

"Daddy! Hansol-hyung got paint in my hair!"

"I did not. He got in the way of my drawing!"

"He did, Daddy, I saw him. He got it on the walls too."

"Byungjoo! You're such a taddle-tale!"

"Daddy! The kids are being annoying again."

"Tae! You're only a month older than me! I'm not a kid!"

"Hey! Who took my favourite car?"

"Hyunho broke it."

"I did not! It was mine first anyway!"

Hojoon raked his fingers through his blonde hair as the bickering between two of his six year olds turned into a wrestling match. 

"Hyunho! Dongsung! Stop fighting or you'll get no dessert tonight, and Appa's bringing in ice cream."

The two boys stopped, scrambling to get off each other and run to their father letting out cries of protest over being denied ice cream. 

"All of you play nicely while I wash Jiho's hair and finish dinner, or you'll be going to bed without, okay?" It was an idle threat that all of his sons took very seriously, nodding furiously with a chorus of 'we'll be good, I promise.' 

He picked up his four year old, who was almost in tears over his precious hair being ruined. "Tae, I'll help you with your homework when I'm done, sweetie. Hansol, please try not to get anymore paint anywhere." 

He carried Jiho up to the bathroom, figuring he might as well get one bathtime out of the way if he was washing the boy’s hair as he the faucets. 

"He did it on purpose, Daddy." Jiho huffed as Hojoon shampooed the bright pink paint out of Jiho's dark locks. A task which would have been easier said than done if Jiho's hair wasn't so long, the boy screamed every time Hojoon tried to cut it. Just how much paint did Hansol throw at his brother? 

"Daddy?" He turned to see Byungjoo peering through the slightly ajar door. "Why is Jiji having a bath without me?!" The elder of his twins shrieked, appalled that his brother would do anything without him. 

Hojoon laughed as Byungjoo tried to undress himself, getting his school jumper stuck over his head in his haste. He helped his excitable son, lifting him into the bath with his twin, instantly regretting it as both him and Jiho were splashed with water. 

Hojoon shampooed Byungjoo's hair before rinsing the two of them off; thankful the paint had washed out of Jiho's. He smiled to himself as the boys played together in the water, sometimes even he couldn't believe they were twins. Jiho was a good few inches taller than Byungjoo and despite being eleven minutes younger he looked a couple of years older than his counterpart, he was often mistaken for Hyosang's twin. 

Hojoon often forgot that Byungjoo and Jiho were the latest additions to their family, it had only been a couple of months since he and Sangdo adopted the twins, but it felt like they had been with them forever. 

They hadn't even planned on extending their family; they already had eight sons back at home while they were processing Sehyuk's adoption. 

They got talking to a couple who also wanted to adopt and had been getting to know two boys, twins. The only problem was that they didn't want two children, they only wanted Byungjoo. He was cuter and more playful, whereas Jiho was more lanky and awkward. It broke Hojoon's heart that anyone could even think of splitting up two boys who had spent their entire lives together. 

It was only around a month later when Sehyuk's adoption was finalised. Their family felt complete, but Hojoon couldn't help but ask about the twins. Their social worker told them that they had refused to be separated, and the couple they had spoken to had lost interest because of it. However, she worried it was hindering their chance of adoption and that they may be better off apart. 

Hojoon had turned to his husband with wide eyes. Wide eyes that Sangdo had instantly read as 'we need these kids'. Wide eyes that turned teary as only a few months later the twins were fighting over who got which bed. 

He towelled the boys off with a fond smile, Jiho insisting his hair be blow-dried, as he slipped them into a fresh pair of pyjamas. It was barely even 5 but he didn't see the point in them getting another set of clothes dirty. 

He let the two of them run off to play with their brothers, warning them to be careful as they bounded down the stairs. He couldn't deal with Byungjoo falling over and splitting his lip again. 

He checked on the food which was roasting away in the oven. Cooking for thirteen was a hassle, but he actually enjoyed it. He had wanted to go to culinary school when he was younger, but he figured this was better. No one shouted at him when he messed up. 

He smiled at his two eldest sons sat at the table trying to do their homework. Taeyang and Sehyuk were only a month apart, but due to the timings of their birthdays they were put in different years at school. Taeyang being the youngest in his class and Sehyuk the oldest in his. 

"Daddy?" Hojoon turned down the heat on the stove as he sat next to his son at the table, Sehyuk was long gone. Turns out Taeyang had been helping his younger brother with his homework and forgot how to do his own. "What's eight times six? How am I meant to know that?"

Hojoon looked at his son’s homework. He at maths. He dreaded the boys getting older and asking him to help with Pythagoras and algebra. 

"Okay, so. You know your four times tables, right?" Taeyang nodded intently. Of course he did. "What's four times six?"


"Good. And four times two?"


"Right. So, if four times six is twenty-four, and double four is eight. Then eight times six will be double twenty-four." 

Taeyang's eyebrows knitted together for a second or two as he tried to process what his father was talking about, before his eyes lit up. 

"Forty-eight? Eight times six is forty-eight?"

Hojoon beamed at his son, ruffling his brunette hair. He loved how Taeyang's hair still had a gingery tint from over summer even though it was well into winter by now. 

Taeyang was the first kid they had ever adopted. After a number of failed surrogacy attempts Hojoon was getting impatient and convinced Sangdo that there were plenty of kids out there already that needed loving parents. They signed up for a fostering programme and Taeyang was in their lives at only one year old. 

Even though he knew it was just temporary, Hojoon couldn't help but get attached. He loved everything about the infant and Taeyang seemed to love him back, throwing a tantrum whenever Hojoon was away from him for too long. 

After just short of a year Taeyang's birth mother decided she didn't want him back after all, meaning he would be put up for adoption. Hojoon couldn't bear the thought of Taeyang being passed around from family to family in the fostering system or just waiting for someone to come along and take him home. He and Sangdo knew they had to officially make the boy part of their family. 

"TaeTae!" Hansol bounded in the kitchen, flecks of paint all up his arms and face. "Look! I drew us."

He laid out a piece of paint-heavy paper which Hojoon prayed wouldn't seep through to the table cloth. Though, he probably deserved it for buying a white table cloth with eleven hyperactive boys in the house. 

Taeyang pushed his homework aside, smiling at his brother as the two of them talked. Out of all of his kids that weren't biologically related Taeyang and Hansol were the closest. 

Hansol was their miracle baby. It had taken them four years of failed IVF treatments and surrogates pulling out before they found someone that was willing to carry for them. 

Hansol was born just a couple of days after Taeyang's adoption was finalised, almost three months premature. Hojoon's chest would still tighten when he thought about how tiny Hansol was back then, how many wires were in his fragile body, keeping him alive. The doctors were astonished that he had even pulled through. 

Hansol was definitely a fighter. He was the smallest in his class, and even his younger brothers were catching up to him. Sangdo often joked that he was so tiny cause he was Hojoon's biological son. Hojoon was pretty sure that all of his kids apart from Hansol and maybe Taeyang were going to surpass him in height by the time they were teenagers. 

Hansol didn't let his short stature stop him though; he was more than capable of sticking up for himself and his brothers at school. His teachers were always surprised how such a small, sweet boy could cause so much trouble, especially when he was paired with Hyosang who was in the same class as him. 

Hojoon left the two boys to their conversation, checking the food hadn't burnt while he had been helping Taeyang. 

"Dad? Do you need any help?" Hojoon didn't even have to turn and look to see which one of his kids had joined him in the kitchen. Sehyuk was the only one that didn't call him 'Daddy' anymore, deciding he was far too old and mature. 

Although Taeyang was a month older than Sehyuk, the latter often acted like the big brother due to Taeyang being smaller and more reserved. 

"Sure sweetie, you wanna mix this for me?" Hojoon grabbed the step the older kids used for when they wanted to reach the bench, passing him over a bowl of batter to stir. 

Sehyuk seemed to enjoy cooking just as much as his father did, getting overly excited when Hojoon would suggest they bake and taking charge. Which usually resulted in him telling one of the other boys off and a crying fit. 

Hojoon smiled down at his little helper, Sehyuk had come so far since they first met him. It had been over three years since they started fostering the young boy. Hojoon instantly noticed how angry he was for a three year old, but after reading Sehyuk's file he couldn't really blame him, the poor kid had had a terrible life. 

Sehyuk was quiet; he didn't talk or play with the other boys a lot. The only time he made much noise was when he lashed out, which was more often than Hojoon was prepared for. At that point they had adopted both Taeyang and Hyosang, and Hansol was still a baby. All three of them were fairly laid back, never causing much of a stir. But Sehyuk was a harsh contrast to that. 

He took a liking to Sangdo, but not so much Hojoon. He was an angel at night when his favourite foster parent would come home, but during the day was another story. He would cry and scream and throw things and scratch until Sangdo came home. There was a point where Hojoon wasn't sure he could take much more. He had never even considered putting a kid back into the care system, giving up on them, but Sehyuk was too much to handle. 

What worried him most was they had a new arrival on the way. They had managed to find another surrogate and she was due in less than a month. He wasn't sure he wanted to bring a new baby into the house when Sehyuk was so unpredictable. 

But Sehyuk had caught on that something was happening. One of the spare rooms being redecorated, new toys that were too young for him or the others. 


"Yes, Sehyuk?"

"Do you have a baby in you?"

Hojoon laughed, setting down his paintbrush on top of the tin. 

"No, boys can't have babies in them."

"Even if they're in love with other boys like you and Sangdo? That's silly." Sehyuk crossed his arms, genuinely perplexed that two men couldn't make a baby together. 

Hojoon's smile grew. "But me and Sangdo are having another baby soon." 

"So," Sehyuk shuffled, kicking his feet against the plastic coating protecting the carpets of the new baby's room, "will he be like my baby brother?"

Hojoon's heart broke. There was no way he could ever send Sehyuk to another home. The toddler may be a lot of work, but that wasn't his fault, he was just reacting to how his birth parents had treated him. 

"Or sister, the new baby might be a girl."

Sehyuk grimaced. "Ew. I don't want a sister. Can we send it back if it's a girl?"

"That's not quite how it works, honey."

The idea of having a new little brother (or sister, he came around to the idea eventually) seemed to calm Sehyuk down. He got excited about the new arrival, and even warmed up to Hojoon. He would help make breakfast, more often than not getting in the way more than helping, and made the baby presents with the rest of the boys. 

The night Sangdo and Hojoon brought the new addition home Sehyuk made sure everyone was quiet and not talking above a whisper so as not to wake the sleeping baby. 

Sangdo had sat down in the middle of the floor, blankets bundled in his arms as the boys crowded him. 

"This is your new brother," he spoke softly so as not to wake the baby or get a scolding from Sehyuk, "his name is Sangwon."

Sehyuk made a small squeak of excitement when he realised that the new baby was in fact a boy. 

Hojoon's heart had swelled at the scene in front of him. His husband of six years and his four boys all huddled together, fawning over their newest addition. 

It took Sehyuk's social workers a couple of years to realise that his birth parents were in no way capable looking after him, much to Sangdo and Hojoon's relief. They had always worried that Sehyuk would be taken away from him and sent back to the people who had treated him so badly since the day he was born. 

Sehyuk had almost been with them four years before he was officially adopted by the couple. By which time he had fully integrated into the Yu family, he got on with all of his brothers and was much better behaved. The agency agreed that taking him away from such a loving family would have set him back to square one. 

He was pulled from his thoughts due to a screaming coming from the living room. He hoped to God Dongsung and Hyunho weren't fighting again, racing to check on them. 

"Hey, baby." Sangdo beamed at him from the doorway, Sanggyun in his arms as the rest of the boys crowded around their father, crying out for attention. 

"Appa! Look what I made!

"Appa! Appa! I got a smiley face sticker today at school!"

"Hold me instead, Appa!"

Sangdo tried to make his way into the living room through the sea of kids. Hojoon laughed under his breath at the fact he was still wearing his coat, they hadn't even given him time to take it off. 

Sangdo managed to sit down on the sofa before he was swamped by eleven excitable boys, all wanting a hug off their father, or to tell him something they thought was of mass importance. 

Dongsung, being the loudest and biggest, managed to shout over all his brothers, clambering into Sangdo's lap. 

"Appa look!" He pulled at his school jumper proudly, showing off the sticker his teacher gave him. "I got this for being good cause I helped tidy up after snack time!"

"That's great, Dongsunggie." Sangdo placed a big, sloppy kiss on his son’s cheek, making the six year old giggle and squirm. Dongsung continued to tell Sangdo about his day, the rest of the boys resorting to playing amongst themselves, realising they weren't going to get a word in edge ways with their boisterous brother commanding their fathers attention. 

Dongsung had always been a livewire. A year after Sangwon was born Hojoon had started to get broody again. Five kids would have been more than enough for most people, but he couldn't stop thinking that there were so many more kids in care that they could help. Sangdo wasn't sure how they would cope with six; on his days off he wondered how Hojoon could even cope with five. But he never could say no to his husband. 

They had only planned on fostering again, but when the agency had mentioned there was a four year old ready to be adopted they couldn't resist meeting him. 

Despite being a kid in care who had probably met a tonne of prospective parents, Dongsung was incredibly upbeat.

"Here. This car is my favourite." He handed a red plastic sports car to Hojoon. "And this is my baby brother’s favourite." He handed a bigger blue car to Sangdo. 

"You have a brother?" Sangdo questioned as he played along with Dongsung, driving the cars along the playmat which had roads printed on it. 

Dongsung nodded in between making engine noises with his mouth. "Sanggyunnie is too little to play cars with me for real. But I'm gonna teach him one day."

Hojoon's eyes met Sangdo's, he saw something flash through his husband’s irises. 

"We can't split them up." Were the first words that fell from Sangdo's lips as they left the play room and Dongsung. 

"They mustn't have told us he had a brother in case it put us off. Two more kids is a lot to handle, Sangdo. Sangwon's still a baby himself, can we cope with another?"

Sangdo hummed in agreement. Seven kids were more than they had ever planned, but he couldn't stop watching Dongsung play with the care worker through the two way mirror. He was so full of life, so innocent, he really had no idea what was going on. That the two men who had just come to see him could be his parents one day. That he could have a real family. 

"But look at him, Joon. He'll fit in with us so well. Hansol will love him."

Hojoon smiled to himself. Sangdo was right, Hansol would love Dongsung. The boy wasn't much older than their son, but Dongsung would dwarf Hansol, the younger would have way too much fun hanging off the energetic newcomer. 

"You're right. We can't take him and leave his brother behind. It's just not fair."

Sangdo looped his arms around his husband’s shoulders, drawing him in close as he pressed a soft kiss to the blonde’s forehead. 

"Does that mean you're ready to be the Mommy to seven boys?" 

Hojoon hit Sangdo on the chest, leaning up to kiss his partner. "Don't ing call me that."

"Boys! Dinner's ready!" Hojoon had left the kids and Sangdo to get reacquainted as he went back into the kitchen to dish up the food, figuring his husband must be hungry after a long day at work. 

Dinner time was always fun in the Yu household. He could swear more food would end up on the table and floor than in anyone's mouth. He and Sangdo made sure the younger kids were strapped into the booster seats as the older kids began to get impatient. 

"Appa! I don't wanna sit in my booster, Jiho doesn't have to!" 

Sangdo sighed. This was almost a daily squabble he had with Byungjoo. The smaller of the twins refused to accept that his brother could reach the table on his own and he couldn't. 

"Joo, honey, we've talked about this. It's just until you're a little taller okay? You don't want to drop all the yummy food Daddy made, do you?"

Byungjoo pouted, crossing his arms with a shake of his head. Sangdo chuckled softly, kissing his son on the head. 

Hojoon watched his family eat, having to spoon feed Sangwon every so often to get his youngest out of the habit of eating with his hands. It was a mess, but he loved it when they were all together like this. 

"Appa! Hyunho's stealing my food again!"

"Well Daddy gave him more chicken than me, I'm hungry."

Hojoon sighed, placing the fork back in Sangwon's hand. 

"I gave you all the same amount, Hyunho; you've just eaten most of yours."

The six year old pouted. "I need more to grow up big and strong. Hansol's gonna be small forever so he doesn't need as much."

"Hyunho, leave your brother alone. If you wanted more you should have just asked. We don't steal, remember?" 

"Yes, Daddy." Hyunho huffed. Out of all of their kids Hyunho was the moodiest. He hated being told off. He always had done. 

Hyunho was five when he came to live with Hojoon and Sangdo, and he was a terror. He took an instant dislike to most of his new brothers, specifically Dongsung who he shared a room with. 

Hyunho had assumed when he was adopted by a new family he'd be the centre of attention, like he had been with his mother. He was an only child, and was spoilt rotten because of it. However, when both of his parents passed away in a car accident he found himself in a care home. Which he hated. 

He hated having to share. He hated not getting his own way. He hated just about everyone. 

But Sangdo and Hojoon fell in love the moment they set eyes on him. He reminded them a lot of Dongsung, energetic and loud, figuring the two of them would get on famously. 

But they were wrong. 

At first Hyunho got on with all of his new brothers. That was, until it dawned on him that he had to live with them. 

"Hojoon! Why is Dongsung in my room?"

"This is his room too, Hyunho."

"I have to share?"

Dongsung jumped down off his bed, running over to the older boy. "It'll be fun! We can play together when everyone else has gone to bed." He leaned into Hyunho's ear, attempting to whisper so his father couldn't hear. "But don't tell Daddy."

"No." Hyunho turned to look up at Hojoon. "No. I want my own room."

Hojoon had tried to explain that they didn't have enough space for everyone to have their own room, but Hyunho wasn't having any of it.

This lead to the first of many temper tantrums. Hyunho had been with them a year and a half and he still wasn't fully okay with the idea of sharing. 

"Apologise to your brother." 

Hyunho glared at his father. He really hated saying sorry. 

"Hyunho." Sangdo spoke up, voice stern. Hojoon had to suppress a laugh every time Sangdo used his 'Appa' voice. He was usually so soft spoken. 

Hyunho's glare switched to his other parent, softening as he realised he wasn't going to get his own way any time soon. 

"Okay, fine. Hansol, I'm sorry for taking your food." He paused, stabbing his fork into a carrot. "And I'm sorry that you're so small."


Hojoon groaned as his sons began bickering again, a couple of the other boys joining in. This wasn't ever how he envisaged family meal times, but at least three nights a week they would end in an argument. 

"Okay, enough!" Sangdo rarely raised his voice, but when he did, everyone listened. Eleven sets of eyes turned to face their Appa. "No more arguing, or no one gets ice cream. And I brought in cookie dough flavour."

Eleven mouths simultaneously dropped, soft gasps and whines coming from each of the boys at the threat. 

Hojoon smiled at his husband, neither of them were afraid to use bribery when it came to their kids; usually it was the only thing that worked. Especially when ice cream was involved. 

The rest of dinner went without any mishaps, apart from one of Sehyuk's teeth falling out and Jiho screaming from all the blood. 

Hojoon looked over his kids digging into their ice cream. It was the quietest they'd been all day. He jumped slightly as strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind, his husbands head resting on his shoulder. 

"They're cute when they're quiet." Sangdo mused, nose nuzzling into Hojoon's cheek. 

Hojoon slapped the younger's bicep. "They're always cute. Loud and annoying, but cute."

Hojoon spun in his husbands hold, lazily looping his own arms around Sangdo's shoulders. Sangdo leaned down to press a gentle kiss to Hojoon's plush lips. 

"Ew! You guys are gross!" Their lips had barely touched when they were interrupted by a grimacing Dongsung. 

"It's not gross! They're cute." Hyosang snapped at his older brother, turning back to his parents, doe eyes impossibly wide. "Kiss him again, Appa!" 

Sangdo pressed another chaste kiss to Hojoon's lips and then nose, making the elder giggle and Hyosang clap his hands together with glee. 

Dongsung stuck his tongue out at the sight, telling his parents once again that they were gross. 

"It's not! Kissing is fun." Hyosang beamed, his legs swinging under the table. 

"Oh?" Sangdo quirked an eyebrow. "And who have you been kissing Hyosanggie?"

"His girlfriend." Yoonchul chirped up, the last of his ice cream off the spoon. "Me and Hansollie saw them on the playground."

Hyosang nodded, unabashed. "And my boyfriend. I kissed him too."

Hojoon was glad Sangdo wasn't supporting his whole weight, because his husband surely would have dropped him. 

"You have a girlfriend and a boyfriend?" 

Hyosang nodded again, even more enthusiastically. "They're coming to my birthday party next week." 

"You can't have both, hyung, that's greedy." Byungjoo quipped, wriggling in his booster seat. He really hated that thing. 

"Daddy said I can!" Hyosang shot back, leaning forward on the table. "Right, Daddy?"

"Uh..." Hojoon froze in Sangdo's arms, his husband staring down at him. "I said you can like girls and boys, Hyosang. I didn't say to date them at the same time." 

"That's boring." Hyosang whined.

Sangdo laughed, shaking his head at his son. Hyosang had always been one of their most sociable kids. 

They had adopted him when he was just a baby, not long after Hansol was born and he had always been the most excited to meet a new brother. 

He was also a hopeless romantic. Every couple of months he would ask his parents to get out their wedding pictures to fawn over how handsome his father's looked in suits. 

"I can't wait to get married." Hyosang sighed dreamily, watching the video of Sangdo and Hojoon saying 'I do' for the third time that week. "Appa, tell me how you and Daddy fell in love again."

Hojoon couldn't remember how many times they had told him the story, and it wasn't even an interesting story, but every time he would coo and 'aw' at the same point, as if it was all brand new to him. 

"I can't believe you've turned out son into a polyamorous biual at the tender age of five." Sangdo whispered in Hojoon's ear as the boys continued their conversation about Hyosang’s love life. 

Hojoon smiled softly, eyes crinkling. "As long as he's happy." He rose up on his toes slightly to catch Sangdo's lips in his own, thinking the boys would be too distracted to notice. 

"Daddy! Stop it!"

After a restaurant scale loading of dishwashers and tidying up, assisted by the older kids, and the boys promising to wake up early and have their baths in the morning, the family finally got to settle down in the living room to watch a movie. Which resulted in yet another argument between Hyunho and Hansol over what they should watch. 

Hojoon rested his head against Sangdo's shoulder as his husband picked for them so neither of the feisty duo got their own way. He let his eyes flutter shut to the sound of laugher and excited squeals anytime Baymax did anything. His body shaking gently as Sangdo laughed against him. 

He was pulled from nodding off as a body crawled into his lap. He opened his eyes to see Yoonchul snuggling into his chest. 

"Hey, baby." He pressed a soft kiss to the boy’s short hair. "How you doing?"

He didn't expect Yoonchul to respond, the young brunette wasn't great at talking about his feelings. He wrapped his arms protectively around Yoonchul; he knew the boy was struggling at school. 

He wasn't a social butterfly like Hyosang and Hansol, who were in the same class as him, and he often felt left out of his brother’s friendship groups. 

Yoonchul was different to most other kids, Hojoon knew that. Their family doctor was fairly certain he had Asperger’s, or was on the autism spectrum in one way or another. 

Yoonchul was incredibly bright, he could tell you the scientific name and habitat of almost any snake or lizard, but making friends wasn't one of his strong points. 

Yoonchul was obsessed with reptiles. He had been ever since Hojoon and Sangdo met him almost two years ago. The first encounter had Yoonchul teaching them all about a certain type of gecko. The agency had been looking for a family for him for years so they figured that must have our most people off, but Hojoon found it endearing. 

The agency had warned them that there was something 'off' about Yoonchul, but that didn't deter Hojoon and Sangdo. They couldn't stop thinking about the four year old. 

"You love him, don't you?" Sangdo turned to Hojoon on the way home. 

Hojoon smiled to himself, eyes scanning over the crayon drawing of a snake in his hands. 

"He's so sweet. I'm just worried he won't take to the boys. They're a lot to handle."

"We should give it a shot though, right?"

Hojoon loved that glint in Sangdo's eyes. That glint that said 'we have room in our hearts for one more'. 


"Daddy?" Yoonchul shifted in his father's lap, head resting on Hojoon's chest as he looked up at the blonde. "Can you read my story tonight? You do the voices better than Appa."

Hojoon laughed into his son’s hair as Sangdo gasped dramatically beside them. 

"Of course, honey."

Hojoon was surprised he made it all the way through the movie, considering how tired he was. Most of the kids didn't. Sangwon ending up in Sangdo's arms, Jiho and Byungjoo snuggled into Taeyang's side, Sanggyun sprawled out across Dongsung's legs. 

"Okay, bedtime." Sangdo stood, scooping Sangwon and Sanggyun up in his arms. 

Sehyuk whined, claiming he was old enough to stay up longer, Hyunho joining in before yawning. 

"You have school tomorrow, come on." Hojoon took Yoonchul by the hand, nudging his older brothers to get up and follow their father upstairs. 

Taeyang woke Jiho and Byungjoo up, the younger twin clinging to his big brother as Byungjoo whined to Hojoon to be carried. The rest of the kids followed, racing each other up the stairs to see who could get in their pyjamas the quickest. 

"Night, babies." Hojoon whispered as he and Sangdo backed out of Taeyang and Hansol's room. "Love you."

"Love you, Daddy."

"Love you too, Appa!"

Sangdo threw an arm around his husband’s shoulders, leading the elder to their bedroom so they could get some rest of their own now all the kids were tucked up in bed. He just prayed none of them would get up during the night; he wanted Hojoon all to himself. 

Hojoon sighed contentedly, snuggling into his husband’s side, all the tension and stress from the day melting away as Sangdo's fingers pressed into his back. 

"I never got to ask you how work was." Hojoon smiled against Sangdo's chest, realising the kids had been so excited to see their father he hadn't been able to talk to the younger himself. 

"Oh you know, boring. The usual." Sangdo's fingers migrated, working into the muscles of Hojoon's lower back. "How were the kids?"

"Loud. The usual." Hojoon's head bobbed as Sangdo scoffed next to him. That was a given. "Nah, they were good, no one got told off at school. And Sangwon was an angel, as always. He takes after you." 

Hojoon's smile grew, tracing patterns into his husband’s skin. Sangwon didn't look at all like Sangdo, but their personalities were very similar. Even though their youngest was only three, he could tell he was going to be just as loving and kind as his father. But probably louder. He didn't have much choice in this household; it was the only way to be heard. 

Sangdo hummed rolling Hojoon over so he was on his back, covering the smaller man with his own body. 

"That's good." He breathed Hojoon in, pressing soft, sweet kisses down the elder's cheeks and neck. "How are you, though?" 

Hojoon shrugged under his husband. "Tired I guess, a little stressed. But I t's worth it."

"Are you sure you don't need any help?"

Hojoon nodded his head. He was adamant he wouldn't have anyone else raise his kids. They didn't need help. Sure, eleven kids was way more than most people could even imagine. It was an entire football team. But Hojoon knew they could do it. He didn't need some stranger doing it for them. He and Sangdo were their fathers, he didn't want their kids growing up thinking some nanny was there for them more than he was. 

"Okay, baby." Sangdo leaned back in, Hojoon’s arms wrapping around the back of his husbands neck, pulling him into a proper kiss, one that would have made Dongsung recoil in horror. His fingers creeped under the elder's shirt, skimming against the taut skin of his stomach. He had no idea how Hojoon managed to stay so toned after all these years. 

Hojoon reacted instantly, legs wrapping around the back of Sangdo's thighs, drawing his husband closer. Sangdo pulled back from Hojoon, only to leave a fresh trail of kisses down the elder's neck, earning small whines of 'more' from the blonde. He felt Hojoon's fingers curl into the thin material of his t-shirt as he latched onto the elder's collarbones. They were far too old to be leaving hickeys on one another, but he knew how much Hojoon loved it when he into the sensitive skin. Hojoon was panting, face flushed with pink when Sangdo looked up at him. He's always looked so beautiful like this. 

"You feeling better?"

Hojoon frowned, wiggling slightly under his husband. 

"I'd feel a lot better if we were and you were pounding into me like when we went t-"

"Hojoon!" Sangdo hissed, stopping any more words from spilling from his husbands lips. The kids may be in bed but he was sure they weren't all asleep, and it wouldn't be the first time they'd heard the couple talking dirty and questioning them about it the next day. 

Hojoon giggled underneath him, pulling Sangdo into an even deeper, hotter kiss. He was determined to get his own way, and he usually did. 

"We should get this place soundproofed." Hojoon smirked, biting on his bottom lip as Sangdo gasped above him, breathless from their kiss. "Cause I'm not waiting for them to move out for you to me til I screa-"

"Hojoon! Seriously!" 

"Sangdo," the blonde whined, hips rising to meet his husband's, "please? I'll try to be quiet."

A playful smile crept onto Sangdo's lips, he never could say no to Hojoon. He rutted his hips down, pressing against Hojoon's growing , making the elder gasp. 

He worked himself against Hojoon, teeth grazing the sensitive skin of his neck. It was cold so Hojoon could easily get away with wearing a scarf to cover the marks on his neck for the school run. 

Hojoon moaned, writhing under his husband, desperate for more friction. He wanted Sangdo and he wanted him now. He never was very good at waiting. 

"Ah- Sangdo!"

Sangdo clamped his hand down over Hojoon's mouth. 

"I thought you were going to be quiet!" He whisper-shouted at the elder. Taeyang was a light sleeper, their eldest was probably awake and pestering Hansol to get up by now. 

"I said I'd try," Hojoon's words were muffled against Sangdo's hand, reaching up to remove it from his mouth; "you know I can't help myself when I'm desperate for your ."

Sangdo gave up even trying to silence Hojoon, head falling against the blonde's chest. 

"Daddy? Are you okay?" 

The two of the groaned in tandem at the muted noise from outside their door that they instantly recognised as Taeyang. 

"Maybe we should get our room soundproofed."

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Chapter 6: I MISSED THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!^^ IT WAS SO CUTE AND NASTY (but the good nasty, ayye!)! Like the "hey bby, you want some fuq" nasty XD I have been on a Jenna Marbles binge recently, like, I used to be OBSSESED with her and I just rekindled my love XD But anyways, this story, so precious. High key wishing that Hojoon threw down with that sales lady like IF HIS BABIES WANT TO WEAR A DRESS, THEN HIS BABIES GON' WEAR A MUFUQIN DRESS!!!! This entire family is just so precious, I love them!
Dream-With-Iseul #2
Chapter 5: This was amazing! Sangjoon is adorable, and the others as children were brilliantly well done. This was an amazing, well written series!
Chapter 5: I LOVE watching Toddlers and Tiaras! XD This chapter was just pure perfection, holy crap! XD I damn near pissed myself (Gabriel Iglesias reference XD) When I saw this was updated XD
Toppdogg_whoooo #4
Chapter 4: This id actually so adorable!
Chapter 4: Awwwww! They're all so precious! I just love this story so much!
Chapter 3: Ohmygosh! This chapter was so precious! I done lost my marbles when I saw this story was updated! And this is totally random but in my sociology class, I found out that the whole "blue for boys" and "pink for girls" mindset was all started by a company that wanted to make more money. I thought that was crazy but also so cool XD Stupid company is the reason why precious Hansol can't like pink in peace.
Chapter 2: YOOOOOOOOOOOO I AM LIVING FOR THIS STORY!!! Sangjoon is my Topp Dogg otp like I can't! I am IN LOVE with this story and was practically screaming, it's so cute! Ugh! I just can't XD This story is perfect, I swear!