-Chapter 5-

Why Pick On Me?

"It wasn't an accident. It never was!" Sehun shouted while pushing Luhan further to the wall.

Luhan stuttered while wincing, "Th-Then why'd you d-do it?"

"Because I hate how you make me feel and I want you to stop." The taller said through gritted teeth.

"Y-You can't stop feelings S-Sehun." Luhan smiled weakly before blacking out


"What did you do?!" Kris said while glaring at Sehun.

"I don't know! I got out of control I guess." Sehun mumbled.

Kris lifted Sehun by the collar.

"You don't even ing care don't you."


"Forget this friendship... Forget Luhan." Kris said, slowly putting Sehun down.

The shorter stood, shocked and hurt before storming out to go to the hospital.


"Goddammit Sehun." Jongin said.

The group was sitting outside Luhan's room, waiting to be able to go in.

"What? Why do you care so much huh?" Sehun snapped.

"Is it bad to care for a friend? To you it may be, but to us, it isn't."

"You could be so bipolar..." Kyungsoo said with watery eyes.

"I just want to get rid of the goddamn feeling."

"Then leave, and become lonely, that's technically what you're asking for." Baekhyun said.

"Why do you care more for Luhan, then me?! You know me longer than him!"

"Because Luhan isn't some careless bastard." Yixing said.

"You better fix this maknae, Kris is so pissed he won't even leave the dorm." Tao said.


"How does it feel to be called maknae this time huh?"

"It.... It doesn't feel the same."

In a flash, Sehun was holding his now red cheek that Xiumin's hand collided with.

"Fix this." Was all Xiumin said through gritted teeth before leaving.

The others left, leaving Sehun alone.


Sehun was aloud to see Luhan after a while.

When Sehun got in the room he saw Luhan all covered in bruises and red marks.

All because of him.

The taller sat down on the chair beside the bed.

"I-I don't like it...." Sehun said while looking at Luhan.

Hearing this, Luhan's eyes opened slowly.

"W-What don't you like?" Luhan croaked out.

"I think you know." Sehun chuckled lightly.

"Oh" Luhan said, then smiled.

Why do I feel like this when you smile? Sehun thought, feeling the slight tingle in his stomach.



"Can you... Can you help me find a way... to like this feeling?"

Tears found its way to Luhan's eyes, "Sure Sehun."

When Sehun left the room, Luhan let the tears find their way down his face.


The next day, Luhan's hand was held.

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Chibbypanda #1
Chapter 7: hope sehun remain loving and caring always! i like this change in him!
Chibbypanda #2
Chapter 6: i feel this tingling feeling too right now!!!!!! hunhan is so cute though sehun was jerk first i hope he now change for good!!!!! who is jongin's boyfriend and why sehun punch him??? nice story authormin!!!
Chapter 5: Awh. That's cute at the end "Luhan's hand was held" awhhhhh
Asdfghjklzz #4
Chapter 5: Aww sehun's a jerk but I hope he change.
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update ❤️✨ :))
Chapter 2: Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨