Chapter 4

Be Somebody's Fool {BTS - Yoonmin}

It’s probably only an hour later, the others having gone off doing something somewhere else, when Jimin finds himself sitting by the bar, having just done four different shots with Taehyung after he was dragged there. Taehyung had only stayed for a few minutes around to see the aftermath, but eventually he left with a hearty slap to Jimin’s shoulder and drifted off to the dance floor.


And in that short span of time minutes since Taehyung left, Jimin has witnessed some kind of fight between Namjoon and some other guy, seen Taehyung down two other fruity cocktails at another bar across the club, and noticed the clear onset of tipsiness in himself. 


Jimin head spins as he sits at the bar, his jacket forgotten and part of his shirt torn on the edge. His body feels heavy and tired, but yet still buzzing with energy at the same time. He’s sitting and watching the lights of the dance floor reflect off the bottles behind the bar when he sees someone walk up from behind him and join him at his right side.


‘Having fun?’ He hears Yoongi’s accented voice drift over to his drunken ears. Jimin turns to him slowly and takes in his appearance, which now seems to be even more otherworldly to Jimin’s inebriated mind with Yoongi’s light hair glowing like a halo in the lights and his dark eyes holding his own intensely. 


Jimin vaguely nods and feels his head spin at the action. He’s always been a lightweight, so the fact that he is feeling dizzy after a few shots, albeit intense shots, is no surprise to him. Yoongi just pats his shoulder sympathetically with a warm hand, though when Jimin looks back at him, he can see an unreadable expression on his face, something soft and understanding.


Jimin’s drunk mind suddenly has an idea and he stands up, which is a mistake, because as soon as he does he sways precariously on unstable feet, having to regain his balance with a grip on his bar stool. Jimin turns to Yoongi and leans up close to him, pulling his hand up and bringing it to rest on the back of Yoongi’s neck in a sudden move of drunken confidence, finally pulling their faces closer together.


He might be imagining it but he could swear he sees Yoongi’s eyes widen through his drunken haze, and his dark gaze jump to Jimin mouth now that they’re closer than ever. 


‘Wanna dance?’ Jimin says in Yoongi’s ear, surprisingly not all that slurred, and pulls back after so he can he look into Yoongi’s eyes.


yeah’, Yoongi replies, a slight slur to his voice a sign of their possible mutual drunkenness, and slides a hand around Jimin’s waist and turns, pulling him across to the dance floor with intent. 


Jimin can see the others dancing among the crowd, but most notably he can see Taehyung grinding with Jungkook in the middle, obviously putting on a show and attracting the attention of other dancing patrons around them.


Jimin’s attention is pulled from Taehyung and Jungkook and drawn back to Yoongi when he turns to him and pulls on his waist again. Jimin takes this as his cue and starts to dance, getting close with Yoongi as the bass drops heavy and dirty in the background. The air of the club changes then, the energy Jimin felt before multiplying tenfold as he dances close with Yoongi, breathing the same air as they move. They eventually drift even closer than before and Jimin's heart is racing in his chest as he locks eyes with Yoongi, who Jimin now notices is just slightly taller than him. This revelation makes Jimin’s heart skip. He tilts his head up then and watches as Yoongi closes his eyes and Jimin decides to escalate the dance, pressing his thighs against Yoongi’s as snakes a hand up and back around the back of Yoongi’s neck just as he had before. The movement seems to bring Yoongi’s attention right back to Jimin as his gaze snaps back down, their eyes meeting with a rush of energy. 


Yoongi’s eyes look dark, but when the lights flash for a moment, Jimin can see his pupils dilated so much that there is barely a sliver of dark brown left around them. This makes an intense and sudden spike of arousal curl in Jimin’s gut as he leans to press his forehead against Yoongi’s, their lips almost touching. 


In the back of Jimin’s mind, a little voice tells him that he shouldn't really be grinding with a man like Yoongi, but the more in control drunk part of his mind decides that, because Yoongi is hot, he really doesn’t care. 


They continue to dance, pressed together and Jimin feels the arousal he felt get even more intense as Yoongi pulls his head back slightly, his gaze still locked with Jimin’s and his mouth open slightly, and moves his hand lower down Jimin’s back and pulls their hips flush together. Yoongi’s arousal is evident, and Jimin almost moans at the contact. 


Jimin then takes the situation into his own hands and decides he wants more. Craning his head forward, he goes to press their lips together, but pauses just before. He looks into Yoongi’s eyes for confirmation, but when he does, Yoongi answers his unsaid question and connects their lips together in a searing kiss. 


He can’t help but let out a moan, though impossible to hear over the thumping bass of the music, when Yoongi bites on Jimin’s lip gently and deepens the kiss. Their lips slide together for a few moments, making the arousal in Jimin’s gut reach an all time high, even though he is only kissing Yoongi. 


Yoongi pulls away briefly, breaking the kiss, and Jimin feels a slight pang of disappointment cloud his mind, but the feeling disappears when Yoongi begins to press hot open-mouthed kisses to his jaw. Now Jimin audibly groans, his hand that had been on the back of Yoongi’s neck going up into Yoongi’s soft blonde locks. 


Jimin’s head swims as Yoongi continues to kiss down his jaw and eventually his neck, his strong scent filling Jimin’s nose, all while they still dance to the heavy music from the club. Yoongi eventually pulls away, but not before what is an undoubtedly a very visible red mark on to his neck. 


He is brought back to reality when Yoongi looks intensely into his eyes. They are still pressed close together and moving to the music, but something about Yoongi’s gaze is different this time. Jimin understands when Yoongi begins to move, pulling Jimin by his hand out of the crowd slowly and out near the bar area. 


Jimin wants to whine at the loss of Yoongi’s body heat as they walk through the crowd, but he soon forgets that feeling when he sees Yoongi leading him to the bathroom in the back. They reach the door and Yoongi opens it roughly, the door swinging back and hitting the wall, which does not help Jimin’s giddy-drunk state as the show of strength has him squirming in anticipation. 


Yoongi leads Jimin, still by his hand, into the open stall at the end, completely ignoring the other patrons as they walk by quickly. When they get inside the fairly large stall, Jimin has the mind to quickly kick the door shut before Yoongi rounds on him and pushes his back against the side of the stall roughly. Jimin barely has time to react before Yoongi connects their lips enthusiastically, his hand coming to rest on the side of Jimin’s neck. Jimin just moans and kisses him back with the same energy. 


They stay like that for a moment before Jimin decides this time he will decide what they do. He breaks the kiss and leans forward, grabbing Yoongi’s surprisingly narrow waist and flipping them, so Yoongi is being pressed against the side of the stall by Jimin’s hand. Yoongi’s eyes widen for a second, a surprised expression on his face, but it’s quickly replaced by a slight smirk. Yoongi seems to appreciate the move, so Jimin moves his head down to Yoongi’s neck, placing hot open-mouthed kisses just as Yoongi had done to him. He even decides to leave a mark of his own, effectively claiming Yoongi as his. Just the thought itself makes another strong wave of arousal flow over him. 


He goes back to continue kissing Yoongi when he suddenly feels Yoongi’s hand wrap around his waist and then he is flipping them again, so now Jimin has his back pressed up against the wall. The shifting dynamic has Jimin feeling dizzy and even more light headed as Yoongi resumes control. 


Their lips mold back together, but this time, Yoongi uses one hand to hold the side of Jimin’s neck, and uses the other to reach down and lightly grab Jimin through his jeans. The touch makes Jimin moan slightly and cants his hips towards Yoongi’s hand, feeling his heart pounding in his ears and the skin of Yoongi’s palm suddenly feeling too warm and heavy on his neck.


Jimin breaks the kiss to lean his head back against the wall as Yoongi him through his jeans, his neck stretched taught, and he can hear Yoongi’s heavy breathing loud echoing his own in the stall, the oppressing noise of the club seemingly far away. 


Yoongi leans forward, his palm pressed heavily to Jimin’s arousal, and breathes out a barely audible ‘beautiful…’ as Jimin bites his lip and looks into Yoongi’s eyes. 


Jimin has a response on his tongue when he hears the door of the bathroom opening loudly, and Namjoon’s even louder voice calling Yoongi’s name.


‘Yoongi! I need you out here!’ A pause rings out as he probably waits for a response. Jimin can see Yoongi’s brow creasing and a deeply annoyed frown forming on his handsome face. He seemingly ignores Namjoon in favor of going back to kissing Jimin, and Jimin really can’t complain. They continue to kiss, the kiss getting more and more heated, Namjoon apparently forgotten. 


Maybe it’s because they are too focused on each other, but Jimin doesn't really register the loud banging noises he is hearing as the sound of other stall doors opening. It’s not until the door on the stall that Jimin and Yoongi are in flies open and hits the wall with a jarring bang does Jimin realize that Namjoon was looking for them by kicking in every door. 


Yoongi pulls away and breaks the kiss, whipping his head around and locking eyes with Namjoon who is now standing at the door of the stall and looking at them with a dangerous look, his eyes focused and sober unlike Yoongi and Jimin’s.


Yoongi seems to realize the compromising position they’re in and backs away slightly, but not completely, and moves his hand to Jimin’s waist in what is almost a protective gesture. Jimin feels his heart skip a beat pathetically at the gesture but mourns the loss of the full contact they had the moment before. He does soon ignore that slightly, so he can figure out what was so important that Namjoon needed to interrupt them. 


Before either Yoongi or Jimin can ask the obvious question of why Namjoon was there, he speaks up.


Princess is here,’ he grits out as he regards Yoongi with a very dark expression. Yoongi stiffens at the mention of the name and looks back at Jimin in what seems to be a nervous glance. The sudden change of air has Jimin sobering slightly with the tension.


Yoongi then turns to fully face Jimin, his hand still on Jimin’s waist.


‘I guess you’re going to meet Princess’. He does not sound like he wants Jimin to meet this ‘Princess’. 


Jimin wonders why they’ve dragged the meeting out so much, and with the way Yoongi said it, Jimin can’t help but feel nervousness curl in his gut, replacing all traces of the feelings he felt before with Yoongi. 


Jimin decides not to ask and just see for himself. He nods tersely, and Namjoon gestures for them to follow him. Yoongi removes his hand from Jimin’s waist to hold Jimin’s hand as they walk, and Jimin feels an odd sense of dread settle in him, even with Yoongi’s gesture. If he had not been going to meet Princess, someone he has come to realize is probably a leader of some sort for Bangtan, he probably would have stopped to really think about what he just did with Yoongi. Jimin really likes Yoongi, even though he threatened him. Maybe the fact that his new ‘friends’ are gang members hasn't really caught up to him yet, and given the fact that he knows close to nothing about them, he doesn’t know why he's even here. 


His thoughts begin to make him dizzy and the sharp edges of panic begin to settle in his stomach as Namjoon shoves open the door of the bathroom.


They are just out of the bathroom when Jimin sees a flustered Hoseok come up to Namjoon, who's just stopped in front of him and Yoongi. 


‘Joon, uh, we need your help at the bar–‘ he pauses, looking around Namjoon’s side, almost looking for something, and settles his gaze finally on Jimin where he is standing by Yoongi’s side. Hoseok’s eyes widen almost comically when he sees Jimin, and he can hear Namjoon questioning him as he begins to walk froward with purpose, eventually reaching Jimin’s side and grabbing his arm, trying to pull him along back into the bathroom without even sparing Yoongi a glance. 


Before Hoseok can pull Jimin away, Yoongi tugs on the hold he still has on Jimin’s left hand and pulls Jimin back against his side. This stops Hoseok, who also still has a hold on Jimin’s right arm. 


‘What the hell is your problem, Hope? We’re taking him to meet Princess,’ Yoongi bites out angrily, glaring slightly as he puts a certain emphasis on the word ‘Princess’. 


‘Exactly Yoongi, that’s the problem. You can’t take Jimin. Before he left, Princess told me he didn't want us to tell Jimin about us or the club, or you. You, and me, are ed if he sees Jimin,’ Hoseok hisses urgently, leaning forward so Yoongi can hear his low voice over the loud music.


Jimin wonders how they could forget something like that, but doesn't voice this as the panic he felt before comes back again, this time worse. Yoongi expressions doesn't help. A pained looking grimace morphs his features, making Jimin very scared of this Princess person. 


,’ Yoongi bites out eloquently, quickly gesturing to Hoseok to follow him as he starts walking briskly away from the bathroom area, pulling Jimin along with him. Hoseok follows, his own hand still on Jimin’s other arm, making Jimin feel a little bit claustrophobic as he is pulled forward between the two taller men. Before he can protest to the manhandling of his torso, they walk into an area of the main floor, and they are greeted by the sight of a tall man standing just in front of them in a black suit. When Jimin looks at the man's face, what he sees makes his blood run cold.


Princess,’ Hoseok greets tersely, and Jimin stands there frozen, unable to speak as he stares up at the man who has likely not noticed Jimin’s presence just yet.


‘Hoseok, Yoongi, you know I hate that name,” he pauses, “so, who’s thi –‘ the man cuts himself as he flicks his gaze down to Jimin’s face. Upon making eye contact with him, he freezes, his eyes widening.


Jimin,’ he chokes out in surprise, taking a small step forward.


Jimin can’t reply as he stares into the eyes of one of his closest friends, the very friend who had told him to stay away from gangs and to always wear a scarf when he went out in the cold at night.




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Hello readers! After only about 20 years, Be Somebody's Fool has finally been updated! I sincerely hope you enjoy this remastered version along with the shiny new 5th chapter <3


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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Omg you're back! Yasss O(≧∇≦)O finally! (´∀`) thank you for updating (●´∀`●) i thought you wont continue this story anymore ╥﹏╥ but im glad you're back ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)...
If i were chim I'd be scared af too, and would faint too, having a close friend who you've known for a long time and suddenly discovering that person isn't really who you thought that person is. (T▽T) ....(Top 10 anime betrayals. Lmao) ....oh and its nice that theyre not actually bad people, i didnt expect that, i thought they're like full on gangsters and scary people and on the top of the game lol.. Aaand also where and what happened to tae? (@◇@)
Chapter 4: Its already December but still no update,
o(╥﹏╥)o ill wait for you authornim, i hope your doing ok <3
Chapter 4: Author nimmmm when are u gonna update??! I love your story,~~~~ T.T ❤❤❤?
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 4: i don't know who's in trouble here....The mom, who kept a secret, or the new born, who is not supposed to be there in the club...
ThebombKat #5
Chapter 4: OMG YAS!
I was really waiting for an update and then suddendly boom its here! Thank you sooo much for this update!
Yoonmin though ;)
Jimins mom is here and now he's in trouble ;)
Chapter 4: wohoooo n.n nice update! that kissing scene was hot and oops mama SeokJin is in trouble for hiding something so important from Jimin
Aimz19 #7
Chapter 3: waaah
thank you authornim, i've been looking for mafia aus for ever!!!!!!!
AngelOfV #8
Chapter 3: Omg update pl
Chapter 2: wah this is super interesting!! Please update, author-nim!
Chapter 2: It's soooo interesting ❤. ❤ I love it !