His Twenty Four


Kai walked in the kitchen and found Chanyeol and Sehun making breakfast.

“We’re having leftover pizza.” Sehun announced, Chanyeol shook his head while frying omelets.

“Anything’s fine, but,” Kai looked at the plates set on the kitchen counter.

“Why just three?” He asked.

“Hyung, right, don’t you think its way too quiet?” Sehun blinked.

“Kelly.” Kai nodded.

“Maybe she’s still asleep. I’ll go check.” Chanyeol placed the cooked omelette on the plate before leaving them.

“She doesn’t know, does she?” Sehun spoke as he sat across Kai.

“About Kris hyung and Jisoo noona.”

“I think so, but~”

“She’s missing! Kelly’s missing!” Chanyeol came dashing to them.


“Her room’s empty, no phone, her~”

The front door suddenly opened, Kelly’s face was covered by the three white and yellow boxes she was carrying.

“Good morning, tall people.” She said as she joined them, Kai quickly took the boxes from her.

“Banana milk?” Sehun read the label on the boxes.

“It’s my kind of coffee.” She grinned at him.

“So…you went out early in the morning to buy this?” Chanyeol balked at her.

“Yeah, I woke up early and found out that you guys didn’t have any, which is totally weird. Who doesn’t have banana milk in the fridge?” She said as she took the stool next to Sehun’s and grabbed a slice of leftover pizza.

“We have rice~”

“It’s fine. Pizza’s good.” She shook her head at him and started to eat.

“How did you manage to carry all those?” Sehun asked her.

“You’d do anything for a love one, right?” She chuckled at him before chewing.

Kai just smiled and shook his head.

“Then, next time, Kelly-ah, tell me if you want to buy something from the mart. I’ll come with you.” Kai stated.

“I was actually waiting for someone to offer, thanks good-looking oppanim.” She winked at him, Kai just nodded awkwardly before picking up his coffee.

Chanyeol just chuckled as he watched his friends adjust to Kelly.



Kelly stared at the black Rolls Royce Phantom before her, the assigned driver greeted her minutes earlier and was just waiting for her to get in the vehicle.

“Are you going to school?”

She turned, Sehun was walking towards her.

“Yeah, I have to get my class schedule.” She sighed again, Sehun grinned at her.

“Kris hyung sent this?” He jutted his lips towards the car.

“It’s flashy as .” She nodded solemnly, Sehun chuckled.

“Then,” Sehun took out something from his coat pocket and handed it to her, she blinked.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a T-Money card, think of it as a…debit card used for buses.”

Her eyes widened then she started to smile.

“Use it wisely, Wu Kelly.” He mussed her hair before walking to his Maybach.

“Thank you, shoulders oppa!” She hollered back at him, Sehun just waved his hand at her before sliding in his car.



“Thank you.” Kelly bowed politely before leaving the office, she had a printout of her class schedule and a list of the books she needed.

“What did I get myself into?”

“Trouble and academics.”

She looked up and found her younger cousin grinning at her.

“Lee Minhyung!” She chuckled and jogged to him and gave him a tight hug, Mark choked and flinched away.

“Noona! We’re at school!” He complained, Kelly chuckled and mussed his hair before pulling away from him.

“I almost forgot you’re uni now, you were my little baby back then.” She cooed.

“I heard from Kris hyung you’d be here today, how is it?” Mark asked her, she handed him her schedule.

“I have to get to his office, Ranhee’s arriving today.”

“Really? Then can I come over later for dinner?” Mark nudged her as they stepped out of the building.

“Of course. I’ll make something delicious.”

Then I’ll get going, noona. I have class.” Mark said as the Rolls Royce pulled over in front of them, Kelly gave him a sad wave before he walked away. She opened the passenger door.

“Ahjussi, let’s go to my brother’s office.”



Kai stepped out of the elevator; employees greeted him as he passed by. He was supposed to meet up with Kris regarding Double Dragon’s partnership with his family’s company, Lotte.

He was about to head towards the direction of his office when he noticed a little girl strolling about.

His brows rose, he walked towards the child and smiled.

“Are you lost, little miss?”

The girl looked up and tilted her head.

“No, I’m waiting for my mommy.”

“Mommy? Does she work here?” He asked, he checked the time on his watch, it was strange to find a young girl in an office during school hours.

“Yeah, my uncle just left earlier, he said he had a meeting, so I’m here to wait until she arrives.”

Kai blinked, confused.

“Then, I’m actually waiting for someone too, how about we sit down over there?” Kai pointed towards the lounge across them.

“Fine. You’ll buy me banana milk, right?” She asked while walking towards the vending machine.

Kai chuckled and just nodded.



Kelly slid down from the Rolls Royce and rushed towards the building, her brother wasn’t picking up any of her calls but she knew that Ranhee had already arrived.

She placed her phone back in her bag as she entered the lobby.


She halted, her brows met briefly as she turned.

“The last time I saw you were on a gurney…bruised and wounded. I’m glad to see that you’re okay.” Her father walked towards her, with his two bodyguards behind him.

“I didn’t ask for you to send me here.” She replied as she stepped back.

“I know we have a lot to talk about, so how about you come with me and we can~”

“Hell, no.” She quipped before turning around then she almost bumped into a tall male in a black suit.

“President Wu, I’m busy, I don’t have the time to talk to~”

“Now, now, you wouldn’t want to cause a scene in your brother’s company, am I right?” Her father gave her a smile, she looked around them, and some of the employees were staring at them.

Kelly glared at him and exhaled.

“You’re unbelievable.” She spat.

“Now, come with me, Liah.”


Kelly took her seat across the elder, his secretary pour them some tea before leavin them.

“Talk.” She said as she leaned back on her seat.

“I hear you’ve decided to go back to school. Good choice.”

“I wasn’t exactly aiming to get a compliment. Not doing it for you too.” She replied.

“I want you to stay in Seoul.” He told her calmly.

“That’s funny.” She replied, Mr. Wu chuckled and leaned forward.

“I’m serious, daughter. I need you here.”

“Yeah, I also needed to see you in bed with another woman.” She nodded with a smile, Mr. Wu slammed both of his palms on the table, Kelly looked away.

“This is a warning, try leaving the country again, and I’ll buy out Double Dragon. You know I can.”

Her eyes widened.

“Kris worked so hard for that company, but I can make it disappear.”

“This wont make us come back to you, father.” She spat.

“I know, but it wont make you leave. I need both of my heirs in the country.” He said clearly, Kelly stood up.

“Fine, do whatever you want. Just don’t bother us anymore.” She said before leaving the office, she slammed the door shut and headed towards the elevator.

“He’s at it again. Trying to control us.” She spat as she got in, she watched as the door closed.

Just where the did Wu Yifan go?” She said darkly as the doors opened again, she took out her phone and walked straight to the exit doors without bothering to be polite to the employees who recognized and greeted her.

“Well look who decided to appear,”

She glanced to her left, her lips quirked up.

“Song Jihyeon.” She stated, she saw how the lady’s eye twitched in annoyance.

“So, managed to take the whole company yet?” She said as she walked towards her, her father’s second wife smirked at her.

“Are you accusing me out in the open? Now, where are your manners?”

“You shouldn’t even be here, you two left home years ago. Are you here crawling back to your father to ask for money? Well, who told you to leave home, anyway?”

“Look, please stop trying to act that you were born in our society, because no one will ever forget that you were just a ty secretary the managed to have successfully seduced my blind father.” She said with a smile on her face.

“How dare you~”

A black Exelero stopped just beside them, Kelly took a step back and smirked at her.

“ty. Secretary. Song. Ji. Hyeon.” She repeated, before the lady could raise her palm, she saw the car’s driver.

“Oh, director Oh!” Her face turned bright and she smiled at him, Kelly glanced back.

“Ugh, what a social climber.” Kelly made a face.

“Good afternoon.” He said politely before nudging the younger Wu.

“What brings you~”

“Bye, samonim.” Kelly mused at her before hopping towards Sehun’s car and sliding inside the front seat.

Sehun got in the car and looked at Kelly.

“Why didn’t you just ram her with your car? That would have been Oh Sehun being totally useful.” She said to him.

“Uhmm, you’re welcome?” He looked at her, stunned.

“Just drive, shoulders oppanim. I have to get to Wu Yifan’s office.”



“It’s getting late, are you sure your mom works on this floor?” Kai asked the child again.

“Yeah, my uncle too. He left claiming he had something urgent.” She nodded and she fiddled with the empty carton before her.

“Me too, I was supposed to meet up with my friend here, but he hasn’t come back yet.”

“But ahjussi, or..oppa, or whatever.” She said as she started to look for something inside her backpack.

Kai grew amused.

“Do you know this place?” She took out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

“My mom lives there.” She said just as Kai read the address on the sheet. He almost choked on his coffee.

“You’re…mom…lives here? Here?” He blinked at her.

“Yes, my mom’s name Kelly Wu.”

Kai just balked at the young child.


“How can a child have a child?” He muttered to himself before taking out his phone.



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Chapter 25: Kelly should ship the Jeon's to bermuda triangle
mznary #2
Chapter 25: These damn jeons!!! Ughhh! Hopefully you update this one
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 25: Wow... hoping you can update this authornim
Chapter 25: Hope ull update soon author nimmmmm
Hope you would still continue this authornim... :)
yeollercoaster_ #6
Chapter 1: ugh i wanna read this but don’t wanna break my
heart when i catch up and it’s not finished :(
yeollercoaster_ #7
Chapter 1: ugh i wanna read this but don’t wanna break my
heart when i catch up and it’s not finished :(
kris_tal #8
Forgot this wasn’t finished and binge read everything now I’m just craving more ??
dreamerc #9
Chapter 25: Wahh just finished binge reading all the chapters!!! This is so exciting and I hope you update again soon!
husnaahmarizam #10
Chapter 25: Please don't leave us hanging on this story ?