Confronting time!

It's My Choice?

Had a bad day ~ sing it out.~~





Jiyong swallowed hard and removed his hand off of Eun na's shoulder.
Eun na held Jiyongs hand under the table squeezing it harder as her father came close with a face that said if you come in my way your dead.  

The moment was coming near where She would be asked who was Jiyong and she had to reply ...b...oy...friend. 

Who is this? Joon questioned his daughter raising a eyebrow. 

Taemin I don't think I can watch!
Don't act like a baby and tuffin up.
Taemin said swallowing hard and regretting what he just said. 

Joon's hand smashed against the table.

Minwoo and Taemin were hugging each other as if the of a horror film was an inch away.
Amber and T.O.P which were a couple of  tables away.
T.O.P's eyes were wide opened as Amber was covering her eyes in T.O.P's chest.

  35685_442891691801_182084146801_5863236_ he he he he he he..........
He is what Eun na?

Eun na's breath quickened. He he he isss.....................

Jiyong stood up. They were still holding hands. She was jerked the curse of unable to speak was replaced with fear. Sitting was way better unable to see her father's face. She knew what he was thinking, but now the unpredictable moment led her to see
exactly what she did not want to see. Her body was pulled up leading her eyes to look toward her dad's pissed of face.



Jiyong got up and ran. How awkward.

Let's get out of here Amber.

Taemin let's go. Minwoo grabbed his hand pulling him god knows where.

Jiyongs hair was pushed back by the breeze coming from the opened window.

UN Hun. Eun na hugged him.
Oppa I'm staying with you. I will convince him.

She laid her head on Jiyong's chest.
I wish your dad wasn't like this. It's so annoying!


This startled Jiyong. He is my father I will not tolerate anything against him or you will either get punished or I'm leaving you.
I'm sorry! Sorry!
You know how hard he worked. I remember him coming home late, and when he and mom got into fights he would always be there.
Eun na!
Her face looked to Jiyong.
Im sorry I won't promise just please don't cry.
I'm crying?
Her hands went to her face feeling something wet.
Oh! I am. Jiyong hugged her removing the space between them.
I will take care of you. Jiyong began to sing to the girl in his arms. 

Outside the door stood a man smirking. He leaned against the door. It was Joon.
I guess he will be fine.
Eun na I hope you made the right decision.
Joon turned walking.

Oh there you are Minwoo. Minwoo froze, his smile was twitching.
Son I'm going to the hotel make sure you and Eun na get there by eight o'clock.
Ok dad.

He was smiling?
Taemin it looks like Jiyong's in.

What? WOHOOO! We won.
Shut up! We are in a hospital.
Also it looks like it. I will confirm it tomorrow ok!

Ok! Now let's find Amni.
Ya about that.
They are in that room.

This one!

Taemin went walking poked his head in and it came out with wide eyes then his eyes turned to scary things. As he was a was about to kill.
Oh ! Minwoo held him back with my two hands.


Amni's tired eyes opened to see her idiotic brother really pissed off..............





   ......."Ya ~ my last name is spelled like that not pronounced!"
seconed semester new teacher apperently when she decided to call me that for the whole period we would be together .  I gave her a good face and told her straight I'm not planning to go through that every day! Especially in the morning!p

I also learned I'm very underestimated. Good girl what the do you mean? Aparently I'm known as a girl who *cough* would'nt hurt or harm anyone. An "angel"
Oh My God, I was in shock ! I have anger issues and also love rock and fighting, action movies! How do I fall in that catagory ??? I feel totally lost ?.?

>.< Comment and Subscribe pweaseeee

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no comment? Fine no chapter T^T

he is ..

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I kinda came across this fic by chance when I googled weird taemin face and clicked on images..... <3 haha I like it
update! XD palli!
LOL! So funny! update soon :D
You must wondering why she said Taemin
because Taemin and her dad had a problem, but that part of the story I don't want to tell ;)
.....lee junki? AWESOME UPDATE!! Now remember I love threatening people, therefore you MUST update or else....________Zarah
OMG LOVE THE STORY!!!! Lee junki, lee junki, leejunki!!!______Amna
new reader. Update soon :D
I can't believe that just happened! *blushing to the color of blood* omo can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update! Arussaw??
Wait I do not hold any secrets..........................
Kpop is not a secret!!!! And I got nothing else.T^T
Awwww "wondering where lee junki is hiding" solo cute!!!! "still looking" UPDATE QUICKER!!! OR I'll tell your dad ALL your secrets!! Muahahaa!!!! "STILL looking for lee junki" WHERE'S JUNKI???? Eh??
Iheartlife #10
Yay! An update :D