Hocheol x Hyunuk

Light Reads | BOYS24

(To the cutie H:OUR that requested this: i kinda..may have tweaked your request a little but cuz I think it’s cuter this way xD I mean hot high school senior Han Hyunuk? C’mon~ >.< but if you still want me to write a story in which Hyunuk is a college student, please let me know and I’ll re-do it ^_^)

Crushes In The New Year



Third Person POV

New Years is finally here~ A time in which most people get that little jolt of energy to start their day fresh and not feel like jumping off a 10-storey building. For some, a new year may also mean the start of a new job or for students, a start of yet another dreadful school year, and the new year may also be the start of a new life.

Choi Hocheol is a 16 year-old high school and just recently moved from his somewhat quite countryside-ish neighbourhood to the vast and busy city of Seoul because his dad had a job offer. He didn’t really mind since it’s not hard for him to make friends due to his loud and sometimes obnoxious personality. To be honest, he’s actually pretty excited. School actually started yesterday, but since they were still busy with the whole unpacking thing, his mom decided that it was okay to skip the first day~

Hocheol started his day fresh as a daisy~ he already iron his new uniform yesterday and it’s his first time putting it on.

“I actually look pretty darn good in this” he thought to himself as he went all supermodel in front of his mirror. Suddenly, he heard his bedroom door open.

“Hocheol-ah~ time to go!” he heard his mom say as she peeked through the door. He just nodded before grabbing his neck tie and tying it around his neck. After grabbing his books and bag, he quickly went downstairs.

The ride to school from his house took approximately 10 minutes. It’s actually not that far, but there was a slight traffic jam. Thankfully, he wasn’t late on his first day. He saw a tall man who he assumed to be the school’s headmaster was waiting for them outside the registration office and Hocheol suddenly began to feel the butterflies having a MMA fight in his belly.

“Good morning~ I assume you’re the new student! I’m the school’s headmaster, Mr.Kim”

“Hello! I’m Chae Hocheol~ nice to meet you!’

“likewise~ well, you seem excited..not the usual feeling you get at your first day of school” Hocheol just laughed at the statement.

“I guess it’s time for me to go.. have fun on your first day, sweetie!” his mom said as she engulfed him in a tight hug. Hocheol gave his mom a final wave before turning back to face the headmaster.

“now, before you start your classes, how about a tour around the school?” Hocheol nodded enthusiastically.

“I would like that~ I was afraid that I’d get lost at some point..i mean, this place is huge! Well, for a high school anyways” he replied with a slight giggle. Mr. Kim let out a chuckle himself.

“very well..let’s head in my office, shall we? There’s someone I’d like you to meet”

yay a new friend” Hocheol thought as the both of them went to the office. The door opened and he saw another student inside. His face couldn’t be seen at first since his back was facing Hocheol. The boy turned around and at that moment, Hocheol thought how could someone be that good-looking. They made eye contact for a brief second before the said boy looked away and bowed slightly.

“Hocheol, this is Han Hyunuk~ he’s a senior and he’ll be taking you around the school today. I informed your class teacher that you’ll start class after recess so in the meantime, follow Hyunuk around the school and ask him anything” Mr. Kim explained.

“so I guess you’re my hyung then, sunbae~ can I call you hyung? Oh nevermind..anyway, nice to meet you!” Hocheol greeted enthusiastically. Hyunuk clearly looked rather taken aback. He blinked a few times and just gave an awkward laugh.

“well, I guess I’ll leave you two to take a walk around the school~ Hyunuk has to be back in class after recess as well so if you have still have questions that, feel free to ask any teacher or you can just ask me” the headmaster said with a warm dad-like smile. Hocheol just gave a nod.

“okay then, you two can leave” Hyunuk and Hocheol both bowed and made their way out.

“so, sunbae~ where do we go first?”

“uhh….we’ll start at the top floor and work our way down, I guess” Hyunuk answered, his voice sounded soft and somewhat sweet to Hocheol. He assumed that Hyunuk doesn’t normally talk much.

“okay then, let’s go!” Hocheol grabbed his hand, startling him a bit…but he didn’t pull away so that’s good sign.

No words were exchanged at first but Hyunuk broke the silence soon after.

“The school’s wifi is completely accessable at all times except for class hours, unless you have permission by the teacher-in-charge..the password will be given to you by your class teacher later on” Hocheol slightly turned to his right and looked up so that he was looking at Hyunuk.

“you don’t have to be so formal, sunbae~ you sound like one of those news reporters” he joked. Hyunuk just looked down, trying to hide his smile. Cute

As they made their way up the stairs, Hocheol took a look around the surroundings. It’s a really big school like really big.. way bigger than his last high school..and he really hoped that he wouldn’t get lost.

When they reached the top floor, the first thing Hocheol noticed was the library, with see-through glass walls and fully carpeted floors.

“Now that’s a library” he commented. He heard Hyunuk laugh slightly.

“it’s pretty cool..they have computers as well so if you wanna use them, just inform the librarian” he explained.

“you must use them a lot, sunbae…I mean, you look kinda look like a geek with a high IQ~ a really cute geek” 2 points for Chae Hocheol for flirting attempts!

“I do, actually…especially this year since obviously we’re gonna get lots of assignments” Hyunuk simply stated.

“I thought seniors don’t really do much work..well, except for studying for the college entrance exam” Hocheol said, slightly confused. Hyunuk raised his eyebrows before shaking his head.

“you’ll find out in two years~ c’mon, let’s go” the both of them went out of the library and continued walking as Hyunuk explained about the facilities they have. There’s even an indoor swimming pool for the school’s swimming team. Hocheol also found out that unlike himself who enjoys swimming, Hyunuk can’t swim.

After about an hour of walking around, Hyunuk took Hocheol to the school’s garden, the last stop for their school tour.

“this place is absolutely beautiful” Hocheol commented as he looked around in awe. Flowers covered most of the area, just leaving the brick walkway in the middle.

“the flowers were planted a few years ago by the students and teachers back then..the school’s gardener does a really good job at taking care of the plants..this place is my favourite place in the school” Hyunuk stated.

The walked to a bench and sat down.

“I think I’m gonna really like it here..it’s really nice” Hyunuk just nodded after hearing the statement. Hocheol looked down and noticed that he was still holding Hyunuk’s hand. He looked up while trying to hide his smile.

“I’m guessing you enjoy holding my hand” Hyunuk looked at Hocheol before abruptly withdrawing his hand.

“s-sorry” he stuttered.

“it’s fine~ I like holding your hand..it’s warm” Hocheol swore that he could see a blush creep up Hyunuk’s milky white skin after he said that.

After a while, the bell for recess was heard.

“wanna eat together?” Hyunuk offered. Hocheol seemed slightly stunned by th question.

“really? your friends wouldn’t mind?”

“nope~ they’re really nice…and they’re also really loud so you’ll guys will get along pretty well”

“then..i would love too! Thanks, sunbae!” Hocheol said, clapping his hands.


“excuse me?” Hyunuk chuckled at the boy’s cuteness.

“you wanted to call me hyung earlier”

“oh yeah…thanks Hyunuk hyung!”

And with that, Hocheol followed Hyunuk to the caffeteria.

After getting their snack trays that consisted of sandwiches, fruit and banana milk, they proceeded to sit down. Hyunuk made his way to his 3 friends that were sitting at their usual table while Hocheol followed him, feeling rather shy. Surprisingly, they all waved at him as he came closer to the table.

“Hocheol, these are my friends, Jinkyu, Isaac and Yonghyun or as I like to call them…goons~ Goons…this is Chae Hocheol..he’s new here and two years our junior” Hyunuk introduced.

“Nice to meet you, Hocheol-ah! Have a seat” the one with a wide smile and big eyes, who Hocheol guessed was Jinkyu said.

“You, Han Hyunuk..calling us goons in front of the new kid” that dude spoke with a foreign accent. Hocheol remembered that his name was Isaac. Hyunuk just rolled his eyes.

They all chatted while eating their snacks. The table sounded extra loud today…Hyunuk didn’t mind though. He just kept looking at Hocheol who was being totally loud as he chatted with the gang of goons about video games.

“Han Hyunuk!” the sound of someone calling his name snapped him out of his trance.


“staring at Hocheol, I see~ he’s only been here for a few hours and yet you already have a crush on him~” Yonghyun stated jokingly. Both Hyunuk and Hocheol just looked down.

After a few minutes, the bell rang, indicating that the recess was over.

“we better get back to class” Hyunuk said. “Hocheol, you need to go back to the office and your class teacher will be waiting for you there..you remember where it is, right?” Hocheol answered his question with a nod.

“Great! If you need me, I’ll be in class 5-A…or you could also ask for help from these goons-“ his sentence got interrupted by a shoulder shove from Jinkyu. “-I mean..these handsome hyungs who are also…sadly..in my class” the sentence was followed by another shove from Jinkyu. Hocheol just laughed.

“will do~ thanks again, Hyunuk hyung for showing me around and allowing me to eat with you guys”

“no problem~ just join us anytime you want..so let’s go! Or else we’re gonna be late..it was nice meeting you, Hocheol-ah!” Yonghyun said as he gave one of his million dollar eyesmiles, before all of them left the dining hall.


After a few weeks, Hocheol fully settled in and made lots of friends..no surprise there~ he still ate with Hyunuk and his friends sometimes, but when his own friends asked him to join them, he would eat with them.

Everytime Hocheol was with Hyunuk and his gang, Yonghyun would always tease the both of them, saying that they should just go out. And kiss *cough cough* joking I’M JOKING (not)

About a month after Hocheol’s enrollment, his teacher revealed that there would be a test in a few days for class placement. It kinda since Hocheol already made lots of friends in his current class, but shuffling classes would just mean another opportunity to make lots of new friends.

After hearing the news, Hocheol spent recess with his hyungs to tell them about the news.

“you seem rather relaxed” Isaac commented. Hocheol just looked at him.

“should I be worried?” he asked.

“ooohhh we have a smartypants here, everybody!” Jinkyu joked which made Hocheol roll his eyes.

everyone in this school is smart…specimen number one” he said before gesturing at Hyunuk’s direction. Now it was Hyunuk who rolled his eyes.

“anyways, I don’t really care that much about class placement..and I’m still kinda lazy to study” Hocheol continued with a shrug as he drank his banana milk.

“well you should care because being in the first class has lots of privileges~ no extra evening classes, access of wi-fi in class to search for additional materials as well as hot teachers” Yonghyun said, raising his eyebrows up an down. Isaac punched his shoulder lightly as he mumbled “gross”.

“and look how we turned out as seniors from class A~” Jinkyu continued, obviously proud of himself.

“uh-huh..yeah, goons” Hocheol joked with a laugh.

“yah, Chae Hocheol”

“joking guys..just joking~”

“anyways” Hyunuk interrupted. “it’s really hard to get in~ so….” He turned to Hocheol and closed their proximity.

“if you manage to get in class 3-A, I’ll give you a present..you can ask for anything you want”

“really?!” Hocheol exclaimed. Hyunuk just nodded.

“so..anything I want?” he asked again.

“anything you want”

They just continued to stare at each other for a while.

“okaayyy I’m getting’ some weird vibes over here” Yonghyun said as he took a bite of his sandwich while smiling like a ert.

(THIS. sorry Yonghyun ur still hot and  y xD)

“way to ruin the mood, idiot!” Jinkyu raised his voice. Again, Hyunuk and Hocheol could only hide their blush.


Hocheol studied really hard for the test so that he could get a special something from his favourite hyung.


To Hocheol, Hyunuk is more than that. He’s all that Hocheol could think about. Everyday images of the boy’s shining eyes and beautiful smile seem to conquer his brain.

He had to push the thoughts of him away for a while…just so that he could study. After studying and before bed, he would always just lay in bed and fill his mind with Han Hyunuk until sleep claims him.

The night before the test, he received a text from Hyunuk.

From: Hyunuk hyung ^_^

Good luck tomorrow, Hocheol-ah! Get enough sleep and I’ll see you after the test :)

And just as he thought that his heart couldn’t beat any faster. Hocheol typed a quick reply before setting his phone down on his bedside table. Soon after, he drifted off to dreamland.


The test went really well honestly. He told Hyunuk and his friends about the whole thing. Hocheol was actually pretty confident.

“well..we’ll just have to wait and find out” Hyunuk simply said.

Two days later, the results finally came out. Hocheol went with Hyunuk and Jinkyu to the notice board during recess to check his results. Yonghyun and Isaac had to stay back and help the teacher with some paperwork.

Sure enough….

“Number 10, Chae Hocheol..class 3-A” Hyunuk read out loud. Hocheol cheered loudly as Jinkyu engulfed him in a big hug.

“so what do you want me to get you?” Hyunuk asked. Hocheol fake pondered on the question. To be honest, he already knew what he wanted.

“I’ll tell you after school… I’ll wait for you by the stairwell” Hocheol replied. Hyunuk tilted his head in confusion.

“you’ll know later~ let’s go to the cafeteria and wait for the two hyungs” Hocheol simply said. The 3 of them made their way to get some quick noms while waiting for Isaac and Yonghyun.

A few hours later, class finally ended. Hocheol waited patiently by the stairwell. After most of the students were gone, he saw Hyunuk, Jinkyu, Yonghyun and Isaac walking down the stairs.

“so…what is it that you want me to get you, dear Chae Hocheol?” Hyunuk asked. Hocheol smiled before grabbing his hand and pulling him closer. The rest of the guys gave knowing smirks that made Hocheol blush like mad.

“the present that I want….” Hocheol started before looking straight into Hyunuk’s shining eyes. Hyunuk however just got more confused by the second.

Without warning, Hocheol pulled him down into a deep kiss. He felt Hyunuk’s body tense up slightly in shock but he began to slowly relax. He tip-toed slightly and held the boy’s broad shoulders as he deepened the kiss. To his relief, Hyunuk didn’t push him away. The rest of the boys started hollering and cheering at the back.

After a while, they pulled away and Hyunuk’s flustered face was the cutest thing Hocheol has ever seen.

“thanks for giving me my present” he said, still trying to catch his breath.

“I uhh…umm….well that’s..not..exactly what I thought you’d..ask for..” Hyunuk stuttered.

“and with that I’ll take it over from here so..Hocheol, Hyunuk is free this weekend and he’ll just stay in his room and play video games so..would you like to go and watch a movie with him? Just text him your address and time and he’ll pick you up, isn’t that right, Hyunuk-ah? See even he wants to take you out on a date” Jinkyu jumped in as he patted Hyunuk on the back.

“I’d love to go out…so how about Friday? We can..watch a movie after lunch” Hocheol suggested. Hyunuk nodded and looked down, his face still blushing.

“Friday it is then..”


Additional vocabulary info ^_^

Sunbae = Senior

Goons = a silly, foolish, or eccentric person xD

So i hope you'll like it~ it's..well..kinda cute i guess xD tell me what you think in the comments ^_^ and sorry for the typos >.<



~Fangirling with InXpire~ ( ijust had to make this corner xD)


*sigh* okay... i've known auntie hwang here since the beginning of that darn survival show and UNTIL NOW i ken-not decide whether to call him handsome or pretty cuz he looks hella aaayy on stage but at the same time he looks like he could win the Miss Korea pageant. Hwang Inho be doin' things to my hurt man...help me guysss!! T_T inho is way prettier than me omg someone shoot me like right now pls  what do u guys think? Inho...handsome? pretty? share your thoughts in the comment section ^_^

OMG CAN U NOT!!! my poor heart....omg...y u do dis to me omg JinTae riseeeee!!! now kiss!!  *cough cough* i mean..they look really cute together ^_^'

Another cutie couple and HAPPY BDAY TO JINSEOB!!! yaaaayyyy!!!! \^_^/

btw do you guys know about the h:our song thing during their last 2016 concert? OMG i was literally cryin' when i saw all those vids like..with Yeontae crying like that my babyyyyyy and Inho and Sungho made me want to throw my laptop across the room so saaaaddddd T_T does somebody have a tissue? :'( i really wanna go to their concert but i can't..cuz i'm not korean..>.< whyyyyyyyyy

anywaaayyss that's all for today~ hope u guys enjoy the fics and there are more fics on the way soooo...be prepared  patient and please continue supporting~! Love u guyss!! 

[EDIT] OMG i just read the whole chapter back and there was a heck of a lot of typos, my goodness....*sigh* really sorry, guys....T_T so this is the error-free version..i re-typed it so hopefully it's free of typos :D sorry again and the next chapter will be up very soon!





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moe2khin #1
Chapter 7: Fighting friend
If you have a hard time, you can tell me too.
My ig is @watashiwamtk ♥
Chapter 6: I want Doha x Yeontae :)
I missed seeing them together...
Chapter 6: I'm the biggest Haehyun (Haejoon x Sunghyun) fan you can find. Fighting on your exam!
moe2khin #4
Chapter 6: Fighting friend u can do aja aja
Chapter 2: AHHHH yes please continue!!! I love this ship.
AndreArchwitz #6
Chapter 5: Your stories are amazing!!! I love them so much aish... good luck with your presentation&tasks
moe2khin #7
Chapter 5: We can wait. Fighting for your study ❤
lotuspark #8
Chapter 4: Woww thank you so much for accepting my request seriously this story really good,you're amazing writer.

Oh maybe i can request one more time can you continued this story but in Dodoo side.
moe2khin #9
Chapter 4: cute fanfic for IT couple keke i will. GOing to read hehe and fighting and don't scare too much i believe you will. Pass