The Day We Met

The Third Eye

Author's Point Of View :

Nicole was smiling as she skipped hand in hand with her parents along the beach.

She kicked the sand under her feet and plopped herself down onto the sandy surface and let go of her parents' hands. She started picking up seashells and whispered "pretty~" everytime she held one. Her parents left her playing by herself and went to sit at the nearest bench. 

She looked to the front and found a huge white seashell. She took it and held it towards the Sun and smiled as it glittered. She whispered to it "I will keep you safe and clean okay?" and patted it like it was a pet that she was holding. She shoved it into her pocket and ran towards her parents.

But then her eyes shifted to the street as she saw people flying towards a car wearing a black cape. [a/n idk what to call it] There were 2 of them. They rotated their wrist and the thing they were holding in their hands glowed. They swiftly moved their wrist again and the car exploded.  They vanished into thin air right after.

Nicole's eyes widened and she gasped towards the scene. Her parents ran to her and covered her eyes. This was not what an 7 year old should wittness.  

Only then when they were reaching their car in the parking lot, she heard sobs coming from behind her. She stopped her feet and turned around. 

A boy around her age was rubbing his eyes, tears falling as he sniffled. She took the boy's hands away from his face and looked into his eyes. She felt as if electricity travelled right through her. She ignored the feeling and wiped his tears away.  

"What's wrong? Are you lost?" she asked, concerned. But the boy only cried more and kept looking towards the remaining pieces of a car across the street.

"Is that the car you were in?" the boy nodded. He took Nicole into his embrace and cried on her shoulder. 

"My parents were in there..." Nicole's eyes widened at that statement. She cried along with the boy and turned them around to face her parents.

"Mum, Dad, can we keep him? His parents were in there." She said as she pointed towards the dump that was once a car. 

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to bring a boy into the family." Her father said.

"Why not, honey? You'll have a friend to play with." 

And with that, Nicole gave the boy a piggyback ride towards their car. She turned her head and asked the boy his name. 

"L.Joe." he replied. She nodded and ran towards the car. Yes! I have a brother! She smiled as she put L.Joe down onto the seat and secured the seat belt for him. 

"Thank you." L.Joe whispered and hugged her. Nicole gave him a reassuring smile, thinking of the first thing they would do together.

But she didn't know the truth about who L.Joe was. What he really was to her. Neither of them did.

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wow i like this!! (Y)
haha glad you like it? lol
AngelHera14 #3
Meeep. Ljoe being waist up. Hahahha. And he can sense their connection! Hee
AngelHera14 #5
Hehehhehe. Harooo