Happy Birthday!

Falling for You

School was over and Eunbi and I took the bus home. I was trying to come up with a reason for my bruised face. The best thing was I fell down the stairs.
I thanked Eunbi for taking me home and went inside. Eomma saw he and shrieked.
"Yeobo, what's the matter?" Appa said from his office. He came out and sat down demanding an explanation.
"Here, sit down and tell me what happened." Eomma said frantically.
I told them everything and Eomma said,
"We should report this to the principal. I can't leave you in a place that would get you hurt like this." Eomma said.
"Eomma, it's really not necessary. These girls are just immature."
"Your mom is right sweetheart. I don't want my daughter to be in such a violent place without protection." Appa added in.
After that, I headed upstairs and texted Eunbi. She said it would be better if the principal knew. At least those girls could be punished. Eomma brought me some porridge, so I ate that and headed to sleep.
I headed to school the next day and tried my best to block off the stares. Eunbi remained by my side for most of the day.
Surprisingly, Jungkook didn't bother me today and decided to actually be a good kid. I was kinda shocked by that. But then I thought about what Grandma told me. She said that those who act the coldest, have been hurt the most. Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about Jungkook expect for his name and birthday. I just brushed it off and continued my day.
*2 months after the incident/Y/N's birthday*
Everything was back to normal. Those girls had 3 days of school suspension. The holidays were coming up soon, so every one was in a festive mood. It was my birthday today! I was heading to lunch when I heard someone call my name. It was Jungkook. He still annoys the crap out of me sometimes, but I've gotten used to it. We have gotten a little friendlier and we've become frenemies in a way. I turn back and see Jungkook holding a bouquet of flowers. Oh and yes I still have a crush on him, so I was kinda flipping out on the inside. He handed them to me and said," Happy birthday Y/N-ah" with his cute smile.
"Aww thank you Kookie~" I replied.
Oh and I started calling him Kookie because I really like cookies and it was a step to becoming friendlier with him. He's fine with it as long as I don't call him that in front of other people.
I gave him a hug, said goodbye, and headed to lunch.
*Jungkook's POV*
I woke up a little earlier today because it was a special day. Today was Y/N's birthday! I was going to buy her flowers since I couldn't think of any other gifts.
Also, I've gotten a lot more friendlier
over the past 2 months. I think it's all thanks to Y/N. I don't really annoy her anymore, and we can actually have a decent conversation. My love for her has grown a lot since then, and I really hope I get to tell her soon. I got ready and headed off to buy the flowers. I decided to wait and give it to her before lunch.
The day seemed to be going by so slow and finally, the lunch bell rang. I ran out of my class in search for Y/N. I saw her and yelled out her name. She turned around and I handed her the flowers.
"Happy birthday Y/N~"
"Aww thank you Kookie~"
She gave me that nickname and every time she says it, I get a warm feeling ❤

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