 minutes earlier, but Chanyeol had to take almost an extra 30 minutes in the restroom to restore back his energy due to the dizziness that caught him.


“Really, Byun Baekhyun. I won’t let you drive some other times.”


Sooo,, the second one is out! I would kindly accept all of your comments to make my writing better. Perhaps, you could give me some fresh ideas for this collection of drabbles since I had a lot in my mind. Lol I didn’t even know when this would be end.

So pleaseee

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ally-chananimever #1
Chapter 2: Poor Channie. *chuckles*
ally-chananimever #2
Chapter 1: *chuckles* it was funny. Please update soon!