The question rises! Author~ *Finalllly!!!*

It's My Choice?

 He dragged me to his room and sat me down on his bed.
Jiyong what's going on! Why are so upset? Is it because of Jun Ki!
Why are you and Lee Jun Ki like this? Are you like enemies. If you are!
WHY DIDN'T I KNOW! You guys are like from a drama or an anime. For god sakes I could feel the tension!
Are you going to speak to me or not?
Eun na listen were not enemies, but it's starting to look like that.
What! There has to be a reason.

Eun na ~ *only if she knew my feelings*
For god sakes tell me!
I don't want to!
WHY! I've told you everything.

It's not the time. *to confess to you*
Do you take me as a child?
I told you. I may act like that, but my father and brother are only allowed to treat me like that!

 ............................ *I can't! Not know. It's suposed to be a special moment.
I don't want that stupid bastard the reason of telling her

*why is she doing this to me, can't she. She's actin like she's my wife.
Even though, I wouldn't mind that.*

FINE! I'll go find Jun Ki and ask him myself!
No, stop!

He grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me close to him.
Eun na, I have feelings for you. I don't want you to answer me now, but in the afternoon come to my room.
Then pushed me out of the door and whispered.
"I just wish, I could have told you without Jun Ki being the reason!"
With that I walked to my room silently. I was to shocked with just happened.
Does that mean Jiyong was jealous? Ok, but he went over the top.
I don't think so ,he usually is calm.
Hun? Could it been Jun Ki was provoking him?
O god to many questions! I might be totally be wrong. Not time to think about his action ,but what will I say in the afternoon. God help me! I hate this! How do I know I like him? Aigoo I need to rest. I'll take a nap for few minutes.
I deserve it.

to all who's birthday is today Jan 11 -two of my friends birthday today!! 

NOW, comment! and subscribe ~
^^  ♥~ please!!         if im happy i'll release two chapters :)


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I kinda came across this fic by chance when I googled weird taemin face and clicked on images..... <3 haha I like it
update! XD palli!
LOL! So funny! update soon :D
You must wondering why she said Taemin
because Taemin and her dad had a problem, but that part of the story I don't want to tell ;)
.....lee junki? AWESOME UPDATE!! Now remember I love threatening people, therefore you MUST update or else....________Zarah
OMG LOVE THE STORY!!!! Lee junki, lee junki, leejunki!!!______Amna
new reader. Update soon :D
I can't believe that just happened! *blushing to the color of blood* omo can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update! Arussaw??
Wait I do not hold any secrets..........................
Kpop is not a secret!!!! And I got nothing else.T^T
Awwww "wondering where lee junki is hiding" solo cute!!!! "still looking" UPDATE QUICKER!!! OR I'll tell your dad ALL your secrets!! Muahahaa!!!! "STILL looking for lee junki" WHERE'S JUNKI???? Eh??
Iheartlife #10
Yay! An update :D