light the way home (and i'll follow)


For Wonwoo, home had never been brick walls built around rooms of worn out furniture. For Wonwoo, home came in the form of a clumsy, lanky guy who coincidentally went by the name of Kim Mingyu.


this is part of a series of unrelated (unless stated otherwise) oneshots based on the tumblr post “100 ways to say i love you”. here’s the post:


this is based on #31 “don’t worry about me.”


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Lifeisworthit #1
Chapter 1: This was the perfect mix of angst, fluff and just reality in general (which I love to see in fics)! Thank you so so much for this awesome story
Chapter 1: this is so s o beautiful, the potrayal of meanie's relationship over the years makes me realize the importance of both mutual give-and-take drive being present to make a relationship (and a friendship) last. it's heart lifting reading this and i'm absolutely in love with your writing style and the domestic feeling this fic spreads and just about everything. it's a shame i found this fic quite late, maybe you could write about their married life or something, anyway thank you so much for writing this! i'm definitely recommending this to my friends.
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful
Chapter 1: Im speechless. This is just so beautiful.
Chapter 1: It's a great one shot! Amazing even XD I find it so sweet their relationship lasted so long albeit many hardships ^_^
Chapter 1: This is beautiful, and sweet, and so true-to-life I'm so happy to stumble upon this. I love the way you portrayed their relationship from the beginning to that particular point. I love your choice of words. I love how you strung your sentences. They are all so well-executed and honestly I'm a little envious (insert an awkward laugh here). All in all, this piece is incredibly good, something I will definitely remember and revisit again in the future. Thank you for sharing this with us and keep up the good work! :D
c6h12o6 #7
this one shot deserves more love smh
c6h12o6 #8
Chapter 1: THIS WAS UTTERLY, ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC OMG!! definitely one of the best one shots i've ever read xD i liked how you portray their friendship, it was pretty heart warming for me lol (especially when mingyu came out to wonwoo like he was so accepting and chill abt it). and i really loved that part when wonwoo got over his kinda unhealthy missing gyu mood/phase (or wtv u get it) and started living again, rediscovering himself and stuff like honestly i dont see this quite often in fics and im so happy that someone have finally written about this matter in a great way :) and i just simply loved how they always put lots of effort to keep their relationship goin on and steady sooOoOOo basically i LOVE this fic. thank you so much for writing this great fic <3