
The Third Eye


I was going to school holding L.Joe’s hands as I felt people trying to pull him away from me.


He gave me those puppy eyes and I pulled him closer. I gave the girls a stern look and pulled L.Joe along with me as I took big steps towards the gate.

Nobody in school knew that he was living with me. They just thought I was dating him or something.

I almost puked at the thought. He always accompanies me to school, saying that if he doesn’t, bad people are going to get me.

It was kind of normal for students to see L.Joe everyday even though he doesn’t go to school.

And don’t you think it’s weird that a boy your age accompanies you to school? I mean normally mothers and fathers do it. Not some boy your age who has absolutely no relation to you whatsoever, right?

Just then,my thoughts were cut off by my best friend, Niel.

“Yah.” He poked me on my arm and gave me that confused look and his eyes were sparkling.

I noticed that L.Joe still hadn’t let go of my hand yet so I quickly pulled my hand away and hugged him.

“See ya after school!” I said and waved as he made his way to the bus station.

I looked up at Niel. Since when was he this tall…

“Yah you’re getting taller day by day. Did you take pills or something?”

“Excuse me WHAT? I’m a guy!” He started straightening his uniform and held his head high. I choked on my juice.

“Proud much.”

I started to fasten my pace to race him to the hallway. He got my signal and chased after me.

“Babe you can’t win! I have longer legs than you!”

“I want to see you try and beat me.” I winked and threw my empty bottle towards him.

He smirked and yelled “HEY! IF I WIN, YOU’LL BE PUNISHED!”

I just laughed out loud, knowing that he couldn’t beat me even if he tried his best.

I’m from the Track & Field team. Come on.

But as soon as I started to step into the hallway, I bumped into someone.

“OH MY GOD IS THIS FOR REAL!? NICOLE I WIN!!!!” I heard him say.

I was on the floor, trying to get up when I saw who I bumped into.

None other than the famous nerd, Chunji. Well he wasn’t that kind of bookworm or anything. He was a hottie behind those glasses and neat hair. He’s one of my close friends.

I saw him smile and fixed his glasses.

“Sorry Chunji. I was racing.” I glared at Niel for leaving me on the floor.

“It’s okay Nicole. It’s not like I broke something.” He gave me that smile again.

How can his smile be so bright?

“Come on. Let’s head to class!” Chunji and Niel said in unison.

They looked at each other, surprised, and laughed.

“You’re not gonna help your girlfriend?” Chunji emphasized on ‘girlfriend’.

“Psh what? Psh no! Who said she’s my girlfriend?”

I just stared at Niel and felt hurt. Honestly it has been a long while that I’ve been crushing on the guy. I mean who wouldn’t, right? And hearing those words coming from him was the last thing I wanted to hear.

“It’s okay, Chunji. I can walk by myself, thanks.” I pushed away his arm that was around my shoulder and ran to class.

“Seriously Daniel. You could’ve just helped her instead of saying those bold words to her. I know you like her as much as I do.” Chunji stated.

“Who said I liked her?” Niel lifted his brow and folded his arms. He walked forward to stare down at Chunji while furrowing his brows angrily at him.

“I love her.” Niel said.

Chunji looked into Niel’s eyes and said, “Then why don’t you prove it to her before I make her mine, Ahn Daniel?”

Chunji smirked. Niel just shook his head.

“I know she’ll choose me. Not a nerd like you.”

“Excuse me? Huh. Are you trying to argue with me right now?” Chunji almost exploded right there and then but the bell rang.

“Oh please I don’t have time to fight with you. It’ll only hurt Nicole more. If you don’t make a move soon, I’ll make her mine. I’m giving you a chance right now.” Chunji walked past Niel, leaving him gaping.

“Is he serious?” Niel thought.

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wow i like this!! (Y)
haha glad you like it? lol
AngelHera14 #3
Meeep. Ljoe being waist up. Hahahha. And he can sense their connection! Hee
AngelHera14 #5
Hehehhehe. Harooo