06. Transformation

Pebble Path
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Days turn into weeks as Sungyeol stay low and manage to go through school without trouble. Slowly, he gets over the bad break up with Woohyun, but the bitterness is still there. Woohyun also tried hard to forget Sungyeol. Even though he will never forget Sungyeol, he has gradually come to terms with the fact that they won’t ever be together.


Myungsoo had decided to avoid Sungyeol so the other wouldn’t find out who he really was. The two would still sometimes meet in the clearing, either on coincidence or not, and would just talk about random things. Even now, Sungyeol had never said which school he went to or asked Myungsoo, for which Myungsoo was very grateful. He didn’t know what he’d do if Sungyeol didn’t want to talk to him anymore.


One day Sungyeol was walking hurriedly down a hallway, wanting to get lunch as quickly as possible so he could escape to his solitary bench and finish his homework that was due the next period. As he turned a corner, he unluckily ran into a few guys. Literally. Sungyeol quickly apologised and bowed, hoping to be on his way again, but it seemed the guys he bumped into didn’t have the same idea.


“Who the hell do you think you are?” One of the guys growled. Sungyeol looked up to notice that it was one of the guys who acted like they owned the place when the kingkas weren’t around.


“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you.” Sungyeol quickly muttered again, hoping they would just let him go. But of course life didn’t work that way.


“Sorry is not going to cut it.” The same guy said with a scoff, the other guys standing menacingly beside him. Sungyeol sighed not knowing what to do. He knew these guys just wanted a reason to beat someone up.


“Oh? Sighing are we? Do you think you’re so much better than us huh?” The guy continued, pushing Sungyeol sideways, into the wall. Sungyeol grimaced as his back hit the wall with a hard thud.


“Well maybe we should teach you a lesson then.” The guy smirked as he raised a fist.


Sungyeol blinked, mind racing at what he could possibly do to stop everything from happening. However he didn’t need to think more as a person appeared beside the guy and spoke in an icy voice.


“I would put that fist down if I were you.”


The guy’s eyes widened and he immediately dropped his hand, bowing deeply. “I’m sorry M-myungsoo.”


Myungsoo? Kim Myungsoo? Sungyeol raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the kingka, only to gasp.




Myungsoo glared at the guys who were still standing there, making them turn around and run away quickly. Myungsoo then turned to Sungyeol and gave him a smile. Myungsoo was supposed to be avoiding Sungyeol but he couldn’t just stand there and watch Sungyeol get beaten up either.


“Hey Sungyeol.” Myungsoo said smoothly, causing the girls in the vicinity to swoon.


“I… You… Why…” Sungyeol was flabbergasted and he didn’t know what to say. The mysterious guy from the clearing was none other than the kingka of Shinki High School?!


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but I didn’t want you to hate me.” Myungsoo mumbled quickly.


“So you are Kim Myungsoo?” Sungyeol asked to confirm. Myungsoo nodded. After that Sungyeol didn’t know what to say anymore. He had vowed to

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shinfinitee #1
Nice ending
Chapter 13: Thank you for the summary!
threesungifnt #3
Chapter 13: feels like i was reading sparknotes and reviewing for an exam on some novel lol. just happy that you provided a summary and didn't left us hanging. all the best!
ikaerika #4
Chapter 13: Thank you for the summary~
Honestly, I like when myungyeol and woogyu become clear with each othe feeling. I don't know why, just because XD
It must be hard on you, after all writing not easy at all
Fighting! Have a nice day^^
lkimsy #5
Chapter 13: thank you for the summary <3
Chapter 13: Wow this one would have been a hella amazing story but still its amazing ..... I love the plot and everything....the scene I love the most is the pebble path where they met
Chapter 12: I'll wait for the next and final update ...
Chapter 11: It really hurts my heart that you are discontinuing this story but I guess its better to know than to have false hope .... its really is okay author-nim .... Thank you for all the beautiful chapters
TOPfiiaaa #9
Chapter 11: Awww that's too bad... but that's okay, I understand, writing story is not easy, and if the author didn't have any inspiration the story won't writing itself..
/hug you/ thank you for sharing your story tho.. <3
infinityyyy #10
Chapter 10: huhu why did this happen again? :(