

"Yeol? Baby? Where are you!" BaekHyun called out as he barged into their home, but there was no answer.

BaekHyun's heart sank to the ground the moment he saw the decorations that ChanYeol had put up for him. "No No No.. I'm sorry baby.. I'm sorry I'm late" BaekHyun started sobbing as he mumbled to himself. He could have imagined ChanYeol's happy and hopeful smiling face as he was putting up the garland. Walking into the kitchen, BaekHyun gasped as he saw the bouquet nicely propped up on the table, next to his favorite cake. He knew, that ChanYeol had baked it for him to celebrate on his winning. 

Walking towards their bedroom, BaekHyun couldn't stop crying as he called out for ChanYeol again "Babe?" but was left with an empty and silent room. BaekHyun broke down as he didn't know what to do or where to find ChanYeol at this late hour. ChanYeol could have been anywhere. BaekHyun tried calling ChanYeol again, but instead he heard his ringtone blaring from the kitchen. "Damn it ChanYeol! Why didn't you take your phone! Where are you!" BaekHyun cried as he slammed his fist on the kitchen top.

BaekHyun was anxious, angry, frustrated and disappointed, all at himself. He should have told ChanYeol about him meeting up with YongHwa months ago. If he were to braven himself, none of this would have happened. He shouldnt have kept it as a secret, thinking that it would be better for ChanYeol to not know but he broke their promise. 

They once promised each other that they will not hide anything from each other. Even to the smallest details of their lives, they would have told each other. It was when they were at 3 months into their relationship, where BaekHyun has finally decided to reveal his past to ChanYeol. BaekHyun has trusted him enough to tell him about his past relationship with YongHwa. Since the beginning, ChanYeol has not once hide anything about himself and he truly believe that he can trust ChanYeol with everything.


*About BaekHyun’s Past*

When BaekHyun was still a trainee at SM, he was dating Jung YongHwa. But in due time, YongHwa had to concentrate on his debut promotion in China. The long distance and packed schedule had caused them to break off their relationship for the best of both. Besides, SM did not approve of their relationship as well because YongHwa was only starting his career as a promoting artist.

BaekHyun was devastated for months after the break up, but in order to occupy his mind off YongHwa, he took up extra piano classes and vocal classes to improve himself and prepare for his own debut.

There was when he accidentally bumped into ChanYeol at the studio hallway when he was rushing to practise. BaekHyun apologizes a couple of times before he looked up and saw that ChanYeol was staring at him blankly. Realizing that he was being weird, ChanYeol quickly took a turn and ran away.

When BaekHyun first greeted ChanYeol the next day at the studio, he was really awkward and had accidentally knocked his head on the door that he was trying to open. ChanYeol was so shocked that BaekHyun spoke to him first, that he didn’t know how to react, and tried to run away, hopefully he can find a hole to hide his awkward self or possibly to vanish into the studio. Though it was love at first sight for ChanYeol, he didn’t realize that BaekHyun’s feelings was slowly growing for him as well.

From time to time, when BaekHyun was in practise with ChanYeol, he would still receive messages from YongHwa. Most of the messages was to ask about the progress of his training and his wellbeing, all the time asking him to keep warm and eat well. BaekHyun only replies to the messages once he is home, alone.

2 years have passed and a couple of months after BaekHyun has debuted, SM announced that they will not restrict his personal relationship anymore seeing that he has created a name for himself. With that good news in hand, BaekHyun has finally decided to acknowledge his feelings for ChanYeol and slowly open up to him. All this while he has created a wall between himself and ChanYeol, just so that both of them will never fall into the trap of separation, as he did with YongHwa. He couldn’t bear to go through that separation anymore.

A couple of months ago, in order to have a closure for himself, BaekHyun has decided to meet up with YongHwa. He did not expect for YongHwa to run towards him and gave him a tight hug the moment the moment he entered the SM café. “I’ve missed you so much, Baek!” YongHwa wrapped his arms around BaekHyun’s waist. “Have you been well? Oh? Baekkie ah… you’re so thin.. have you been eating?” YongHwa gave BaekHyun a once over, holding onto his shoulders, then moving his hands towards BaekHyun’s cheeks.

Slowly, BaekHyun looked up and removed YongHwa’s hand from his cheeks. “I’m fine Hyung”. Hearing BaekHyun addressed him in such formal and distance tone, YongHwa dropped his hands from BaekHyun’s cheeks and took a step back. “Baekkie ah..” he called out to BaekHyun as he took his seat.

“Hyung…” BaekHyun called as he looked up at a confused YongHwa. “Can I call you Hyung?” BaekHyun asked again. “Why Baekkie ah? Why would you call me Hyung?” – “I need to tell you something..” BaekHyun explained calmly. Seeing that YongHwa has yet to utter a word, he picked up his courage and begin speaking.

“Hyung.. you must have got a shock when I called you right? I just needed to tell you this face to face… I was really sad when we broke up years ago.. I was devastated to be honest.. I didn’t....”. YongHwa quickly cut him off with “I know Baekkie ah.. I’m back now..”

“Hyung.. please let me finish what I need to say” BaekHyun pleaded sincerely. As YongHwa gave him a nod, he continued “As I said, I didn’t know what to do after the break up. All I can think of was to concentrate on my practise and to debut as soon as possible so that I can be successful, just as you are. I realized I can’t be mopping around and not do anything for myself. I went for piano practise and dance practise and vocal practise and… and along the way… I… I met someone.. Hyung..”

BaekHyun looked down and held onto his cup tightly. Hesitating to himself if he should continue telling YongHwa about ChanYeol. But he was determined to get a closure for himself and start a new life, hopefully with YongHwa’s blessing as a senior, or possibly best friend to BaekHyun. Seeing that YongHwa was quietly waiting, BaekHyun then continues.

“His… His name is ChanYeol. I met him at the studio.. he plays the piano beautifully Hyung! He was so elegant with his fingers pressing on the black and white keys.. But he is also just as awkward.. He bumped his head on the door the first time I said HI to him, and he ran away from me! Can you believe that” Chuckling and blushing to himself as he thought back about that time. He didn’t realize that his eyes lit up the moment he speaks of ChanYeol, but YongHwa saw that in him. Only then YongHwa realized that his time with BaekHyun has ended 2 years ago, and BaekHyun has found the one for him.

YongHwa reached out and held onto BaekHyun’s hands. “Baekkie ah, follow your heart and do what you want.. Don’t regret it later.. Promise me?” With unshed tears and trembling lips, BaekHyun burst out laughing, holding onto his tummy and tumbled over in huge chuckles! “Hyung!!! When have you became such a fluff??” – “Yah!! I was being serious here and you just spoilt the moment!” YongHwa said while faking his pout and folded his arms. “Hyung~~ Sorry!” Suddenly BaekHyun got so serious and said “I promise. I will follow what my heart desires.” Keeping onto his serious demure, clutching onto his heart and said those lines with full emotion, but in the end belted out with loud laughter. From then on, they’ve maintained a close relationship of hyung-hoobae.

-End of BaekHyun’s Past-


"What should I do? Who should I call? Where could he be??" BaekHyun couldn't stop mumbling to himself while thinking out loud.

"ChanYeol doesn't have anyone else in Seoul... Where could he be??" BaekHyun said, staring at ChanYeol's phone on the kitchen top. 

"KyungSoo!!" he quickly took ChanYeol's phone and searched through the contact list for KyungSoo's number. Without thinking twice, he pressed on the dial pad.

"Hello! Kyungsoo?" BaekHyun said immediately when the dial tone stopped.

Looking at his clock on the side table, it shows that it was 3am in the morning. As though unsure if the caller was really ChanYeol, Kyungsoo had to make sure.

"Kyungsoo!" BaekHyun calls out again urgently as the line was still silent.

"ChanYeol? Is that you? Is everything ok?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly as he hears an unfamiliar voice from the other line. ChanYeol never calls him unless he really needs to. Kyungsoo knows that something was not right. 

"Kyungsoo! it's me, BaekHyun! Do you know where ChanYeol is?" BaekHyun quickly asked again.

"BaekHyun? What do you mean where is ChanYeol? Is he not with you tonight? He texted me this afternoon saying that he'll leave early today to prepare your suprise!" Sitting up from his bed, Kyungsoo couldn't help but worriedly asked about ChanYeol's whereabouts.

"He's not here Soo.. I just got back from the show and he's not here.. I messed up.." BaekHyun started to sob as he explains.

"What do you mean you just got back!? Show ended 5 hours ago!" Kyungsoo growled angrily in reply. ChanYeol was his childhood friend, and he is very protective over him. Knowing that ChanYeol has his break down moments, Kyungsoo is always in check of him.

"I know... I know.. I got held back at the party. I couldn't leave.. I-I.. Kyungsoo... Where could he be?" BaekHyun sighed in defeat.

Hearing BaekHyun's dejected sigh, he knows that the other was really worried for ChanYeol. He had never walked away like that without telling anyone. It's not ChanYeol at all. 

"Where does he usually go?" Kyungsoo asked hopefully to get some lead on his whereabouts.

"Besides home, he goes to the bakery... in the day he's mostly in the studio.. on alternate weeks he goes to volunteer at the shelter.. where else could he be!" BaekHyun explained while thinking of ChanYeol's daily activities.

"Could he be at the studio? The manager gave him keys to open up the studio in the morning." Kyungsoo explained calmly.

"The studio?" BaekHyun questioned. He does not remember ChanYeol ever mentioning about it. "I'll go check it out! Thanks Soo!"

"BaekHyun! Bring him home safe please" Kyungsoo quickly said before hanging up.

BaekHyun took his jacket and left for the studio with quick pace. The studio was just a couple of blocks around the corner, he could make it there in 5 mins. Once out of the building he keeps thinking to himself. Did ChanYeol tell me about the studio? He stopped on his tracks and gasps, hands covering his face as he sobs, realizing that he hasn't paid much attention to ChanYeol.


-Couple of weeks back-

Finally coming home after his 2 days of MV shoot, BaekHyun was exhausted but was greeted with a hyper-active giant pup that was so happy to see him. ChanYeol engulfed him in a tight embrace. "I missed you so much babe!". "Have you eaten? Want some food?" ChanYeol asked with excitement. "Yeah sure.. I'll just go freshen up for a bit" BaekHyun says tiredly as he walks toward their bathroom. ChanYeol then moved to the kitchen and cooked up some stir fried sausages since it was the quickest to prepare. When he reappears in the kitchen, ChanYeol had just laid out the serving plate on his seat. Without thinking much, BaekHyun picked up his fork and started poking around his food. "How was your day?" BaekHyun asked but was barely paying any attention as he was really tired. "Look at this!" ChanYeol said excitedly, holding up a pair of keys dangling in front of him. "Mr Kim left the studio for me to manage for two months! I'll be going slightly early to open up for class." 

"Yeah? sure..." BaekHyun said disinterested. "Yeol, I'm going to bed alright.. I'm tired.." BaekHyun stood up and left the kitchen. ChanYeol was at a lost of what to do, looking at BaekHyun’s back as he walked away. He didn't even touched his food. ChanYeol then picked up the left over and threw it away. Calling it a night, ChanYeol slept on the couch that night so that BaekHyun can have a better rest. 


Feeling like the worst boyfriend ever, BaekHyun held back his tears and quickly ran to the studio. Once he turned around the corner, and looked up at the building, he saw that one of the studio lights was . He knew very well which studio it was. He quickly ran up the stairs and made his way to the studio - it was the same studio that they had first met, and the same studio that BaekHyun had confessed. 

Stopping at the foot of the door, BaekHyun looked into the studio and his heart clenched in pain as he sees ChanYeol curled up sleeping on the couch. Slowly he turns the knob and steps into the studio quietly. He can hear ChanYeol still sobbing and whining in his sleep. He must be having a nightmare BaekHyun wonders. 

Standing above him, BaekHyun kneels down so that he can see him better. BaekHyun's heart aches in pain as he sees tear streaks on ChanYeol's cheeks. I'm so sorry ChanYeol. I should have been better. BaekHyun thinks to himself as he reached out his hand to wipe away the tears on ChanYeol.

BaekHyun gently caresses ChanYeol's cheeks with the back of his palm and moved to swipe away his fallen fringe on his face. Feeling the sudden warmth on him, ChanYeol stirs from his sleep, slowly opening his eyes.

"Babe?" BaekHyun said softly as ChanYeol stirs awake. "BaekHyun?" ChanYeol eyes widen in shock and slowly sat up as though he couldn't believe that BaekHyun was in front of him. 

BaekHyun threw himself onto ChanYeol and clung onto his neck as though his life depended on it, all the while mumbling his apologizes. "I'm so sorry ChanYeol! I'm so so sorry. Why did you leave?" 

ChanYeol held onto BaekHyun's embrace tightly, securing his arms around his waist and breathe in BaekHyun's scent that he's missed so much. "I'm sorry Baekkie. I can't provide you with much. I don't want to be a burden anymore. I thought since you can't decide for us, I might as well do it..." ChanYeol said with utter dejection and tears b over his eyes.

BaekHyun then loosen his hold and looked at ChanYeol. Once their eyes met, ChanYeol let his tears fall loose. "Oh baby... don't cry please.. hear me out before you do." BaekHyun says while cupping his hands onto the taller's face, wiping off the tears with his thumb. ChanYeol nodded in agreement.

Wiping off the last tear drop, BaekHyun lifted his chin and gave him a kiss before he starts explaining. "As you've seen in the updates.. yes.. they are right.. I did meet up with YongHwa at SM.. but it's not what you think. We just had a chat to clear things up with between us because I wanted a closure, ChanYeol. A closure before... before I am able to move on and start a new." ChanYeol dropped his head as he listens to BaekHyun's explanation, but still doubting if that person for BaekHyun would ever be him. Still holding onto ChanYeol's face, he smoothes his thumb over his cheeks for assurance and lifted it up, looking straight into ChanYeol's brown orbs, "And I've got it... my closure.. I found what I was looking for... and I'm planning to hold on to it for a very very long time. I hope he does to.. my dream." 

But I'm his dream.. he told me so! Does that mean BaekHyun wants me? ChanYeol thought to himself and blinked a couple of times in confusion as though couldn't not believe what he was hearing. He didn't know he was speaking out loud when he was thinking so. BaekHyun chuckled at his cute flushed face and gave him another kiss "Yes ChanYeol, you're my dream.. and I want you."

"I'm not dreaming am I?" ChanYeol smiled and said in disbelieve. Chuckling at his cuteness, BaekHyun inched closer to ChanYeol and gave him a sweet peck on his flushed cheeks. Mouthing, "Does"  and slowly moving up to the peak of his nose, BaekHyun bumped his own on ChanYeol, giving him a cute eskimo kiss. "This" ChanYeol chuckles at the affection that BaekHyun was giving him. BaekHyun then tilts his head and gave him small kisses on the forehead "Feels". Opening his eyes, ChanYeol looks right at BaekHyun, seeing the sincere emotions from the brown amber orbs. Lifting his chin up, BaekHyun closed the gap between them, pressed their lips together and started kissing him, sensually moving his lips against ChanYeol. He deepens the kiss as he moved his hands tightening his grip on BaekHyun's hips and hugged him closer. Slightly out of breathe, BaekHyun moved back a little, the taller whimpering for the lost of warmth, BaekHyun cupped his face again and finished his question "Like a Dream?".

"Yes! And it's mine!" ChanYeol said as he laughs and smiles brightly. BaekHyun hugs him tightly, glad to have his GiantPika back again as he hides his face onto ChanYeol's chest, enjoying the laughter. "I think I love you ChanYeol" he whispers quietly.

"Hmmm?" ChanYeol hummed in question. He thought he heard BaekHyun said something he has always wanted to hear, but he could have mistaken. He knows BaekHyun would be too shy to express himself that way. 

"Would you play for me?" BaekHyun quickly requested as they moved to sit on the piano seat, side by side. "Sure Baekkie. What do you want me to play?" ChanYeol asked, looking at Baekhyun lovingly.




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