Blonde & Black





In which Wonwoo regrets not telling his best friend sooner on how he feels about her. Drowning himself in memories coz it’s the only thing he has left of being hers.






Aka this story has been sitting in the attic of my mind for as long as I could remember and it’s about time this story sees the light of day. Also since 96-line is so precious I decided to go with it.


(noted: I should probably make a 97-line as well coz duh! I’m a 97 liner)



And probably because I have a thing for fem!seventeen. It just perks up my interest. Also I wrote this before I even made all those fics with a bunch of ships. As well as gift for #SoonWoo Day (01-04) which I never knew about until recently.



Noted: If you squint hard enough you'll probably notice other ships, if you squint. but they're not the main characters here. Other members will appear in future? chapters :)








“I should have said No… I should have told her what I felt about her. But... She was so happy… so very happy. I couldn’t dare. I didn’t want to lose that smile.” Wonwoo mentions sadly.


“It’ll be fine. You will get over her… eventually.” Mingyu replies back, not knowing what else to say to his already depressed friend.


Wonwoo finishes his glass of wine and chuckles. “I wish I could. I wish it was that easy.” His tears slowly started falling. “I really wish I could.”



He sobs quietly, Mingyu patting his back, reassuring the older.







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Chapter 1: So sad?
xXGoofyGamerXx #2
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh! I'm crying now... Poor Wonwoo...