03. Shattered

Pebble Path
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Woohyun stalled a bit, waiting outside the school until everyone was in their homeroom before getting out of his car. He watched as the driver drove the car off before making his way inside the school. He finally reached the Infinite room and slowly pushed the door open.


“Hey Woohyun.”


His friends greeted him but he barely acknowledged them, going to flop down into one of the cushioned chairs and looking at his lap. A hand was placed on his shoulder as he felt his friends crowding around him.


“Woohyun, what’s wrong?” Sungjong asked worriedly. Woohyun looked up and saw Dongwoo, Hoya and Sungjong standing around him, all looking concerned. Through the gaps he saw Myungsoo sitting stoically but with a worried look as well. Woohyun sighed and shook his head.


“Have you been crying?” Dongwoo asked softly. Woohyun knew his eyes were still red so he didn’t bother to deny it.


“It’s okay. I know how to deal with this. Don’t worry guys.” Woohyun mumbled, before standing up and disappearing out the door.


“What’s up with him?” Myungsoo wondered. The others could only shrug.


“Who knows. I hope it isn’t anything bad.” Hoya said.


“Yeah. I hope he’s alright.” Dongwoo said while Sungjong nodded.




Woohyun walked through the school garden, sighing every few minutes. He didn’t know how to tell Sungyeol all of this. The other just arrived at his school today; how could Woohyun break his heart on his first day. Not only that, it was also the first day of the year. How was Woohyun supposed to endure the year, seeing Sungyeol so close but not being able to do anything?


Ruffling his hair, Woohyun flopped down onto a bench. He pulled out his phone and texted Sungyeol. Then Woohyun sat dejectedly, waiting for break to come and for his heart to break.


Sungyeol was in class when he felt his phone vibrate. Discretely pulling it out and checking it, Sungyeol smiled when he saw the message from Woohyun.


Meet me in the school garden during break time.


For the rest of the lesson, Sungyeol wasn’t paying much attention as he got excited about meeting Woohyun. When the bell finally rang, Sungyeol got up hastily and made his way to the gardens.


On the way he got a little bit lost, but soon he arrived at his destination. Sungyeol walked through the garden, scanning for Woohyun with a bright smile on his face. He was about to get his phone and call the other when he finally spotted Woohyun slouching on a bench. Sungyeol’s smile got even bigger as he walked quickly towards Woohyun.


“Woohyun!” Sungyeol called as he came towards Woohyun. Woohyun immediately stood up, looking at Sungyeol. His heart clenched as he saw that beautiful smile of Sungyeol’s, knowing he would make it disappear in the next few minutes.


Upon reaching Woohyun, Sungyeol wrapped his arms around Woohyun’s neck as he hugged him tightly. Woohyun however, stiffened and didn’t move. Seconds later, Sungyeol was pushed gently away and Woohyun moved to make space between them.


Sungyeol looked at Woohyun in confusion. “What’s wrong Woohyun?”


Woohyun could already feel his tears coming as he opened his mouth. “Sungyeol, I’m sorry.”


“Why? Why are you sorry?” Sungyeol asked, still confused about the whole situation. Woohyun was about to cry and he had no idea why.


“I… Let’s… We need to break up.”  Woohyun mumbled, looking to the ground.


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shinfinitee #1
Nice ending
Chapter 13: Thank you for the summary!
threesungifnt #3
Chapter 13: feels like i was reading sparknotes and reviewing for an exam on some novel lol. just happy that you provided a summary and didn't left us hanging. all the best!
ikaerika #4
Chapter 13: Thank you for the summary~
Honestly, I like when myungyeol and woogyu become clear with each othe feeling. I don't know why, just because XD
It must be hard on you, after all writing not easy at all
Fighting! Have a nice day^^
lkimsy #5
Chapter 13: thank you for the summary <3
Chapter 13: Wow this one would have been a hella amazing story but still its amazing ..... I love the plot and everything....the scene I love the most is the pebble path where they met
Chapter 12: I'll wait for the next and final update ...
Chapter 11: It really hurts my heart that you are discontinuing this story but I guess its better to know than to have false hope .... its really is okay author-nim .... Thank you for all the beautiful chapters
TOPfiiaaa #9
Chapter 11: Awww that's too bad... but that's okay, I understand, writing story is not easy, and if the author didn't have any inspiration the story won't writing itself..
/hug you/ thank you for sharing your story tho.. <3
infinityyyy #10
Chapter 10: huhu why did this happen again? :(