

After writing this chapter, I believe I can't finish the story in 3 parts...
I've added 2 more parts to end it :)

Words: 2979




- Somewhere in May 2017 -

ChanYeol has waken up earlier that day, busying himself in the kitchen with another cake batter that he needs to deliver that afternoon. Suddenly he feels a pair of arms circling his waist and warm breathe behind his back. "Yeol~~~~" BaekHyun whines as he sways his body left and right, holding onto him. ChanYeol chuckles as he turns himself around, looking at the latter. "Yes baby... had a good sleep?". ChanYeol hugs him back tightly and kissed the crown of BaekHyun's fluffly brown head.

In his sleepy state, BaekHyun mumbles something incoherently while in ChanYeol's embrace. "What is it Baek? I can't hear you." Pulling back from the hug, BaekHyun lifts his head up and smiled at ChanYeol. The lovely rectangle smile that brings out the crescent eyes he love so much. As though falling in love at first sight once again, ChanYeol cant help but reach down and give BaekHyun a kiss right on the lips. 

"Hmmm..." BaekHyun hummed in delight as he basked in ChanYeol's manly scent. "Have an order to send out today?" BaekHyun asked cutely all the while still holding onto the taller's waist as he peeped left and right trying to see the kitchen top. "Yes Baekkie.. But I might not make the order if you keep hugging onto me like this" ChanYeol bobbed the smaller's nose as he peppers light kisses on his lips. BaekHyun chuckled in delight with the affection. 

"Would you make me one Yeol?" ChanYeol looked at BaekHyun in confusion as he continues, "SM is throwing me a birthday party with the fans. I've suggested to the company for you to customize my cake!" BaekHyun said excitedly.

"But that's in 3 weeks babe!" ChanYeol exclaimed as he was counting the dates in his head. In actual fact, he has already planned to give BaekHyun a suprise gift for his birthday. Seems like there will be a slight change of plans for that. "I know~~ That's why I'm telling you now... you have plenty of time to prepare right.." BaekHyun pouts and whines trying to convince ChanYeol on the plan. He knows the taller will always give in to him. 

"Fine fine... I'll do it.. I'll send it to the bakery in the morning so that they can do the delivery on time.. what do you say?" BaekHyun squealed as he leaped onto ChanYeol, making him take a few steps back, back hitting the kitchen top. The taller immediately held onto his thighs and kept him in place. "Thanks Yeollie~ Oh! and~~ I want you to deliver it to the Artrium Hall.. not the bakery! Manager Hyung will come pick you up! Alright? Cools~!" BaekHyun quickly finishes his sentence before ChanYeol can retort and jumped off the taller. Giving him a quick peck as he runs off to the bedroom. ChanYeol was left dumfounded alone in the kitchen, but that was BaekHyun for him. Always spontaneous and active yet shy and loving behind closed doors.


In the room on the phone;

"Hyung! I've managed to talk him into it. Make sure he makes it here on time alright!" 

"Alright Byun.. You sure he's up for it?"

"He will be ecstatic! I'm sure"



"Babe~~~ I'm leaving soon~" BaekHyun called out from the bedroom as he was getting ready to leave for the saloon. He needs to get himself all made up and handsome for the birthday party tonight! And... a special event for his lover. 

​​​​​​"Alright... I'll see you this evening" ChanYeol in return calling out from the kitchen where he was busy preparing BaekHyun's cake for the party. 

As he hears small footsteps creeping up behind him, he quickly turn himself around and open his arms wide, hoping to block away the little puppy's view of the cake. The lil pup instead knocked onto ChanYeol's chest with a 'ooomph' as he didn't thought that the taller would suddenly turn around. 

​​​​​​"Let me seeee~~~~" BaekHyun whines as he jumps from left to right. "No babe.. come on... this is the only suprise I have left for you... with the sudden schedule, I had to cancel everything I've planned for your birthday!" ChanYeol protected the cake with a pout.

​​​​​​"Owh alright~! You silly giant!" BaekHyun cupped the taller's face and smoothes his cheeks with his thumb, he then leaned in and placed a kiss on his lover. "I'll see you later love~ be prepared!" 

Once again ChanYeol is left dumbfounded and flustered by BaekHyun’s bold move. "Be prepared?? For what??" 


2 hours to party @ ChanBaek's Home

"ChanYeol ah~!" BaekHyun's Manager Hyung knocked on the door. "Coming!" the taller quickly ran to the door to open up for him. Manager Hyung gave ChanYeol a once over to see what he was wearing, and he chuckled to himself as he said "He was right after all". 

"Don't you need him to change into something more appropriate for the suprise?"

"No hyung.. he'll be in his Adidas sweats and sneakers that I got him... he'll be more happy that way... that's the ChanYeol I know... trust me.."

"As you wish Baek.."

The giant was indeed in his favorite black Adidas hoodie with a Supreme snapback covering his silver hair (BaekHyun insisted on that color when he's decided to give the taller a hair makeover) and a black Adidas sweatpants, finishing off with his Adidas Yeezy that BaekHyun had got him as a couple item last month. He knows his job was to deliver the cake to the venue. With the hoodie and snapback, no one will recognize him, therefore no one will suspect his relationship with BaekHyun. All is safe, and the outfit was comfortable for the job.

Upon hearing what Manager Hyung had said, ChanYeol was confused and had curiously asked, "Who was right Hyung?" patting his own outfit down to his body, looking down at himself and giving himself an approving nod. 

"It's nothing.. lets go shall we?"

"Alright! Let me get the cake!" ChanYeol quickly went back into their home and brought out a huge 3 tier birthday cake that he has prepared on his own. He even brought the remaining decorative pieces so that he can work on his finishing touches at the venue before the cake cutting event.

"Wow!! ChanYeol! You've outdo yourself this time!" Hyung said in amazement.

"You think he'll like it?" ChanYeol bashfully asked.

"I'm sure he will Yeol.. I'm sure.. now let's go!" Manager Hyung quickly helped ChanYeol carry all the other items that was handed to him, when he himself handled the 3 tier cake and he carefully placed it in the car. "We're ready! Let's go!" ChanYeol said with full excitement! He can't wait for BaekHyun to see his masterpiece that he had designed for his lover.


At the venue...

"ChanYeol ah... this is JiSoo, the event coordinator. Leave the cake with her, she will handle it.. I need to go to BaekHyun now.. come with me" Manager Hyung said in a slur of words as ChanYeol quickly bowed to the event coordinator in respect. "But Hyung! I still need to finish up the cake!" ChanYeol retorted in hesitance; as he thinks that it should be his job to complete the cake, not anyone else. "It's alright ChanYeol-ssi.. I'll know what to do." JiSoo said kindly with a smile on her pretty face.

"See.. nothing to worry about... the cake will be safe with her.. now let's go!" Manager Hyung urges the taller once again. Reluctantly, ChanYeol handed over the decorative pieces to JiSoo and explained to her how which pieces should fit at which part of the cake. "Please take care of the cake JiSoo noona.... Oh! Since I'll be meeting BaekHyun, can I have a box of strawberries please. You can have the rest for the cake."

ChanYeol didn't know what was going on. Everything was just strange! He was supposed to deliver the cake to the venue and then leave for home and wait for BaekHyun to come back. All of the sudden, he's now at the backstage, following Manager Hyung in search for BaekHyun's waiting room with a box of strawberry in hand. What's even more out of the ordinary, everyone was greeting him and smilling at him! Everyone knows his name!

"Hyung! Is this the ChanYeol?" someone asked Manager Hyung as they passed by. "Yes, this is he!"

"Oh wow.. he is tall! You must be ChanYeol!" another stranger passed by and shaked his hands.


ChanYeol did not know what to do with all those people that keeps greeting him, he is after all shy and awkward. All he can do was bow respectfully and gave them a smile. Since they are all here working together to make the birthday event successful for BaekHyun, he should be thankful.

Finally reaching, ChanYeol hears BaekHyun's laughter from inside the room and was followed by many others as well. Manager Hyung then opens the door and announced; "He's here". The moment he stepped in, a dozens of heads turned towards the door and looked at him from head to toe; as though scrutinizing him. He stood at the door step, frozen as a log seeing that many people in one room. All of them are new faces to him, except for one blushing beauty that was smiling from ear to ear, happy to have his company.

"ChanYeol ah! You're here!" BaekHyun says as he quickly walked towards him, hands holding out asking for ChanYeol to hold onto. As though unsure of the situation, he looked at BaekHyun with a confused frown and then looked back behind BaekHyun to see the others, they were now smiling and giggling. Some were even in awe as they looked at them. "What's going on? Th-This is ok?" ChanYeol still confused and worried, but reached out and held onto BaekHyun's hand tightly. Slightly squeezing onto the palm that he was holding, indicating to the question that he needs answer to. "This is ok?".

ChanYeol knows the implication and what will happen if people finds out about their relationship. He has seen enough news updates to know that if a relationship were to be revealed, their family, fans, and management might not be supportive, and eventually leading those couple to a break up due to stress and in hope for the societies acceptance. He could not imagine what will happen if people found out that BaekHyun was dating an awkward nobody. That was why they've kept their relationship as private as possible. No one except for their family, best friend and Manager Hyung knows about them. But now.. he was worried! He is not ready to let go of BaekHyun's hands any time soon.. not ever!

BaekHyun knows ChanYeol inside out like the worm in his body. He knows about his worries, especially being seen in public with him or for people to know about their relationship. ChanYeol was more than happy and acceptive to keep their relationship private when BaekHyun brought it up last time. Like now, he definitely knows what ChanYeol was thinking about; looking at his face as he frowns in worry. "Yes baby. This is okay.." BaekHyun said as he tip-toed and leaned into ChanYeol's cheek and gave him a kiss. "Baek!" his eyes widen in extreme shock and worry. He quickly looked up and see that the others were squealing and giggling even more so than before. He hears soft squeals saying "OMG they're so cute!!" and another "They're so sweet together". Looking down at his lover once again, "Baek?" he questions. BaekHyun was blushing as he curls his short arms onto his thin waist, he crosses his fingers together at the small of his back and complete the embrace with a chuckle.

Instead of answering his uncertainty, BaekHyun turns around, one hand still holding onto ChanYeol's back for encouragement and leads him to the crowd in the room.

"Ladies!" BaekHyun said loudly to get everyone's attention. With all the eyes now back on him, ChanYeol feels like curling up into a ball and stick his head into a small hole so that no one knows he's there. Well, since he can't do that, he silently took a step back and hid behind BaekHyun, all the while still holding onto BaekHyun's hand. But of course everyone can still see him, since he is almost a head taller than the smaller. Everyone and BaekHyun then chuckled at his awkwardness and coos at him. "Right.. since I have everyone's attention, ladies... this is ChanYeol" BaekHyun said proudly, as he stepped aside to reveal ChanYeol's full 185cm glory. "Hi! ChanYeol" everyone said simultaneously. Shocked that he was introduced to BaekHyun's closest crew member in his career, he quickly bowed to everyone in every direction possible out of respect.

BaekHyun turned back towards ChanYeol and gave him an assuring smile. "Babe~ these people are the closest to me in the company, they're always with me when we're out on schedule. They're like family to me.. and I want to introduce you to them, ChanYeol... as my lover."

"WHAT??" ChanYeol couldn't contain himself and questioned out of confusion. His eyes doubled in wideness, his face flushed red in shock and excitement. BaekHyun once again curled his arms around ChanYeol, and this time the taller reciprocated the embrace with his long arms around BaekHyun's small waist. Looking down at the smaller, he too was blushing as BaekHyun was unusually expressive and bold today. Meeting eyes with the taller, he smiled and said "I think it's time babe.. I want others to know that I have this amazing supportive lover... I want others to be proud that I have you, babe.. is that alright with you?"

"But what about you? Your career? Your fans?" ChanYeol couldn't help but gasps in realization about the impact if everyone knew. "Babe, I don't care about what they say... I only care about you.." BaekHyun looks at him with adoration in his eyes. "Are you sure babe?" ChanYeol needed to make sure of BaekHyun's decision before he made his. "Yes I am baby. Never been so sure in my life about you.. about us" BaekHyun once again assured him. He was scared to say the least, he doesn't know what will happen to them after this. But if BaekHyun says it's alright, he fully trust the smaller's judgement that it will be alright.

Slowly, ChanYeol moved away from BaekHyun's embrace with a determined look; he stood tall and proud in front of everyone.

"Hi everyone" His loud voice suddenly booming across the room and everyone was once again looking at him. "I-I'm Park ChanYeol! Baekkie's.. I mean B-BaekHyun's.. ummm... BaekHyun's..." he stutters as he eyes each and everyone of them, they were all holding their breath and anticipating for the reveal but he was suddenly cut off by the smaller with; "He is my boyfriend! Park ChanYeol!". The smaller then turned to him and gave him a gleaming bright smile to show how happy he was that he's finally picked up the courage to say it out loud. ChanYeol was the same, he was happy! Very very happy that BaekHyun was able to express himself in his own way. Both of them manage to find ways back into each other's embrace, closed their gaps between them as ChanYeol bent down to meet BaekHyun's smiling lips. BaekHyun pulls the taller in closer to him as he moves his lips along with ChanYeol. He can't helped but felt so loved by the taller and hummed in appreciation to the kiss. A sudden loud hoots and laughter filled the room as they congratulate the couple, bursting the love bubble that they were in. Realizing that they've gained spectators to their intimate moment, they both chuckled and the smaller quickly hid his blushing face into ChanYeol's embrace.

One by one, the staff members came to introduce themselves to ChanYeol.

"Hi! I'm Lisa and this is Rose, we're Baekkie's coordi noona" ChanYeol bowed to them in respect "Please take care of BaekHyun. Thanks for dressing him up so beautifully all the time"

"Awwww.. isn't he a sweetie!" Both Lisa and Rose cooed at him. BaekHyun can only blush at his side.

"And we're Faye, Jennie and Wendy, Baekkie's makeup artist & hair stylist. You might not remember the names.. just call us noona~" one of them said to ChanYeol.

"Owhhh... well thank you for making Baekkie look even more beautiful than he already is on stage.. I love his amber brown hair the most.. he looks like a puppy!...And the eyeliner.. gracious me...he was gorgeous!" ChanYeol bowed and said cheerfully to the three ladies in front of him. He chuckles and turned to BaekHyun, seeing him blush even more at his cheesiness.

Before more staff members came to say 'HI' to him, they were all interrupted by Manager Hyung; "Baek! I believe you have a party to host tonight. Let's keep the introductions for later alright? After work dinner on me! How's that?" 

Loud cheers and hoots echoed throughout the room as the ladies all thank Manager Hyung for his generosity.

Holding onto ChanYeol, the smaller gently tugged onto his hand seeking for attention. Looking down at BaekHyun's bright gleaming eyes, and that beautiful smile that he was donning, ChanYeol can't help but fall in love once again. "What is it Baby?"

"Do you trust me Yeollie?" BaekHyun asked sincerely. "Of course I do babe.." ChanYeol replied without a second of hesitation, and leaned in to kiss his temple. BaekHyun giggled happily at the affection, he felt so relieve after the confession with the staff members, but there is one more suprise that he has prepared for ChanYeol tonight and he hopes that everything will be just fine.

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