Just an Introduction


Nobody even got the slightest idea what’s going on between the both of them.

Mr. Byun had always the likelihood to win in the current election, as his party seems to attract more people . On the other hand, Mr. Park’s luck seemed to act otherwise as he is on the other party. Due to this one particular reason, the both of them become rivals and most likely looked like to chop each others’ head whenever their
eyes met.




Chanyeol didn’t give a damn about it, really. Politics had always been dirty, but how dirtier could it be? He surely know what will happen to him if he was caught betraying his own party, maybe he would be expelled. However man, feelings could not be denied that easily.

Oh, so that is the exact reason to the previous question mark. Mr. Byun, the sassy politician is totally his biggest problem yet the one who brings misery into his life. Most probably because his thoughts had been filled with that one particular guy’s images that he sure had begin to invaded his heart and soul.

Whenever Baekhyun won in the current election, Chanyeol wouldn’t miss the chance to congratulate him when there were no other people around them. In the public itself, Baekhyun would make sure his slender fingers touched the ring that had always been on Chanyeol’s fourth finger when they exchanged handshakes with each other before he leaves.


Pretty ironic, huh?


They hated each other, but ended up being together.


FUN FACT : Their favourite time is when the election is just around the corner, as they would surely not missing the look on each other’s faces, stealing glances and exchanging secret messages between each other. Usually, Baekhyun would start the tease first as Chanyeol plays along.

Behind the scene, the both of them seemed to already been head over heels with each other after they met a couple of years ago. Thanks to the politics world, they had shared the love that nobody ever expected.




“I’m kind of busy. Got to reach the press in 5 minutes. Wish me luck, bye!”

Chanyeol got frustrated with the latter that had made his mind gone haywire thinking of the way to make him agree for a lunch invitation for the nth time of the week. Ever since Baekhyun had been elected in the recent election, he seemed to put on his work above Chanyeol on his priority list.

If Baekhyun really did that due to his packed schedule, he would surely fix that situation.



From: Chanemy

You shouldn’t think about anyone or anything else instead of me.

From: Chanemy

Sometimes, I even got jealous with the time because the time is always with you.

From: Chanemy

I know you’ve elected me from the start.

From: Chanemy

I am afraid if you would forget about this one politician who would be giving retoric speeches in front of you whenever he appeared in your mind.


Baekhyun forgot to switch his smartphone into silent mode. It kept on vibrating while he was delivering his speech on that very morning.

He was lucky that it didn’t ring.

Could not hold on for much longer, he got distracted all of a sudden and ended his speech immediately.

“I swear that I would cut and chop the person who dare to distracted my speech into pieces.” Baekhyun mumbled as he unlocked the person after excuse himself from the crowd for a moment. He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as he read all of them.

“If the person who would cut and chop myself into pieces is you, then I wouldn’t hesitate because at the very least I could die in the hands of the person whom I loved the most who hated me to the core.”


The voice made Baekhyun caught off guard and loses his words. That voice, Chanyeol’s voice.


That was the words that Chanyeol uttered before he walks away from his current position behind a tree.


That is the exact moment when Baekhyun realises that he had neglected his lover. Oh, how he misses the voice that could make him fall onto his knees.


“Hey, wait up!” He chases after Chanyeol.


The latter stopped and turns around, showing the perfect line of his pearl teeth. “I know you can’t resist me.” When Baekhyun is about to response, Chanyeol’s eyes bulged as he saw the reporters who are approaching Baekhyun from behind and immediately run away without even saying any word.

 “Mr. Byun, we see that you were kind of distracted while delivering the speech just now. Can you explain to us what had happened?”

“We saw you were talking to someone just now. Can you say a word about that?”

The cat had got his tongue.

Luckily, one of the reporters manages to alter the question into something much general. “So, what are your plans in order to develop this shabby area into a much better residence in the future?”

He never felt relieved in his life.


He swore Chanyeol will surely pay for this.


Baekhyun also promises himself to let Chanyeol win in the next election.



 So, the first drabble is out! This is just the intro, really as there would be much more drabbles that I would update about their weird relationship.

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ally-chananimever #1
Chapter 2: Poor Channie. *chuckles*
ally-chananimever #2
Chapter 1: *chuckles* it was funny. Please update soon!