You're Still Here?

Confessions of a Crazed Fangirl!♡


I huffed out a sigh.

" You mean, you don't see anything behind me?"


Dylan looked to the space were the two men stood, tilting her head to the side.

" What am I supposed to see?"

Alarm rang throughout my body. I looked to my side, where Jonghyun and Key stood. I could see them clear as day. They both exchanged worried glances. Key pointed between us. " Wait, how come you can see us and she can't?"

" I-i don't know..."

Dylan raised an eyebrow. " Don't know what?"

I hadn't meant to answer him out loud. " Nothing, never mind."

She eyed me for a long time, curious. " Thalia are you okay?"

I tried to laugh, but it came out as a nervous whimper. " Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Dylan's forehead wrinkled in confusion. " You were talking to yourself....."

I shrugged of her accusation, walking over to the cupboard to grab a box of Coco Puffs.  " I do that all the time" I coughed trying to hide the slight tremble in my voice, but Dylan caught it.

" Tally....."

" Dill, I'm fine" I urged on, pouring milk into my bowl. " Really!" I flashed her a smile for proof. 


Dylan eyed me but let it go, muttering ' weirdo ' in a playful voice. She walked strait through Key and Jonghyun who stared in awe, and went to the fridge. She opened the door, lips forming a slight pout as she decided what to eat for breakfast this morning. She turned to me. " You want some eggs?"

The guys stared at her, bug eyed as did I . I leaned closer to them, speaking just below a whisper.

" Did she just walk-"

" Yes," Key answered before I even got to finish asking my questions. " Yes, she did." 

Lazy Dylan, decided against making eggs, instead she pulled out a bowl of cereal and pulled up a chair next me on counter of our Eat-in-Kitchen. I watched her stuff full of Fruit Loops. Taking a big gulp she swallowed the sugary treat down. Dylan opened to speak.

" Oh! Your driving me to the airport right?"

My head tilted to the side. " Airport? What for?"

Dylan rolled her eyes." Ugh~ Tally! You forgot! I promised my parents I'd go to America and visit after the concert remember?!? " Doubt clouded my vision as I tried to think back to the time where she would have told such important information. Then it struck me, I gave her a remorseful smile. " Sorry, Dill.." She shot me a cross look, quickly shoving what was left of her meal down and got up, tossing her bowl into the empty sink. I cringed. 

" You eat like a man!!"

" So!" She spat, mouth still a colorful array of mush. " You have the memory of a goldfish!!"

 Key made a face. " Eww...Chew with your mouth closed!"

I gritted my teeth and tried to block him out. " Nut Uh!"

She took a step closer to me." Uh HUH!"

I stood up, challenging her. " No I don't!"

" Yes you do!"

" NO!"

" YES!"


I narrowed my eyes to slits staring her down and she matched my movement. Jonghyun's light voice cut through the tense air. " NOOO!" he shouted and I couldn't help but giggle at his stupidity.  Lucky for me, Dylan thought the laughter was because of our silly actions. She patted my .

" Go get dressed, Goldie."

" Goldie?"

She beamed. " Yeah, Goldfish! Did you forget so soon? Your driving me to the airport."

I let out a groan. " I hate driving..."

Dylan rolled her eyes an pointed towards my bedroom door. " GO!"

I stuck my tongue out shuffling inside my room and walking into my closet. You pulled out some sweat pants and a white T-shirt. I brought my hands to the hem of my shirt and pulled upwards when a voice stopped me in my tracks.

" Your not seriously going to wear that, right?"

I looked over to find Key and Jonghyun. Both of them gaping at me, though I envision for different reasons . Key's face seemed to hold revulsion tinged with outrage, while Jonghyun practically drooled at the sight of the little exposed skin at my waist. I raised an eyebrow.


" What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

Key opened his mouth to say something, but then thinking better of it, shut it closed and sashayed of to my closet instead. I leaned to the side to catch a glimpse of him pulling out pieces of clothes I had absolutely no idea what to do with. He threw all my threads to the floor in search-for what I wasn't sure. Eventually he stopped, through some things over his arm and walking back over to me. He stopped for a moment head turned in thought and the clothes into my arms. " I'll be back"  he muttered, and his image shimmered before vanishing completely before you. 

I turned to Jonghyun for some short of explanation but he only shrugged and shook his head. A few seconds later Key appeared with a tan sweater in hand. " Here."

I looked at him strange. " This isn't mine."

" I know, it's mine. Go change. " I followed his directions and moved into the bathroom and switched into the clothes he picked out for you. I turned looking  in the mirrorSo unnecessary....I thought to myself. I ran a hand though my hair, gathering the thick dark brown locks to place it in a bun. Finally, I stepped out. 

Jonghyun whistled and I looked down to hide my embarrassment.

Key looked me up and down then finally presented me with an approving smile. 

" Perfect!"


I rolled my eyes. " I'm just going to the airport, couldn't I just have worn the sweats?" Key shook his head, and tried his hardest to choke back a laugh. 

" Of course not! If your going to be seen in public with me, then your going to have to look fab."  

I snorted. " Well since no one else can see you but me, I think your fine. Wait--Why am I even talking to you? Talking to you would be me acknowledging your existence, and you two are not real. " 

Key put his head in his hands and Jonghyun let out an annoyed sigh.

" God, you are the stupidest girl..." 

I spun on my heal, anger bubbling from every pore. You see, I kinda have problems holding in my emotions. Which really when your known as the girl with the "bad temper". Which isn't true, I don't have a bad temper. It's called speaking your mind--theres a difference. 

I opened my mouth to let lose some of the most rude, disrespectful words in my vocabulary but then I realized, who would  I even be yelling at?

That's right. No one. 

I shut my mouth and walked out the room yelling to Dylan I'd wait for her in the car. I snatched my keys from the counter and checked to see the if the guys were still following me. They were gone. Then I turned around to find them right in front of my face. I gasped.

" Stop following me!! " I hissed, before leaving Key and Jonghyun inside and slamming the door on my way out.

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Chapter 5: I NEED MORE
kpopLOVER809 #2
seriously im crying of laughter XDD this is just way to funny XDD<br />
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y dino lol and divaish KEY~!!! <33<br />
oh gosh, seriously if this were to really happen...ohhhh lord have mercy i probably now i think of it idk really hehe probably the same thing shes doing :DDD or worse have a major heartattack x3<br />
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i really like this, wait no scartch it!!! new, fresh and overall its a really good topic, update soon when yo can please, HWAiTING~! ^ ^ <3<br />
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sounds awesome
hehe this fanfic outta be interesting :D
:D LOve it love it :D