don't know~

It's My Choice?

I woke up in Jiyong's lap. He was asleep, leaning against the wall.
We were in the same spot where we were before. I started to stretch and my next option was to get up, but Jiyong had a tight grip on me. Well I have to stay. He barely had any sleep.
My eyes fluttered while my eyes targeted his face. Omo he is sooooo cute!
After a few seconds of squealing I could tell he was uncomfortable with his position. I moved myself out of his lap beside him. Well he still wouldn't let go of me. Isn't he asleep, why?
His body was pulled onto me practically squishing me. I pushed his body up. Why is he so heavy I kept whining quietly not wanting Jiyong to wake up. Instead of holding him up I decided to slowly lower him down and he landed in my lap. He released his tight grip on me and he curled up getting comfortable in my lap. He was like a cat. I sat there touching his hair.

I felt my phone vibrate and got it out of my pocket to see a lot of messages. All from Minwoo except one which was from Amber. Which one should I read first............Amber.
(excuse me hello I sent 10!        ~ Minwoo
 Why is Amber getting special treatment. She is my best friend and there are so many of yours.......
Leave me! Ok....
Evil sister!
.... Go away!......... 0.0.)

Amber is having a good time with T.O.P. Apparently they are "helping" around the hospital and also she said "something" happened.  She repeated that she would tell me later and Do Not Bother Her. Aish her and her life.
My finger was going to the first message Minwoo sent me, but I got another message and it was from Amni. What! She is also with her favorite JunKi. They are eating ice-cream and she started to complement him and started to ask why I was not answering her calls. I replied to both of them, jealous they were spending time well while mine was acting like a cat "An Extremely Cute Cat." I finally read Minwoo's messages and omo omo omo! Taemin-ah!
Dumb Amni how could she! I would eat her mind later. I read the latest message from Minwoo saying Taemin was sobbing and broke the door down. That made me yelp! Poor thing~ Apparently that woke up my cute little kitty. He rubbed his eyes like a child. Now I know how I look. That's a big habit of mine which Amni says it's really annoying because of age. What was she talking about look at Jiyong he is older than me and so adorable.  
Are you ok?
Ya, but I don't think Taemin is.

I showed him my phone. He got up to the level of my face and put his forehead on mine and whispered. He got up pulling me with him.
Now let's find Taemin.
His hand was in his hoodie pocket and the other holding my hand. I was a bit back facing the floor clearly knowing that I was blushing. He told me lap was warm and comfortable. Also said I looked cute when I'm sleeping! Did he have to say that! I liked it, but my face is burning! My body was jerked forward and the hand that was intertwined in mine left and grabbed my waist before I fell forewords. He pushed my face into him. He was smiling like a goof well that did make me feel safe, but my face was burning more. At least no one could see my tomato red face. Believe me I know, Amni and Amber keep finding ways of making fun of how I over blush. I snuggled my head into his side. We kept walking with him leading. When I herd "ahh this one" my face perked up.
The poor door had dents and was laying on the floor. Omo Taemin must be really hurt. Jiyong let go of me so I could lead. My head popped out to see Tamin crying.

Taemin what happened? Are you ok! I ran hugging him.
Please don't cry! I will give Minwoo back the dance room and you can come over anytime. Oppa~ please. I'll buy Icecream.
A smile perked up on his face. Poor thing his eyes were a bit red. I grabbed tissues and helped him clean up.
Key umma!
Omo my little Eun na!

We hugged and I went and greeted the other Oppa's.

Me and Onew put flowers on the destroyed door. It deserved better.
Minho showed me his latest game which was awesome!
Jonghyung was taking pictures with me.
Apparently Jiyong didn't like this so he went for a back hug. He was almost there when my Key ummah popped up.

And what were you about to do.
Jiyong was not in the mood to talk he doesn't like to be bothered when he wakes up. His hand went to me and again was blocked my diva mother.
Key ummah?
Not now let me get rid of this pest.
No! Let me interduce you to him. This is my boyfriend.

There jaws dropped except for Taemin playing on Minho's game.
Yah! Taemin why didn't you tell me!
I forget! I'm sorry!
He gave his puppy eyes.
Key was not falling for it. Before he pounced Jonghyung stopped him by saying he's the baby. Key rolled his eyes
Taemin be a good boy or I'm tacking Minho's game back. No, I even loved that game. I properly introduced them and let's say my Jiyong was very well inspected. Especially by Key for god sakes he gave him the speech. 

Jiyong came to me defeated. I sat on the couch making him lay down in my lap. He shivered and told me with very less details what Key said and that how all my oppas threatened him.
"They just care," then I pecked his lips which caused heads to pop and pulled Jiyong off my lap and he was dragged to the other corner of the room.
Wait a minute! I recounted the heads finding an extra.

Minwoo Oppa?
He was growling at Jiyong then his head spun around to me and a smile was formed. That scared me! He changed expressions to fast.
Taemin came and put his hand on my shoulder. Jiyong was yelling at Key why he was not yelling at Taemin. Key replied straight and hard
He's my baby and he is responsible unlike you.
Minwoo told me dad wants them at 8:00 at his hotel. I picked up my phone to see the time well we don't have much time let's go. I grabbed Jiyong's hand putting my phone in my purse. I looked like a mom, no an older sister. IM NOT THAT OLD. Bye oppa's I gave them hugs and key acted like I was getting married off. Seriously I'll see you again. Minwoo had to pry his hands off me. Key gave him the glare and Minwoo told me that I WAS ALONE! How could you! At least Jiyong came to my rescue. I was running with Jiyong outside to the car where my brother ditched us to. Key was acting like a grandma. You know the ones saying get of my lawn, but it was directed to Jiyong only and added a threat. Jiyong just smirked and made me run faster with him.

Please Cheer up! The sun won't come out! People are putting you down show them it's hard to put you down!
Don't give up life has it's up and downs! If you belive in heaven you know it's our reward. This life is a test.
Are you still down? Think about your biases find alternatives~ Go put a high beat song out and go party it out!
No friend, guess what ! Make one there are many good people out there. Life is difficult be positive and it will pay off.
SO SMILE!! and remember people out there who never met you want to be your friend. Everyone is wonderful in there own way! 



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I kinda came across this fic by chance when I googled weird taemin face and clicked on images..... <3 haha I like it
update! XD palli!
LOL! So funny! update soon :D
You must wondering why she said Taemin
because Taemin and her dad had a problem, but that part of the story I don't want to tell ;)
.....lee junki? AWESOME UPDATE!! Now remember I love threatening people, therefore you MUST update or else....________Zarah
OMG LOVE THE STORY!!!! Lee junki, lee junki, leejunki!!!______Amna
new reader. Update soon :D
I can't believe that just happened! *blushing to the color of blood* omo can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update! Arussaw??
Wait I do not hold any secrets..........................
Kpop is not a secret!!!! And I got nothing else.T^T
Awwww "wondering where lee junki is hiding" solo cute!!!! "still looking" UPDATE QUICKER!!! OR I'll tell your dad ALL your secrets!! Muahahaa!!!! "STILL looking for lee junki" WHERE'S JUNKI???? Eh??
Iheartlife #10
Yay! An update :D