Not So Good Morning...

Confessions of a Crazed Fangirl!♡



My eyelids felt heavy as I tried my hardest to open them. My eyes opened with a flutter. I flinched. Ah..waaaaay to bright. I blinked a couple of times, then brought my palms to my eyes to dust away the sleep. What time is it? I turned my head, peering over to the clock on my bedside table. Mmm...9:16? No, that's too early...30 more minutes..

I started to shut my eyes again to welcome the peacefulness that comes with rest, when a quiver rippled up from deep inside. I smiled, placing a hand over my stomach.

" Okay, okay. I'll feed you!"


I summoned up the strength to rise up in a sitting position. Stretching my arms up to the sky, I let out a huge yawn. 

Then everything came rushing back.

I scratched the back of my head, a goofy smile finding it's way on my lips.

My imagination knows no bounds...Still, it didn't feel like a dream... I thought back to what would have been my first kiss, the way he held my face, the sparks and a light blush formed on my face. I myself backwards, bouncing back into the sheets, I announced my thoughts out loud.

" Best. Dream. Ever !"

" How many times do I have to tell you?! It's not a dream!"

I shrieked, scrambling out the bed in a manor that made me fall flat on my face.


I sprang up, bewildered. "Why are you back?!?!"

He laughed. " Well good morning to you too!"

I stared at him, muttering my thoughts, " This is not happening..."

He jumped of my bed and walked forward towards me. I eyed his every more trying to decide what I should do but I couldn't come up with anything. Key shook his head. " We've been though this before, I am just as real as you are, " He reached out to touch my hand, palm to palm.

Key squeezed my hand, looking up at me with a smile on his dazzling face.

" See? Real." 

I screamed shoving him away from me, and throwing my hands over my eyes.

" Get out, get out, get out! "

There was silence as I counted to ten, waiting to see if he would disappear again. When I opened my eyes the room was completely empty. I let out a nervous laugh. 


Okay, so most of most of you guys are probably thinking I'm a freak, right? I'm a fangirl. So why am I not acting like one? Why didn't I totally try to Key up, I mean that's what every other girl would have done?

Well, hate to burst you bubble, but Thalia Heart isn't everyone else.

I blinked a couple of times trying to make sure I was fully awake this time before walking into my bathroom, closing the door behind me. I the faucet, splashing some water onto my face. Wake up, Tally...your awake now...everything is fine you didn't wake up to a y Korean star in you bed nope, everything is absolutely fine... I reached out for my face wash, shutting my eyes tight to cleanse my face. When I finished, I realized I had a problem--no towel. I let out a frustrated huff, and turned in a circle with my eyes still closed, trying to feel out for a towel. I stretched out my arms fingers searching for something soft and fluff but what I came across was smelled really good, and was warm and--TONED?!

I blinked my eyes open to a view of someone's muscular chest.

Oh please not again!

I looked up and smiling down at me stood Kim Jonghyun.

" Uhh..Hi," He held up my towel. " Looking for this?"

I let out a yelp, making a run for the door, only to bump my forehead into it's hard surface. I swore at it. Curse you for being closed!!

I leaned against the door with my eyes closed, taking in a breath. Part of me hoped when I opened them again he would be gone. But the smarter half knew the truth. I spoke slowly, struggling with my words.

" Please tell me your just a figment of my imagination?"

I opened one eye, squinting.

He gave me an oh to familiar smirk. " Baby, I think I'm the one whose dreaming..." He stalked forward trapping between his body and the door. He placed his hands beside my head as he whispered, breath was hot in my ear.

" So when do we get to the part where you take off your clothes?"

What. Da. FUQ?!


I pressed myself up against the door, fumbling around for the handle. I frantically turned to knob, my weight forced the door open making me fall down through the doorway.

With Jonghyun landing on top of me...            

" No, no, no, no, no! "

I kicked him off of me, breaking into a run. A million thoughts ran though my mind. I wanted to hide, but then what would I do if he actually found me? Calm down, calm down! THIS IS A DREAM! A glorious, horrible, dream! And when I wake up, everything will be okay! I stopped in place, flailing my arms around trying to think of where to go. I can't handle things like this. I'm painfully shy when it comes to guys and waking up to two boys in my bedroom was way too much for me to handle. My brain was malfunctioning. Just as I finally made up my mind for which direction to go in a voice broke through the barrier of my mind.

" YAH!"

I turned, looking down the hallway where a very pissed off Key stood, hands on his divalicious hips. He rushed towards me and I stumbled back, slightly afraid.

" Can you stop doing that!"

I blinked in utter confusion. " Doing what?!" 

He threw his hands in the air. " Poofing me away!!"

" Poof?!"

" Yeah! Every time your close your eyes and send me off! You know how hard I had to concentrate to get back here to find you?! My head nearly EXPLODED!"


I opened my mouth to ask him how when I was abruptly interrupted.

" You!"

Key and I both turned to the side. 

" I can't believe you kicked me! ME of all people!!" He pointed at me. " Your the one that brought me here in the first place, is that anyway to treat a guest?! Especially when your guest is this good looking?!"

He snorted. " You probably deserved it, she kicked me for no reason!"

My face heated up. " YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS!"

" That, was the best fanservice ever. You should be thanking me."

Jonghyun whirled. " Oh so he can kiss you and I can't? What is this?"

" A nightmare.." I mumbled darkly.

Key turned to me. " Are you sure you're a Shawol? You sure don't act like one."

I groaned, slapping my face lightly. " Wake up!"

Both the boys sighed, " IT'S NOT A DREAM!"

I yelled back. " YES IT IS!"


" Umm..Tally?.........Who are you talking to?"


I rotated, taking into view a very perplexed Dylan. She was still in her PJ's, though her eyes where wide awake. I bit my lip, preparing to ask the question that lingered in my mind.


" You don't see them, do you?"

" See who? "


Awh, crap....

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Chapter 5: I NEED MORE
kpopLOVER809 #2
seriously im crying of laughter XDD this is just way to funny XDD<br />
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y dino lol and divaish KEY~!!! <33<br />
oh gosh, seriously if this were to really happen...ohhhh lord have mercy i probably now i think of it idk really hehe probably the same thing shes doing :DDD or worse have a major heartattack x3<br />
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i really like this, wait no scartch it!!! new, fresh and overall its a really good topic, update soon when yo can please, HWAiTING~! ^ ^ <3<br />
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sounds awesome
hehe this fanfic outta be interesting :D
:D LOve it love it :D